Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 09, 1915, Image 6

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    Home Completely Destroyed
The Oregon City Enterprise
had better be careful how they
~ talk back to the county officials
Published every Thursday at
and criticise their methods, or
Estacada, Oregon
| the first thing they know the Es-
K. M. Standish,
Editor and Manager tadada Progress might happen to
j get a little teeny-weeney piece
Entered at the poatoffice in Estacada, o f county advertising or printing.
Estacada Progress
(I ncorporated )
Owing to an overheated stove
and a defective flue, the new
house o f J. J. Coy in Springwat-
er, was burned to the ground last
Friday evening.
Mr. Coy had but recently built
the house, on the property which
Oregon, as seeond-elass mail.
he purchased from Clark Denny
Fire-Blight Being Fought
S ouscription R ates
Owing to inadequate water fa­
$l.oo' Several counties o f the state cilities, nothing could be done to
One year
.5 0 have lately been fighting the fire- extinguish or lessen the flames,
Six months
blight menace, which attacks which were especially strong, ow­
and other fruit trees.
ing to a woodshed full o f wood
Thursday, Sept. 9, 1915
Reports o f the prevalence of j adding to the blaze.
this disease in the ('anby section,
At first there was some danger
The Progress wishes to here­
caused County Fruit Inspector P. | o f the Earl Day home, nearby,
with go on record as thanking |,
. . F. Standish o f Garfield and an becoming ignited, but as several
the members o f the county court
. .
., „
. . .
'expert from the Oregon Agricul­ ! auto loads o f men went up from
tural College to make an investi­ Estacada, there would have been
money not to exceed $200. which
gation last week. They found j sufficient help in case o f this lat­
the East Clackamas County Fair
the disease present, but not ter danger.
has finally obtained, through the
many trees were as yet affected.
verbal promise o f County Judge
Deer Quarter Each
The eradication o f this disease
is accomplished by cutting down
Eschelman o f Estacada
While much more good might
the badly diseased trees and cut­ returned home last Friday after
have been accomplished with the
ting out the diseased branches in a few days spent in deer hunting
money had it been turned over to
slightly affected ones. This work near Cold Springs, bringing with
the local committee earlier, it will
was done and it is hoped that the him a sufficient supply o f venison
greatly help at this time in gath­
progress o f the disease has been to replenish his neighbors’ lard­
ering exhioits and making the
checked in this county at least.
fair a success.
Dave says that the four mem­
If unkind words have been
Local Inventor Perfects JacK
bers o f their party, namely S. E.
said in the past regarding the
W. W. Boner, the skillful Es­ Womer, Ballard Looney and a
delay in the settlement o f this
mechanic has completed friend and he, each emptied the
appropriation, we hereby apolo­
gize; our only excuse being pos­ the building o f a wooden frame contents o f a rifle into a big buck,
sibly' our over zealousness in jack, for the convenient lifting leaving the carcass riddled with
working to make the East Clack­ o f automobiles. This device is a seven bullets. The animal was
amas County Fair a big success. simple one, yet appears to be an divided into quarters, so each
article that has long been needed hunter received his share o f veni­
son and each man can claim he
We, in this part o f the county, by automobile owners.
The device can remain on the shot the deer, thereby reducing
are pleased to hear that the coun­
ty court finally turned down the floor o f a garage, and when the the fatalities among the deer and
offer o f the Worswick Co., to lay machine is driven astraddle of not diminishing the supply of
about one mile o f hard surfaced the frame-work, it is a simple “ How I Shot It” stories.
pavement from Oregon City to matter to hoist it to such eleva- j The other three members o f
tion as is desired for working be­ the party remained in camp after
Gladstone, for $12,000.
Dave returned and hope to add
In refusing this offer, which neath it.
Mr. Boner expects to be able more antlers to their credit.
was backed by a big delegation
o f Oregon City and Gladstone to manufacture this jack, so that
O. O. Bland and w ife o f Esta­
men, the Judge explained that it will sell for from $10. to $15. j cada returned home last Friday,
there were no funds available at
after a three months absence,
this time for the work and he m on ey maker, which its inventor during which time they visited
did not believe in going into debt expects, Estacada as a city will friends and relatives in Dodge
City, Kansas and other places.
for the contract, or exceeding I prosper.
the year’ s budget appropriation.
The building o f this stretch of
pavement would have been o f
little value to this part o f the
county and unless a similar ap­
propriation was made for like
improvements in this locality,
naturally as selfish taxpayers we
would object. But as it stands,
without funds, no such work
should be done there or here.
The Clackamas County Fair Associa­
tion needs an advertising manager.
One would think that they did not need
the people o f this end o f the county to
help. They may be arranging for a
g o o d fair but we know nothiug about it.
So says the Molalla Pioneer
and there is no room for argu­
ment in their assertion. No pre­
mium lists o f the Clackamas
County Fair have been received
in Estacada. to date, so it is pos­
sible that the show does not need
our help either.
Pay Your Bills With Checks
and there will never be any disputes
about the payments. The cancelled
checks are the best o f all receipts.
Checks are cheaper to send than
any other form o f remittance.
These are only two o f the many ad­
vantages o f having an account at
this bank.
Estacada State Bank
lEROY 0. WA1KTR. President
THOMAS YOCUM. Vice President
IRWIN 0. WRIGHT, Cashier
Interest paid on time deposits.
C. E. Lucke
Livestock Buyer
Hogs, Cattle, Sheep
All shipments made from the
Estacada Stock Yards
Phone R . M. Standish, Estacada agent,
and advise him of what you have for
sale, and I will call %nd arrange for
purchase and shipment.
Averaging about two cents a mile in daily
use, Ford cars are a necessity to every busi­
ness man, doctor, salesman or farmer. And
they serve the family just as well. Every
man is his own mechanic with a Ford. N o
need of high-pricdd experts.
And “ Ford
After-Service for Ford Owners” is a good
thing to remember.
Touring Car $493.25
On display and sale by
Estacada, Oregon.
Runabout $443.25
J. W . R E E D
Mrs. Frank Stenzel and chil­
dren o f Portland are visiting at
the A. E. Spark’ s home in Esta­
Born, Sept. 4th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Wooster o f Estaca­
da, a son. Mother and boy are
getting along nicely.