Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 09, 1915, Image 5

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- does not
pu rch a se
her apparel
as she does
the family
groceries -
but in her spare moments, takes
time to exercise painstaking care
and discretion in the selection of
each particular article of clothing
It is a pleasure for us to spend time
showing you our entire 'line of
feminine dainties, whether
Notions or Dry Goods
It is no bother to display our goods,
whether you are ready to buy or not
Wm Dale Co.
Electric Wiring
Metal Repairing
Saw Filing
i •
. ,
S»w Filing
Hotel Estacada
$2. a day.
flO. a week
Modern Conveniences ->
One of the v»ost delightful Resorts
on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
Stop - Look - See _
6 for 25
Crystal White Soap —
New Canning Assortment,,
Large size Kettles and Dish Pans
Dipper Free
Full line of High and Grammer School
Park & Closner
Hunt. Building
The second annual East Clack­
amas County Fair opened its
gates Wednesday morning and
I its first day's attendance showed
Does your club room need
Jan increase over last year.
a new instrument?
The new location on the school
‘ grounds with the play shed for
piano, organ or phono­
the main exhibit hall, is ideal,
graph? W e will make
being a big improvement over
you a liberal allowance
the former location in the park.
on your present instru­
The exhibits are on a larger
ment and will so arrange
scale than formerly, largely ow­
balance of your pay­
ing to the keen competition be­
that the purchase of the new instrument will
tween the four districts contest-
an embarassment to you.
j ing for the community prize.
¡ The judges were taxed to the
Advise us of your wants and
limit o f their judicial capacities
to decide as to which exhibit
ask for our price list of slight­
ranked first, their final decision
ly used pianos and organs.
being, Currinsville, first; Gar­
field, second; George, third; and
Springwater, fourth. Only a
few points seperated the first and
last awards.
R. M. Standish
A slight misunderstanding had
Estacada Agent
occured in connection with the
community exhibits, owing to
the eleventh hour boundary ar­
rangements which were made
between Garfield and Currins­
ville. This unavoidable misun­
derstanding with the system of
scoring adopted at the last min­
ute, greatly handicapped the
George district and naturally re-|
suited in a protest being reg- i
istered by that bunch of hustlers.
There is no doubt but that all
misunderstandings and a final'
adjustment of the trouble will be
amicably arranged when the
committees can get together, as
everyone is working for the suc­
cess of the fair and the errors of
Estacada, Oregon
this year’s exhibiting system,! + » ♦ ♦ ♦ » » » ♦ ♦ » + » » + + + + + * + + + + + +
will act as an example for the Flowers, like people, require fresh Cement Sidewalks Plastering
ideal conditions o f temperature
aud ventiiatiou for Human beings will
Fire Places Basements
In the awarding of the grand bo found satisfactory for flowers
Septic Cesspools
prize-fer the best cow, highest It wnu t Hurt plants to have a bath
occasionally to rem ove the dust from
All Work Guaranteed
honors were awarded the Jersey the leaves and o|»en up the pores
animal of Ed Shearer of Garfield, T h is is best done by plucing the plant
with second honors going to !u the sink or a tut* and spraying the
leaves with water
A dam p *|M>nge
Lloyd Ewalt of Springwater.
r:r~ c c c ::ccoccc::ooooo
eun be used for this purpose If neces
W IT H T H E P O U L T R Y .
The Eugenics contest was held sury a little soap may he used
If tlie leaves on your flowers get
Wednesday morning at the C. I. yellow and drop off it Is quin* fiossl
F or the first few mouths o f
C. rooms and resulted in the fol­ ble that you have been overw ateriu g
their live*. or unt I they are well
leathered out. dam pness is very
lowing scores, Victor Forman of the plant or |Mi*silily have been drow n
ing it
Som etim es plants need water
fatal to youn g turks.
Barton, 98 %, with the following luff every day. and. again, oiiee in two
W heat bran has been found a
tied at97H, Wm. Kaake, Jas E. d a y s Is enough. .No exact rule can lie
w holesom e food fo r g row in g
ch icks and can be kept before
Tenney, Henry Aue, John C. Kil­ given. I f you rup your knuckles sharp
them at all times in hoppers,
ly against the (sit and It gives forth a
gore and Winifred Stephens.
w ith good resu.ts.
hollow or ringing sound the plant
T urkey hens often begin to lay
The Wednesday afternoon base­ needs watering.
lu M urcb, but May U early
ball game, owing to several de­ I d whiter the plants should not tie
enough lor the first poults to
rvp«>tt*4 The lie*! riiwe to re|*ol la Ip
lays was not as interesting as it tbe spring lu w inter the roots o f
batch o u t
B efore placing the chicks in
should have been, but resulted mauy plants ile dorm ant and the roots
the brooder the floor should be
in a victory for Springwater
strew n With sand and alfalfa
fieri od
against Garfield by the score of One o f the greatest enem ies of plants
leaves or chaff. I f a littl« granu­
lated charcoal is m ixed with the
13 to 0.
grow n indoors is coal gas
sand it will be all the better
liiu tras Is near!v as had The slightest
A more detailed report of the trace o f gas will retard the grow th or
T o o m uch insistence cannot be
placed on the Im portance o f
fair will appear in next week’s rile new leaves M F \*e*nrti Kan
keeping the brooder vleau.
■Hi state Agricultural ’o I lege
issue of the Progress.
L. H. Burd
E1ec*r t Wiring
Lodges, Clubs, Granges
or other Organizations
Currinsville Wins Community Prize