Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, October 14, 1915, Image 5

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    Road Budget Meetings
Something New
Each road supervisor will have
employ a legal advisor, book­
Heywood Guaranteed Mattresses keeper
and stenographer if he
wishes to perform the duties of
Call and inspect them
his office according to the revis­
ed road laws of the state.
Also Our New Line Of
All supervisors received a form
Wednesday from the coun-)
Dining Room Chairs
ty judge, as follows:
“ If
Solid Oak Dressers
wish to call a meeting for the
$13.75 and $15.75
levying of a special tax this year
it will be necessary foryou to fill
Writing and Business Desks
out the blank spaces, as to names
Library and Dining Chair*
date, etc., in the enclosed form
of notice and have the same pub­
lished in a newspaper at least 20
A few Go-Carts and Baby Buggies left
days before the date set for the
We handle the “ White” Sewing Machines
You should publish
this notice very soon in order to
A few Rag Rugs left at $1. each
call a second meeting to make
Our line of Rugs, of all kinds, is complete the tax levy at the proper time.
The notices for this second meet­
ing will be sent you later with
further instructions. H. S. An­
All flowered Wall-Paper up to
derson ”
35c a double roll cut to
Supervisor Duncan of District
10 has begun advertising here­
15c a double roll
Special with and other districts may do
so next week and still qualify ac­
cording to the opinion of Super­
visor Hunt, who is well versed
on the subject of road laws.
U ndertakers
Estacada Furniture Co.
Insurance For Farmers
$2. a day.
£10. a week
Hotel E stacada
Modern Conveniences
One of the most delightful Resorts
on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
p i l l a m i »iuiloï in tj Co.
C tiin a u n c «
the arrival of their
New Fall and
Winter Woolens
for Men’s and Women’s Suits
$ 28 . and up
Ladies’ Suits to order $ 40 . and
iie n ’s Suits to order
Henry W. Jacobson
322 Morrison Street
Portland Hotel Block
or other Organizations
Does your club room need
a new instrument?
you want a piano, olaver
piano, organ or phono­
graph? We will make
you a liberal allowance
on your present instru­
ment and will so arrange
the balance of vour pay­
ments, that the purchase of the new instrument will
not prove an embarassment to you.
Advise us of your wants and
ask for our price list of slight­
ly used pianos and organs.
R. M. Standisti
Estacada Agent
Portland, Oregon
Notice of Road Budget Meeting
Y. P. S. C. E. Social
The State Industrial Accident
Notice is hereby given that,
Commission of Salem have now The Christian Endeavor gave pursuant to Chapter 234, General
established a department to al­ a social at the Page Home, Fri­ Laws of Oregon 1913, and Chap­
low of the farmer and his help­ day evening, Oct. 8. The even­ ter 225, General Laws of Oregon
ers to obtain accident insurance ing was spent in music and games, 1915, a meeting o f the legal
at the same low rate, as offered
voters of Road District No. 10,
after which refreshments were
to manufacturers.
Clackamas County, Oegon, will
served to about forty-five. Ow­ be held at Tracy School House,
The rate for farming opera-;
tions in general farming includ-, ing to the fact that some of the in said District on the 2nd day of
ing all operations incident there­ football boys were present the Nov., 1915 at the hour of 7.30
to is 2'l of the payroll. Thresh­ young folks departed for home o’clock P. M., for the purpose of
considering the following esti­
ing, clover hulling, hay and straw at about ten.
mates of the amount of money
baling, 4%; prune drying, 1!*6;
to be raised by special tax in
woodcutting, 3%; and clearing
said District for the ensuing year.
A R e p o r t e r ’s S c o o p .
without blasting, 3J4 %; v*. ith
R e p o rte r— I’ve »rot m »rood piece of
blasting, 5%\ road w'ork, 3%. n ew
s h ere th is morning:. I’ve fo u n d n
In addition to the above from the person w ho has been confined to one Improvement and maintenance
employer, he is required to col­ room ids e n tire life. E d ito r—Hood! of Main Road $1581.
It up. W ho Is it? Ite|*>rter— W hy.
lect from the workman and re­ a send
three-day-old baby a t o u r ho u se.— Improvement and maintenance
mit with his own contribution P h ilad elp h ia R ecord.
of Folsom Road $450.
one cent a day from each work­
Improvement and maintenance
C onsolation.
man insured.
F irs t C rim in a l l a w y e r —F a c ta a re of Linglebach Road $450.
Many farmers of the state are stu b b o rn th in g s. Second C rim in al L aw ­
already availing themselves of y e r (cheerfully»—Oh, yes! If th e y w ere
not o u r fees w ould be sm a lle r.—P itts Improvements and maintenance
this insurance and others who b urgh P re ss
of - none.
may be interested may obtain
Down and Up.
full information by addressing,
H e w g a g —l i e ’s a low d ow n crook
receipts of said Road
Carl Abrams, commissioner State Rildiid—W ho’s a low d o w n cro o k ?
District from sources other than
Industrial Accident Commission, H ew g ag T h e m an h ig h e r up —C hicago from direct taxation upon real
H erald
Salem, Or.
and personal property for the en­
suing year - $1500.
$100 R e w a r d , $100
up I p l e T a h d e e d r c t o u d l i e r a s r n o f t h a t h t i s t h e p r a e p e i r s
You are cordially invited to call and
inspect our immense line of woolens.
Lodges, Clubs, Granges
w ill be
a t least
o n e d r e a d e d d i s e a s e t h a t K llB f il b $ l
b q e n a b l e to c u r e in a ll i t s s t a g e s , a n d
t h a t is c a t a r r h . C a t a r r h b e i n g g r e a t l y
i n f l u e n c e d b y c o n s t i t u t i o n a l c o n d it io n s
c o n s t it u t io n a l
tr e a tm e n t
H a ll s C a ta r r h C u r e is t a k e n in t e r n a lly
a n d a c t s t h r u t h e B lo o d o n th e M u c o u s
S u rfa c e s of th e S y ste m th e r e b y de-
s t r o y ln g th e fo u n d a tio n of th e disease,
g iv in g th e p a tie n t s tr e n g th by b u ild in g
up the co n stitu tio n and assistin g n a ­
t u r e in d o i n g it s w o r k
T h e p ro p rie -
t o r s h a v e so m u c h f a i t h in t h e c u r a t i v e
p o w e r s o f H a l l ’s C a t a r r h C u r e t h a t
t h e y offer One H u n d r e d D o lla rs for a n y
c a s e t h a t it f a i l s t o c u r e . S e n d f o r l i s t
of testim onials.
A d d r.s t
O hio
C H E N E Y A C O .. T o le d o .
Bold by a ll D ru g g ists. 76c.
Hunters Attention!
Amount of all Balances on hand -
Subscribed by three resident
freeholders of said district and
by the road supervisor of said
Deer Heads, Birds and Fish
district this 13th. day of October
a specialty
Mountings of all kinds
T. J. Reagan
G. R. Crawford
P ric e s on A pplication
I W. R. Reid
R . T. Carter, Taxidermist
C. H. Duncan - Road Supervi­
R. 1 Estacada, Or.
sor Road District, No. 10
Have your specimens mounted