Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 23, 1915, Image 1

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V olume 9,
N umber 1
Appointment Of New Committee
October 4lh
A meeting o f the directors of
the East Clackamas County Fair
was held in fistacada last Friday
afternoon, when all but a few
bills were audited and receipts
The committee is able to show
a clear profit for the 1915 season,
although the exact amount can­
not be ascertained yet, until some
minor bills have been received.
The gate receipts for the three
days totaled $217. with $35.50 re­
ceived from concessions and a-
bout $120. from advertising.
The committee will hold anoth­
er meeting October 4th at which
time they will select a new com­
mittee to handle the fair for the
1916 sea-son, as they feel, and
rightly, that they have worked
ha d and deserve a chance to sit
in the grand stand and watch a
new committee perform the la­
The Progress at first refused to
attempt to print the names ot all
winners, not only owing to the
cost o f reproducing the list, but
for fear some names might be
overlooked, in which case more
harm would be done by an omis­
sion than the good done in print­
ing the balance. We learn, that
several names were omitted from
the list and can only make the
excuse that it was not intentional
on our part, as we did our best.
We owe a special apology to H.
C. Stephens o f George, the wor­
thy vice-president o f the fair,
whose name was accidently left
out o f the list o f officers in last
w eek’s issue, but it possibly was
due to the utter unselfishness and
modesty o f Mr. Stephens who be­
lieves in doing the work and then
evading the credit, that he was
As a suggestion to the 1916
committee, if financially able,
cash prizes should be offered to
stimulate the growing of staple
products, such as corn, alfalfa,
oats, potatoes and the like, with
the equivalent o f a sack o f flour
to the woman exhibiting the best
loaf o f bread or a sack o f sugar
for the best showing o f canned
fruits and vegetables.
Clackamas county
should stimulate the raising of
belter staples and the grower
who gives his time and money to
experimenting with new veget­
able products which ultimately
will help this country, should re­
ceive a substantial cash prize for
his efforts.
to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County
E stacada , O regon ,
T hursday , S eptember 23. 1915
Taxpayers Should Attend
Every taxpayer in Clackamas
county should be present next
Saturday, Sept. 25th at the meet­
ing o f the county court in Ore­
gon City.
According to the revised law,
the court is only able to change
road district boundaries at the
September term of court and this
important matter wdl be taken
up at that meeting.
Judge Anderson and the mem­
bers o f the court, as well as the
majority o f tax pa;, ers conversant
with road matters favor the pol­
icy o f reducing the number o f
road districts and some favor
creating supervisors with a dis­
trict comprising one road or one
route o f travel.
Another reason for Judge An­
derson's views is the new Oregon
rdad statute, which gives 70 per
cent, o f the general county road
tax to the district funds, leaving
only 30 per cent, o f the money
with the districts, as heretofore.
This law will i educe the general
fund to such an extent that much
o f the heavy work must be done
out o f the district fun^s, instead
o f the general road fund. Larg­
er districts and, consequently,
larger district funds will be nec­
essary to stand this expense.
A delegation from this part o f
the county should attend this
meeting and go on record, other­
wise they should abide by the de­
cision o f those present
Boring Man Honored
William A. Morand o f Boring,
has been elected a delegate to the
national convention o f the Nat­
ional League o f Postmasters, to
be held in Cincinnati on S ep t 22.
Speed Limit to Be Enforced
A t the last meeting o f the city
council, the marshal was ordered
to install speed limit signs on all
roads leading into Estacada.
These signs will soon be placed
and will read “ Estaehda Speed
Limit 15 Miles per Hour” . The
enforcement o f this law has been
ordered, as complaints have been
received o f autos and motorcycles
traveling upper Main St. at a high
rate, not only endangering school
children a n d pedestrians, but
raising unnecessary dust
The new committee, patterning
after the past fairs, and profiting
by the mistakes and successes o f
their predecessors, should make
a handsome showing o f the 1916
Trial Shipment Contemplated
Buyer Lucke o f the Union Meat
Co. was in Estacada and vicinity
last Tuesday and returne I to Can-
by without being able to get to­
gether a carload o f livestock that
suited him, although this office
had listed a sufficient number o f
head, few cattle were in condi­
tion or pr.ce did not suit the grow­
er. About thirty head o f good
hogs were available, but not e-
nough for a carload.
In order to make up a full car­
load, it requires from 80 to 115
head o f hogs, sheep or both, or
25 head o f cattle will fill a car.
The freight on a car from Esta­
cada to the Portland Union Stock
Yards will cost $22.50 payable in
If the local growers got togeth­
er and shipped 100 head o f hogs,
it would cost them about 22y¿c
freight on each hog but to be ex­
act should be based on hundred­
weight, or if the car was made
up o f 25 head o f cattle, it would
cost about 90c per head for
These animals could be sold at
the Portland Union Stock Yards,
each grow er’s stock being sold at
its own value, regardless o f the
grade o f other stock in the car
and as a consequence the shipper
o f first class stock would receive
top price and would not suffer
from the low price paid for a
neighbor’ s underfed offering.
The Portland Union Stock
Yards make a charge o f about
5% for the handling and selling
o f stock.
W. Givens o f Tracy & Givens
has offered to help the Progress
in establishing a cooperat ive local
shipping scheme and his experi­
ence in radroad work will be of
value to the shippers.
The following prices which
were current at the Portland
yards Sept. 20th, w ill'g iv e the
grower an idea o f the market
quotations, with the variation en­
tirely dependent on the grade and
condition o f the stock.
I f you, as a grower, wish to try
shipping in a cooperative carload
advise the Progress office and as
soon as a sufficient quantity has
been promised, a car will be or­
dered and growers notified o f the
date set for shipping.
The growers should select a
representative to accompany the
car to look out for their interests,
or better still it would be advis­
able for as many o f the shippers
as possible to follow the first ship-
Concluded on page 2
$1. P er Y ear
Midnight Fire Lightens Town
A disastrous fire occured last
Thursday night. Sept. 16th when
I the home or A. T. Sarver on
j Pierce St. in the Zohrist Addition
near the sch ;o! house, was com­
pletely demolished.
Mr. Sarver and family had
moved into the house that day
and all o f their household goods
were destroyed, excepting two
trunks and a chair which had
been left on the front porch. B.
C. Looney o f Springwater, who
had been helping in the moving
| was sleeping in an ups'airs room
and was awakened about 1 o ’ clock
by the crackling o f flames. He
immediately roused t*'e family
and helped carry the children to
safety, but the flames had gath­
ered sufficient headway by the
time the inmates were on the
street that none o f the furniture
could be saved.
The Estaiada Volunteer Fire
Department responded quickly
but were unable to do more than
confine the flames to the house
proper, which in an hour’ s time
was consumed.
The majority o f the inhabitants
o f the town in an amusing state
o f dishabille were on the side lines
witnessing the scene, but aside
from expressing sympathy could
be o f no further service.
The property was partially cov­
ered by insurance, but the loss to
the owner is nevertheless a se­
______ _
vere one.
South Fork Line Being Tested
For the past few days experi­
ments have been going on in test­
ing the new Oregon City South
Fork pipe line. Water was let
into the pipes and aside from a
few leaks, the contractors were
well satisfied with the prelimin­
ary test. A blow-out occured
near the Upper Dam, when the
pressure struck a rise. It was
figured that it would take about
16 hours for the water to reach
Oregon City from the South Fork,
although when under working
pressure it is estimated to con­
sume about one quarter that time.
The Oregon City council is ask­
ing the government to create a
special reserve o f the watershed
o f the South Fork, to do away
with danger of contamination at
the sobrce o f the supply. At
present only hunters and fisher­
men penetrate this spot and it
would be no hardship to them to
be kept off.
The question has been asked
whether the Estacada city coun­
cil is making arrangements to
tap in on the South Fork line.
The council has been delayed in
continuing their first negotiations
owing to unavoidable delays and
the obtaining o f data, which is
necessary before further a d ­
vances are made.