Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 16, 1915, Image 4

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    Many Growers Disappointed
H o w ’s Your Roof?
Repair It During The Dry Weather
Shingles — Mountain Cedar
$2. per M.
Cascade Roofing Paper
$1.25 per 108 sq. ft.
Elastic Roofing Paint
75c per gal.
N o. 1
No. 2
Portland Flooring at $25. per M.
20. ” ”
N o. 1 common $12. — $13. per M.
Boxing and Dimension
We also have a fine assortment of
W indow and Door Casings, Trim and Mouldings.
No. 2 Doors
$1. each
$2. per M.
Complete stock of
Hay, Feed and Grain
Fresh Supply of Sand and Gravel
Estacada Lumber & Produce Co.
E. D. Allen
W. J. Sampson
The Best
Is the cheapest in the long run
Dodge Bros Automobiles
have the best o f materials, workmanship, and comfort. You
start everything the engine, lights and car—from the seat. A
starter that starts, lights that light and only a slight finger press
does it. They climb any hill and go up to 60 miles. The DODGE
BROS, have millions back of them and are the oldest automobile
part mfgrs. in the U. S. The DODGE has been tried out under
all severe tests for two years before being put on the market.
REMEMBER that TIM K E N BEARINGS are on the best cars
made and the Dodge has them throughout.
A demonstration anytime gladly given.
Clackamas Garage
Local Man Ships
Estacada, Oregon
J. R . Morrow, Prop.
Eastern Clackamas To Be
A. A. Scott o f Springwater
shipped a carload o f cattle last
The Portland Railway Light &
Monday from the Estacada stock Power Company have this week
yards. The car contained a few reserved a space at the coming
Manufacturers and Land Prod-
animals belonging to other par-
, .
; ucts Show to display the agricul-
ties, all of which were being sent tural products of this part of the
to the Portland yards to be sold, county, adjacent to their lines.
As this is aiiout the first ship-
This show opens Oct. 25th, con-
ment on the hoof of livestock tinuing until Nov. 13th, and
made from this section by private thousands o f people will view the
For the past three weeks the i
| Progress office has been in re- i
i ceipl o f many calls from the grow- j
i ers of livestock in this vicinity, |
I asking when the next carload
would be shipped from the Esta-
| eada yards and when Buyer Lucke
no . 333792
i would call on them.
It is a discouraging condition of
— Junior Heifer —
affairs at present and the raiser
of first class livestock has to suf-
Owned by Mrs. Lucy Ewalt & Sons
! fer owing to the scarcity o f simi-
j lar grade ttock among his ntigh-
. bors.
Over 200 head of hogs, cattle
and sheep were listed in the past
at the East Clackamas County Fair
two weeks and Buyer Lucke was
unable to obtain a sufficient num­
This heifer was fed on Dried
ber of good animals to make up
Beet Pulp for a period o f about
a carload. The majority o f the
two weeks previous to the fair
cattle offered were below par, be­
ing largely dried-up milk cows
and showed a marked increase
and in the few cases where the
at every milking.
cattle were satisfactory, the mar­
Mrs. Ewalt is very enthusias­
ket price was too low to interest
tic in declaring that “ un­
the seller. Fully 50% of the hogs
classed below par and with the
questionably it was
present low price of $6.15 for tops
f. o. b. Estacada, many raisers
naturally preferred to butcher, as
the market for dressed pork has Dairymen Attention!
i f you
been better for the past two
! weeks than the live market.
herd and receive the largest returns
Many growers are greatly dis-
on your investment feed D R I E D
sapointed at this condition, hav-
Its not only better
! ing held their stock over for two
weeks awaiting a shipment and
but cheaper than other feeds.
cannot afford to hold them longer. Ask forour free booklet “ Profitable Feeding” .
There is no one to blame and
the Progress, which was instru­
mental in locating the stock yards
here is especially dissapointed
and will welcome suggestions as
to a remedy for this state o f af­
is the tftne to buy your winter’s supply of
The buyer can only pay accord­
ing to the Portland market and
when the market is glutted with
undersized and underfed pork,
while you can still get it made from
the price suffers accordingly. As
to the cattle market, it is in the
the old wheat. In addition to such
same condition as all other mar­ well known brands as D EM EN T’S BEST,
kets, namely the first class prod­ W H ITE RIVER and BEST EVERETT, which
uct brings the top price and in­
we handle. We have just taken the agency
ferior stock brings little profit.
the Columbia Milling Company’s celebrat­
Our neighboring section of
Molalla is today considered one ed W H ITE M O U N TAIN brand. We guaran­
o f the best hog raising sections of tee tnese to be four o f the best brands on the
the Northwest and shipping from market.
that point and Canby has been Our present price on any o f the four brands.
brisk, with three to halt' a dozen
Sack, $1.55; Barrel, $6.00.
carloads per week o f high grade
One solution o f this condition is Five, or Ten BARREL LOTS.
for the growers o f swine to get
together at a meeting, through
their Grange or other organiza­
tion and arrange to shut up and
fatten their hogs at the same
time, then a sufficient number of
first class hogs can be gotten to­ we handle Allen & Lewis, PREFERRED
gether at one time to fill one or STOCK, which means the BEST to be had in
more cars.
Groceries. I f you buy in quantities and will
Concluded on page 5
let us figure with you we guarantee to save
you money.
individuals, the results are await-
L S i s i^Oregom ‘° ° k'
ed by many stock growers and
. ,
•„ L ,
i the railway company wishes
the Progress will be pleased to to have the cooperation o f the
give further space to the ship- residents o f this territory in mak-
ment, if the shippers will advise >nK' this exhibit a success. Agri-
this office.
cultural products will be needed
at that time, as the produce now
Tie Between Eugenics Babies
b.e l!1K shown
the county and
... ,
. , „
state fairs will be worthless by
Word was received Tuesday the time this show opens,
afternoon that an error had been
t c .
made in the measurements o f
¡ t
it? cadS and
Wallace J. Guthrie of Estacada
Cree$ “ m
at the euirenics contest last w e e k
charge o f this display and will
and“ S T S ! “ connect m e S
-Kgestions, exhibits. |
inents recorded, it gives him a
------- *■
percentage o f 98 being tied with
A . J. Brown of Alspaugh has
Victor frorman of Barton for first greatly improved the appearance
Place. This correction was made 0f his home by the addition o f a
through Mrs. Bayley of Portland, wing, including two rooms and a
who was in charge of the meas- thorough painting of the build- W.
Dried Beet Pulp
Julia o f Eastview
Winner of the Butter-fat Contest
In Groceries
W e have just received a carload
of Apple Boxes and 50 lb. Prune
Lug Boxes from the Oregon Box
Mfg. Co. Let us supply your needs.
" A Satisfied Customer
is the Best Advertisement”
R. Reid & Sons Distributors
Estacada, Oregon