ESTACADA PROGPrSíS Devoted V olume 9, N umber 3 FRANKLIN 14, ESTACADA 13 Game Played In Mud One of the best foot-ball games ever played in Estacada occured on the grounds last Saturday a f­ ternoon, before a good sized bunch of enthusiastic rooters of both sexes Both players and rooters paid little attention to the rain, being too intent on break­ ing up the plays o f the Franklin boys. The Estacada high school team made a better showing than had been hoped for against their heavier adversaries from Frank­ lin High school o f Portland, los­ ing by the narrow margin o f 13 to 14. The Franklin team came to Es­ tacada confident o f an easy vic­ tory with Dewey, the former 0. A. C. star as coach and with a line-up that averaged about ten pounds more per man than the local boys. The difference o f one point in the score was due to Franklin kicking both o f their goals before the hall became wat­ er soaked, while Estacada missed one, owing to its slipperiness. Coaches Irvine and Morton are more than satisfied with the showing made by the Estacada players, as the back field was ex­ tra strong with the line men showing great possibilities. For a first season game the team work was excellent, with a slight slow­ ness in forming the interference and an early season tendency to tackle too high. Next Saturday, October 9th, Estacada plays the Can by High school at Canby and our neigh­ bors are already claiming a vic­ tory, as they have a strong team this year and Coach Toby says the boys have taken to training with extra interest this year. Folsom, the new player on Es­ tacada ’s team, did not play in Saturday’s game, as Denny, for­ mer full-back, got back in time but Folsom will undoubtedly play against Canby and will probably be used in the line, where his brawn and nerve will strengthen the defense. Space will not allow of describ­ ing the game in detail, but every man played his position well and a few weeks more should find the home team in shape to win the county championship. The line­ up was as follows: Center, Schmidt Guards, Barr and Trullinger Tackles, R e e d , Sarver a n d Court right Ends, Bartlemay and Spack- man Quarter, Frazier Halves, Wagnef and Dale Full back, Denny Referee, Bob Morton lo the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County E stacada , O regon , T hursday , O ctober 7, 1915 MANY WILL ATTEND ALL DAY MEETING PUBLIC KINDERGARTEN NEEDtO Tax Now Based On Children Ov«_r Four Livestock Growers Should Get Together There The All Day Picnic Meeting to be held Friday, October 8th at the Garfield Country Club will be an opportune time for the farm-