Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, October 14, 1915, Image 6

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or month, thus furnishing an out­ or a dollar is found for which n o;
let to the journalistic tendencies other use can be imagined. Hut l
of many of the students, besides aside from these minor consider- j
furnishing an instructive and en­ ations the newspaper field offers
Published every Thursday at
tertaining chronicle of the stu- an enticing future with an occa­
Estacada, Oregon
sional meal.
K. M. Standi.«)!, Editor and M anager dent activity.
Owing to the expense of issue-
The Aurora Observer in an ed­
Entered at the postotfiee
poatotfiee in Estaeada,
a paper> 8uch an innovation itorial, champions the cause of j
Oregon, as aecond-class mail.
probably could not be started in the persecuted farmer during
S u b sc r ipt io n H a t e s
' ; the Estacada High school, but these trying days, when the;
One year
$1.00 the Progress will give the schoo^ hunters are daily slaughtering j
Six months
.50 a one column space each week" his livestock, while in search of
----------------------------------------------- in which they may present all Chinese pheasants.
| school n e w s, announcements,
Thursday, Oct. 14, 1915
The Progress also has for sale [
jokes, satire, witticisms, etc. It “ No Trespassing” signs and has
will have to be understood that lately heard the woes of the far­
Let’s everybody fool the new
the students elect a school editor mer, with the added horrors and
minister next Sunday by attend­
and assistants and that all copy bloody details of this slaughter
ing church and he will take it
be ready at the Progress office, of cattle.
for granted that we are old
Monday morning of each week.
The farmer cannot be blamed
Here is an opportunity for the for not wishing to have unknown
Next Sunday, takeotf five min­ development of latent journalis­ hunters trespassing his lands,
utes and carefully examine the tic aspirations and who can tell leaving his gates open, walking
boards in your sidewalk and if but that E. H. S. may someday over newly planted ground and
they need repairing, takeotf five honor among its alumni, future generally acting as nuisances.
to ten minutes longer and still Horace Greeleys, Ben Franklins, But if one believed the stories of
Edgar B. Pipers or even E. E. slaughtered livestock, it would
find time to attend church.
Brodies or E. R. Browns.
look as though pheasants were
Stanfield, Oregon has organ­
The field of journalism is a hunted with 42 centimeter guns,
ized a livestock shipping associ­
wonderfully awe inspiring and 30-30 rifles or buck-shot loaded
ation, which is obtaining good
responsible one, furnishing the shells, instead of birdshot.
results by co-operative shipping;
There have probably been in­
writer a chance to mold the mor-
of stock to the Portland Union | als, sentiments and development' stances where careless hunters
Stock Yards. It will be but a I of communities, offering unlimit- have sprinkled a cow with bird-
short time before Estacada forms
. .
. ' !ed scope to practice the highest shot, possibly causing the animal
a similar assignation and notice | obiigations to thdr fellow men to flick its tail or dance a few
is g,ven elsewhere of an attractivea n d ,astbutnot ^
the priv. steps and possibly in the instance
and novel meeting to be held for ilege of working ’steen hours per of a cow having constantly picked
this purpose in a few days.
day and wondering where th e; the shot wound with her finger
Growers of hogs in this com­ price of the next meal is coming nails, tetanus or blood poisoning
munity will be pleased to learn from.
(I ncorporated )
As a further warning to those
that the sire of the three pedi-
$200 For Display
greed boars awarded to winners; aspiring to editorial success. They
The county exhibit, which was
at the late George and Estacada must primarily bear in mind the
fairs, has again received the fact that an editor sometimes awarded fourth prize in its divi­
sion at the State Fair will be
highest honors of pigdom at the gets licked, sometimes , f s a | staged at the Manufactures &
1915 State Fair. This wonderful friend and sometimes is able to Land Products Show.
hog, “ Perfect Model,” is the get in a collection, although this
The county court appropriated
property of J. R. Cole of Molalla latter ray o f sunshine seldom $200. for this display, the exhibit
and has held tne Grand Cham- happens from a subscriber, for; had won $100. at the State Fair,
subscribers have inherited the I The contemplated E a s t e r n
pi inship for two years.
idea that newspaper si bscrip-1 Clackamas display, which w’as to
The members of the Oregon tions are never due, but like con­ have been staged by the P. R. L.
City Commercial Club, commonly tributions to religious work, pay­ & P. Co., has been given up, but
a more permanent exhibit is be­
known as the Live Wires, will able whenever the spirit moves ing considered.
visit the intake of the South Fork
pipe line. Sunday, October 17th,
making the trip in autos via
Estacada should make somei
overtures to entice these county
brothers to visit this city and to [
Prices lowered again, but the same Fcrd
extend their aulo trip sufficiently
car. The record of satisfactory performance
to allow of their viewing some of
the fine crushed rock roads lead-)
for more than 900,000 owners surely makes
ing to the city from all directions. I
ii the “ Universal Car” — the car you want.
Care should be taken that the
It meets the demands of professional and
pilgrims do not get a day-light
business men and brings pleasure to the
glimpse of the Broadway pave­
whole family. Simple, strong, reliable—
ment. rather allowing them to
economical in operation and maintenance.
reach our Great White Way after
the shades of night have decend-
Delivered at Estacada
The students of the Canby High
school last week issued the first1
copy of their school paper, called
"The Lampoon.”
The majority of colleges and
many high schools in the coun­
try issue a school paper each week I
Touring Car $493.25
On display and sale by
Estacada. Oregon.
Runabout $443.25
Pay Your Bills With Checks
and there will never be any disputes
about the payments. The cancelled
checks are the best of all receipts.
Checks are cheaper to send than
any other form of remittance.
These are only two of the many ad­
vantages of having an account at
this bank.
Estacada State Bank
LEROY D. WALKER. President
Vice President
Interest paid on time deposits.
C. E. Lucke
Livestock Buyer
sf Hogs, Cattle, Sheep
All shipments made from
Estacada Stock Yards
Phone W . Givens, Estacada agent,
and advise him of what you have
for sale, and I will call and
’ and s h i p m e n t .
Next Shipment
Wednesday, October 20th.
Weekly Oregonian
J. W . R E E D
Estacada Progress
Both For One Year