Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, October 14, 1915, Image 7

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    News Notes from All Sections
Call and get yours
P O C K E T T I P S T H E GO OD O U P Q t ~)
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. LaBarre
o f the famous Log LaBarre re­
sort last Friday entertained at
| dinner, Messrs. F. D. Hunt and
| K. M. Townsend o f the P. R. L.
j & P. Co. These men were en-
I thusiastic over the possibilities
j of this resort and will attempt to
I increase its popularity, as an at-
I traction to draw travellers over
I their lines.
A filled N E E D L E C A S E
Compliments of
F. E. Beckwith,
The Jeweler
Adjoining Marchbank’8
cA C row n R oast
a filet o f veal or any other fancy
cut o f meat can be bought here
just as satisfactory by the young
housekeeper as by the most ex­
perienced. All the customer need
do is to select the meat and form
desired and trust to us that the
meat, the weight and the price
will be all right.
George Guttridge and family
] o f Springwater, accompanied by
j his neice. Miss Wava Herring o f
Estacada, left last week for Cul-
I lison, Kansas, where they will
! make their future home. Mrs. |
Dora Herring o f Estacada, a sis­
ter, will keep house for her brolh-
j ors, James and Joe Guttridge, on j
their Springwater place.
The Elwood school began Mon­
day, Oct. 11th, with Miss Lula
Sprouse o f California, in charge.
A SK your dealer for W -B Cut
Chewing Tobacco. It is the
new “ Real Tobacco Chew”—cut long
shred— or send 10c in stamps to us.
W EYM A N -BR U T O N COM PANY, 50 Union Square, New York City
Eagle Creek Notes
V ) !lt A . f H . {"J. « JioWi'iid qtf
H. C. James and wife o f Oak
Grove have rented the L. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Milt Marshall,
fi who ^(lotiucKonJ
Congdon place near Estacada, as
Mrs. Henry Githens and Mrs. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Congdon are mov­ A. Woodle visited with Mrs.
ing to Portland, owing to Mr. Howlett last Thursday.
Congdon’s health.
Roy Douglass and wife spent
As a trade stimulator, F. E. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Beckwith, the Estacada jeweler, Benson, o f Logan.
Having taken the agency for the
is giving away to the ladies only,
| a filled souvenir needle case.
Wirt Nursery Stock
wife were the guests o f Mrs.
Mrs. Carl Anderson o f Elwood Howlett over Saturday night, re­
has rented her 40 acre farm to a turning home Sunday afternoon. in this section, I will be pleased
to call on anyone wishing
party from Portland, who h a s'
Mrs. Glover and Mrs. Mary
moved on.
Trullinger spent a pleasant day
Good Nursery Stock
One o f the regular monthly with Mrs. Howlett last Friday.
Write, Phone or Call on
dancing parties was held at the
Miss Edna Kennedy was a
| George Commercial & Social Club guest at the home o f Mrs. A. E.
Sam J. Howe - Fstacada
last Saturday evening, with a Alspaugh Sunday.
good attendance.
The refresh­
Fred Hoffmeister and daughter
ments were served by the Joy­
Myrtle, went to Portland Monday
ners, Wiederholds and Scheels.
Bread and Rolls are better
to see Ernest Hoffmeister, who
isatthe Good Samaritan Hospital.
and easier to make with
Reservoir Elevation Ascertained
Thomas Eaden, the genial mer­
Through the courtesy and e f­ chant o f Viola, was in the neigh­
forts o f Engineer Hal Rands o f borhood Monday buying chick­
the Oregon City Water Commis­ ens, taking dinner with R. B.
sion, assistant engineer White Gibson and wife.
Ask for it at the
has determined the exact eleva­
tion o f the Estacada reservoir,
S. E. Wooter o f Estacada is
East Clackamas Supply Co.
being 701 feet above sea-level.
spending a week on a hunting
Doubt was expressed as to
whether the water from the and fishing trip on the coast.
South Fork pipe line would flow
Drs. Brown and Harrison of
To Late To Classify
into the reservoir, in case Esta- Portland, veterinarians, have ar­
| cada obtained water from this
In as much as the in- j ranged to establish headquarters WANTED Medium sized heat­
| take o f the South Fork line is at j in Yonce’ s barn, Estacada, every ing stove. Must be in good con­
an elevation o f about 730 feet Saturday.
dition and cheap for cash.
and the water is forced over the
S. J. Howe, Progress office.
Springwater divide at an eleva- j
I tion o f 702 feet, this question is
Coop home in Currinsville, in
Taxidermist Opens Shop
As to whether Estacada buys honor o f their daughter, Mrs.
Only a few close friends of
i water from Oregon City depends George Guttridge and husband,
Tom Carter o f Garfield are aware
entirely on the outcome o f the
f negotiations now under way be­ prior to their moving to Cullison, o f the fact that he is an expert
tween the Estacada City Council Kansas.
taxidermist and has for some­
and the neighboring water com­
Three fine young horses belong­ time been practising the art.
As soon as Oregon
In the rear o f Log LaBsrre he
City has its water completely in­ ing to Frank Boyer o f Currins­
stalled, the commission will find ville have died within the past has constructed a neat shop, with
time to consider the local appli­ few weeks and a fourth animal its walls a mass o f mounted deer
is now sick. The disease seems heads, pheasants, fish and other
The residents o f Oregon City to be similar to the malady which game.
He also specializes on
are now using the South Fork
hide rugs and is equipped to han­
I water, although all o f the city’s attacked and killed many cows in
main are not yet handling it, but this vicinity last Spring and Sum­ dle orders for all kinds o f taxi­
dermy work.
I will be in a few days.
For E ggs
Paldcc Meat Market
Fred Jorg,
Phone Main 83.
Estacada, Oregon
Sportsmen’s Headquarters
Guns and Ammunitions
Rods and Fishing Tackle
Kodaks and Supplies
Ed Boner
School Supplies
There is not- a line o f tablets that
compare with the Rexall line. We
are 'exclusive agents for them. You
had better look them over before you
buy your school supplies.
Estacada Pharmacy
Flcischmann’s Yeast