Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 16, 1915, Image 2

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H ose
H ose
H ose
Owing to an over-stock of HOSIERY we are going
to offer all Hosiery at Extra Special Prices for one week
Beginning Saturday
W e have not room to list so many Special Prices here
but the sale will include all H IG H G R A D E H O S I E R Y
Come and see the bargains and get a winter’s supply for yourself and children
Telephone your orders if you cant come in.
East Clackam as Supply C om pany
“ Your Satisfaction is Our Success’ ’
Prune Drying H ere
Second Annual Fair over
The judges of the various de­
partments were: Agriculture, R.
Reports are being received o f
Wilbur Wade. With the remov­ R. Routledge, Portland; livestock, prune drying beginning in all
al of Mr. Davis to Milwaukie, the
sections and a good crop is an­
band will suffer, but it is hoped cultural college; poultry, E. H.
ticipated. Among the Spring-
that a new leader can be found Bauer, Portland; fancy work, water growers are Messrs. Gutt-
who will continue the good work. j Miss Murray, Portland.
Addresses during the three ridge, Kilgore, Howell and Frank
The band at present comprises:
Smith and on the Garfield side,
A. C. Davis, leader and solo ! days.were given by N. C. Maris, the Krigbaum brothers, Ed Linn,
cornet; Floyd Davis and Frank department of public instruction, Walt Snuffin, P. M. Wagner,
Schweitzer, solo cornet; Clarence on "B eef Cattle;” Miss Turlay, Crawford brothers, Mary Stubbe
Palmateer and Albert Hays, first Oregon Agricultural college, a and o t h e r s .____
cornet; John Ely, Joseph Pesz- cooking demonstration; E. J.
necker, and Joseph Weiderhold, Ladd, Portland, on “ Poultry
second cornet; E. T. Davis and Raising;” C. M. McAllister of
Bills are already out calling at­
Arthur Duncan, first alto; Steve the Portland Union Stock Yards
Pesznecker, second alto; Gerald on "H og Raising;” "Farm er” C. tention to the Harvest Dance,
Hunt, third alto; Albert Linns, L. Smith o f the O.-W. Ii. & N. Saturday evening, Sept. 25th at
Bb clarinet: Verner Anderson, Ry. Co. on “ Corn Raising.”
Cogswell’s Hall in Eagle Creek.
The pick o f all agricultural ex­
first Bb clarinet; Howard Hunt,
this is the first dance of the
second Bb clarinet; R. E. Davis hibits shown at this fair have this
and Fred Marshall, baritone; week been packed and shipped to winter season, a big crowd is ex­
Harry Hunt, Bb bass; Frank' Canby, where they will be shown pected to attend.
Marshall, Eb bass; Morris Ely, at the County Fair, Sept. 20th to
first tenor; Otto Jensen, second 23rd, and from there will probab­
tenor; H. B. Davis and L. J. Pal­ ly be taken to the Stale Fair at
The many friends o f Mr. 0. E.
mateer, first trombone; R. G. Pal­ I Salem, which occurs the week
of Eagle Creek were greatly
mateer, second trombone; Ernest
Amacher, snare drum; F. H. Exhibit is in charge o f Messrs. shocked to hear o f his sudden
P. F. Standish and R. C. Deming death last week, as the result of
1 )avis, bass drum.
The premium badge to the old­ o f Garfield.
an accident in a logging camp
est settler was awarded to W. H.
near Black Rock, Or.
Wade o f Currinsville and his
While working in the woods, a
many friends hope he will be able
The public are cordially invit­ week ago Monday, he was struck
to be present at many future
ed to attend a reception to be by a falling limb, breaking his
given Friday evening, Sept. 17th
back, death following the second
Among the out o f town visitors
were Judge Anderson and Messrs. at 8 o’clock at the school, in hon­ day after.
Knight and Mattoon o f the Coun­ or of the faculty.
The body was brought to Port­
ty Court; G. B. Dimick; Chris j
for intermeut in the Rose
Mrs. Viola Douglass and her
Schubel, Sheriff Wilson, Miss Iva
Harrington, County Clerk; Dunn, granddaughters, Mildred a n d City Cemetery.
Mr. Full came from North Da­
Treasurer; Editor Brodie o f the Florice of Eagle Creek returned
Oregon City Enterprise and his
about eight years ago, lo­
home from Eastern Oregon last
assistant, W. E. Hassler, all of
cating in Eagle Creek, where he
Oregon City; John Brown of
is survived by a w ife and two
Gresham; Messrs. Hunt, Town-j
W. H. Kandle o f Cloverdale is small sons, Glen and’ Roy.
send, Myers and Kelly o f the P.
spending a few days in Estacada.
R. L. & P. Co. of Portland.
Continued from first page
H arvest D ance
Eagle Creek Resident Killed
Faculty Reception
Complete with Electric
Starter anci Lights
$ 748 .
Free Demonstrations Gladly Given.
H. P. Jochimsen
Estacada, Oregon
Council M eeting
The regular meeting o f the Es­
tacada City Council was held on
Tuesday evening.
Two of the
councilmen were absent but the
others accomplished several im­
portant matters.
Bills were approved and order­
ed paid, where authority for the
work done was shown.
Action was taken authorizing
Marshal Ames to repair all city
sidewalks and to notify owners
of defective walks to repair same
at once, or the city will do so and
the expense will be placed as a
lien against the property.
Owing to the illness o f Recor­
der Devore, a special meeting
will be held in a few days to con­
sider important phases of the
water question.