Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 16, 1915, Image 5

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    School Notes
—does not
p u r e h a se
her apparel
as she does
the family
groceries -
but in her spare moments, takes
time to exercise painstaking care
and discretion in the selection of
each particular article o f clothing
It is a pleasure for us to spend time
showing you our entire line o f
feminine dainties, whether
Millinery Corsets Hosiery
Notions or Dry Goods
It is no bother to display our goods,
whether you are ready to buy or not
Wm Dale Co.
The Estacada Schools opened
Monday with an enrollment in
both the grammar and high
schools in excess o f last year.
Eighty six pupils registered in
the latter department and proba­
bly the total attendance will total
one hundred, as many pupils can­
not enroll until after the prune
drying and other fall farm work.
Stanley Turel and family of
Dodge have move 1 into their Es­
tacada home where all the chil­
dren except Stanley, Jr. have be
gun school work.
The cooking course is proving
extremely attractive to the girls.
The boys are turning out for
athletics in a way that promises
championships for E. H. S.
Sam Barr, Lewis Jones and
Otis Wagner o f the high school |
returned from the forestry work
Monday night and entered school
immediately. George Harkenri-
der is expected back from East­
ern Oregon in a few days.
Lodges, Clubs, Granges
or other Organizations
Does your dub room need
a new instrument?
you want a piano, player
piano, organ or phono­
graph? W e will make
you a liberal allowance
on your present instru-
mqpt and will so arrange
the balance of your pay­
ments, that the purchase of the hew instrument will
not prove an embarassment to you.
Advise us of your wants and
ask for our price list of slight­
Parent-T eachers
The Estacada Parent-Teachers’
Association will hold the first
meeting o f the school year next
Thursday, Sept. 23rd a t3 o ’ clock.
An interesting program has been
prepared. All parents aré cor­
dially invited to attend.
Many Growers Disappointed
ly used pianos and organs.
R. M. Standish
Estacada Agent
Continued from page 4
Electric Wiring
Metal Repairing
Saw Filing
C . C . M IL L E R
Cltc'ric Wiring
Saw Filing
Hotel Estacada
$2. a day.
HO. a week
Modem Conveniences
One o f the most delightful Resorts
on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
Full line of Lamps and Lanterns
35c to 70c
Hamlight Lanterns, large size
small *
Lamps complete
No. 1—7c
Lantern globes
No. 2—8c
No. 2—8c
No, 1 5 c
Wicks free
Park & Closner
Hunt Building
It might be well for the grow­
ers to unite and make up a car­
load shipment o f their own stock
and sell direct at the Portland
Stock Yards. The car would cost
$22.50 from Estacada to the Port­
land yards, and will hold 80 to 100
hogs, or about sixty head o f
mixed livestock. Let the grow­
ers send a representative with
the car to look out for the selling
at the yards and to familiarize
himself with the process o f ship­
ping and selling. Each grow er’s
stock will be sold separately, so
no grower will have to sacrifice
his high grade o f stock, because
another grower is shipping poor­
er grade stuff.
Like any other business that is
worth establishing, the shipping
o f livestock on the hoof is subject
to its ups and downs and it is
hoped that some remedy can be
found to solve this problem, but
it must come from the growers
and by cooperation. The Prog­
ress will gladly call a meeting o f
all grower at ihe request o f some
o f the farmers.
iPoitluml «Liiiottmj Cu.
m io u tu v
the arrival o f their
New Fall and Winter Woolens
for Men’s and Women’s Suits
$ 28 .
Men’s Suits to order
Ladies’ Suits to order
$ 40 .
and up
You are cordially invited to call and
inspect our immense line o f woolens.
Henry W. Jacobson
322 Morrison Street
Suburban Property Sold
Services to Be Resumed
The Conway acre place with
its attractive house in South Es­
tacada was sold last week to Mr.
Thos Samson o f Estacada, who
will make it his future home.
The consideration was about two
thousand dollars.
Frank E. Jones o f Eugene,
pastor o f the Estacada Christian
Church will occupy the pulpit
both morning and evening next
Sunday. This is Mr. Jones first
visit since July 3rd when he was
taken ill with an attack o f rheu­
matism, which has confined him
to his bed for more than 60 days,
during which interval the church
has been without preaching.
How's This?
and up
W e o ffe r One H u n dred D ollar! R e ­
ward f o r a n y caae o f Catarrh that can­
not he cured b y Hall'e Catarrh Cure.
Hall e Catarrh Cure hae heaa taken
by catarrh eufferere for the past
Miss Sadie Hornibrook o f Port­
th ir t y -fiv e
years, an d h a e b ecom e
land has again arranged to give
k n o w n as the m o st re lia b le re m e d y fo r
vocal and instrumental instruc­
C atarrh . H a ll's C ata rrh C u re a cts thru
th e B lo o d on th e M u cou s s u rfa ce s , e x ­
in Estacada and vicinity this
p e llin g th e P o iso n fro m th e B lo o d and
Miss Hornibrook last
h e a lin g th e d ise a se d p o rtio n s .
A fte r y o u h a ve ta k e n H a ll’s C ata rrh
year conducted successful classes
C ure fo r a s h o rt t im - y o u w ill see a
at Estacada, Eagle Creek and
g r e a t im p r o v e m e n t in y o u r ge n e ra l
S ta rt ta k in g H a ll’s C ata rrh
Barton and her former pupils
C ure a t o n c e and g e t rid o f ca ta rrh . I
S end fo r te stim o n ia ls, fre e .
i have prevailed upon her to con­
F. J C H E N E Y A CO., T o le d o . Ohio.
tinue this year.
8 o ld b y a ll D ru L gists, 76c.
Portland Hotel Block
L. H. B u r d
Estacada, Oregon
Cement Sidewalks Plastering
Fire Places Basements
Septic Cesspools
All Work Guaranteed
A. J. Mills, Tom Morton and
Chas. Frazier o f Estacada, who
have been in the forestry work
in the mountains for the past
sixty days, returned home last
Saturday. The fire may have
burned merrily in the mountain
timber, but it had not even sing­
ed the luxuriant growth o f whisk­
ers on these fearless fire fighters.