Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 30, 1915, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 9,
N umjer 2
J. H. Newton of Hood River,
accompanied by G. A. Cobb of
Pori land, was an Estacada visitor
last Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Newton is a practical can­
nery rjjan, having been half own­
er, until this fall, of a big can­
nery at Hood River and is now
looking for a suitable location to
erect a other plant.
Mr. Newton has promised to
visit Estacada attain within a few
weeks, when he will thoroughly
investigate local conditions rela­
tive to acreage of desired fruit,
vegetables, etc. He especially
favors the planting of strawber­
ries of a certain variety and if he
decides to locate here, will be in
a position to guarantee, previous
to the planting, a price to be paid
at the cannery so the growers
may know in advance what to ex­
Mr. Newton is not a cannery
promotor and prefers to own his
own plant rather than to go in
on any cooperative deal.
This community will welcome
Mr. Newton and if he means
business, will find the growers
here ready to help in everyway.
Court Meeting Well Attended
E stacada , O regon ,
T hursday , S eptember 80. 1915
All Day Picnic Meeting
October 8th.
There will be an ail day com­
bination picnic and meeting of
the farmers at the Garfield Coun­
try Ciub, Friday October8th lo
discuss and consider several im­
portant farming subjects.
Several goou speakers will be
present, inc.lining such men as
Prof. Boquet, nead ol tlie garden­
ing depAitnicnt of Oregon Ag­
ricultural College, who will ex­
plain the raising and marketing
ol uioccoii, a kinu ot cabbage
resemotiug a cauliflower and
winch is particularly adapted to
local c,.iiuie.
Negotiations are under way to
have u r . McX’nerson, heau of the
farm marketing uepanment of
the same institution, as a speak­
er. 1» is aiso hoped that one of
the ot the Portland Un­
ion Stock i ards will he present,
to speak and answer questions
relating to cooperative snipping
of hogs and cattle. This later
subject is of vital interest to the
raisers of livestock in this sec­
tion at this tune and every farm­
er siioulu prolii by hearing this
subject presented oy a practical
stockyards mail.
The meeting will he given over
to a general discussion and ex­
change ot ideas on all subjects
kindred to l lie farm and all siiould
make it a point to attend. No
iunen wiil be served by the club
hut all visitors are requested to
| bring a picnic lunch.
About 400 taxpayers o f the
Special Attention
county attended the September
Just before going to press, we
meeting of the County Court at
are advised that the contemplat­
Oregon City last Saturday, at
ed exhibit at the Manufacturers
which meeting the matter o f re­
& Land Products Show, to have
duction of the number of road
been siaged by the P. R. L. & P.
d stricts was to be considered.
Co., of the resources adjacent to
A g.xxlly representation from
their lines, has been given up.
this part of the county were
Owing to unforseen obstacles,
present, including delegations
the company has decided not to
from George, Cur-insville, Eagle
make the exhibit and all parties
Creek and Garfield.
contemplating exhibiting are
If the court had previously
hereby notified. The company
seriously considered lessening the
w ishes to thank all for their in­
number of districts, they ad­
tended cooperation and assures
journed without having taken
them it is with regret that the
any definite action and it is not
display has had to be abandoned.
likely that any radical changes
will be made in the districts this
year, except the changing of a
ner, would pay for the cost of
few minor boundaries.
planking and the George resi­
One of the main objections to
dents will volunteer their ser­
the formation o f large road dis­
vices in doing the work.
tricts is the losing o f the neigh­
The court, while too busy to
borhood feeling with its readiness
give a definite answer to this
to vote special tax.
proposition, seemed favorably
The delegates'from George,
disposed to granting it. Gravel
headed by Supervisor Fred Lins,
would cost too much at this time
presented to the court a lequest
and plank would last for several
for $300. cash, which added to
years or until the districts were
the $540. appropriated in district I financially able to handle it.
No. 10 for the improvement of ; This stretch of road must he fixed
the George Bridge Road from its
this fall or it will he impassable
terminus through to Botkin’s cor-
alter the rains set in.
$1. P er Y ear
Heart Trouble Fatal to
Mrs. Bourbonia
The many friends, neigh! ors
and relatives of Mrs. Jack Bour-
I bonia of E.v.acada, were gready
| sh ickoti Monday evening to learn
o f her sudden death that after­
noon at her home i i Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Bourbonia were
. in Estacada last Sunday, letu n-
ing to their home in Portl ud
that afternoon. At that lime
Mis. Bourbonia bad complained
slightly of illness hut neither she
nor her husband had considered
it as serious.
Monday noon Mrs. Bout bonia
suffered another similar attack,
which alarmed two o f her nearby
friends; but within a short time
feeling better, she promised to
dress and join the ladies later in
the afternoon in the shopping
district. A t about 4:80 that
afternoon, her friends returned
and on visiting her room, found
her dead in bed, in a position to
imply that she hau lain down for
a short rest while dressing. A
physician who war at once sum­
moned, pronounced her death as
having occurred an hour or so
While Mrs. Bourbonia had not
been a lobust woman, she had
not suffered from any dangerous
heart trouble, although she was
subject to violent headaches,
which she continually treated
with headache tablets and may
have sulfeied from an overdose
on Monday, or as the result of
continued use of the medicine.
Mrs. Bourbonia w a s Miss
Mattie Bronson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Bionson of Es­
tacada and was aoout thirty-
seven years old. She had lived
in Estacada most of the time for
the past nine or ten years where
she had many close friends among
the younger folks, having always
taken an active part in the social
and religious activities.
The funeral services occurred
at 3:30 Tuesday afternoon at one
of the Portland undertaking
rooms, with Mr. Walter Givens
‘ o f Estacada officiating. The
body was taken from there to
her former home at Missoula,
Mont, for burial.
The deceased is survived by
her husband, J. B. Bourlmnia,
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas
Bronson, and her brothers, Neal
and Lee Bronson of Estacada.
0-C Land Grants Mill Unsettled
The delegates lo the conference
held in Salem last week, to coi,-
side ways and means of settling
the present tied up Oregon-Cali-
fornia land grants, seem to agree
on one thing and that was to place
the land in the han^s of the actual
settlers for $2.50 per acre and
not to put any of it in forest
Those two requests or suggest­
ions to Congress represent the
work accomplished by this con­
ference, called by Governor With-
ycombe. Nearly every delegate
had some plan to offer and fric­
tion occured between the rail­
road’s representatives ar.d those
delegates representing the people
of the counties, wherein the land
Clackamas county was well rep­
resented with such able talent as
Schuebel, Lhmick, Spence, and
others, 'this county is vitally in­
terested in the solution of the O-
C Land Grants, as about 92,000
acres are situated within our
borders and $60,000. are now tied
up in unpaid taxes on this acre­
The conference went on record
as not favoring conservation as
pertaining to the O-C lands, feel­
ing that the conse. vation policy !s
being advocated by the Eastern
and Atlantic States rather than
by the states directly effected.
Conference Appoints Preacher
The Methodist State Confer­
ence, which has been in session
at Roseburg for the past week,
has appointed Rev, Henry Spiess
as minister of the Estacada dio­
cese, being in charge of the Es­
tacada, Currinsvilie, Garfield and
Zion churches for the ensuing
At the conference, Rev. T. B.
Ford of Oregon City, father of
Prof. Burgess F. Ford, former
superintendent of the Estacada
schools, was appointed Superin­
tendent of the Salem district, a
successor having been appointed
in his stead at Oregon City.
Rev. W. R. F. Brown, former­
ly of Estacada was appointed to
the Lents charge and Rev. Rees
recently in charge at Estacada
was granted a supernumerary