Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 09, 1915, Image 4

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    P e a s as a F o ra g e F o r P ig a .
H ow ’s Your Roof?
* 1
Repair It During The Dry Weather
Shingles — Mountain Cedar
$2. per M.
Cascade Roofing Paper
$1.25 per 108 sq. ft.
Elastic Roofing Paint
75c per gal.
N o. 1
No.. 2
Portland Flooring at $25. per M.
20. ” ”
N o. 1 common $12. — $13. per M.
Boxing and Dimension
We also have a fine assortment of
Window and Door Casings, Trim and Mouldings.
Noi 2 Doors
$1. each
Hay, Feed and Grain
Agents o f the department o f agricul
ture have spent much time in Siberia
searching for some north Asian spevdes
o f a lfalfa that cannot he winter killed
There has been much complaint o f the
winter killing o f a lfalfa, and it Is pro!)
able that there alw ays will he some
such complaint The agents o f the de
partment o f agriculture have not found
a plant that is proof against all man
uer o f temperature changes common to
northern regions
Now and then an alfalfa held will
he pretty well killed out by coid weath
er. and another held on tlu* same kind
o f soil and just across the road will
come through the winter m very good
When this happens, you
may set it dowu that the wiuter killed
- fl<*id bus been l>adll\ handled by the
grow er lu the summer (»Wore
H ere are some o f. the reasons for
the winter killing o f alfalfa. Fastur
ing it do\vii4o the ground before w in ­
ter sets in; cutting it too closely late
in the season and letting it go into the
winter while making a heavy growth.
The heavy, green growth caused liy
wurin fall weather and long continued
fall ruins Is a frequent cause of win
ter killing
There are some winters, too. when
the snowfall Is very light and the
weather is very severe, and when this
combination occurs alfairn is likely to
sutler greatly.
Like wheat, alfalfa
winters better where it cau shelter
under a snow blanket.
Many growers
stick to the practice o f mowing down
the last crop, letting It lie as It falls
Mud refusing to pasture the Held after
this cutting
A still better plan and one that Is
very popular Is to not cut late in the
full, but to leave a grow th o f from six
to eight inches high
This holds the
snow, helps In protecting the roots
and prevents the heaving and settling
o f the soil that comes from alternate
freezing and thawing.
This freezing
and heaving o f the soil are among the
reasons why alfalfa winter kills, as It
loosens the ns>ts and causes them to
die from exposure.
Fresh Supply of Sand and Gravel
Estacada Lumber & Produce Co.
W. J. Sampson
The Best
Is the cheapest in the long run
Dodge Bros Automobiles
have the best o f materials, workmanship, and comfort. You
start everything the engine, lights and car from the seat. A
starter that starts, lights that light a,nd only a slight finger press
does it. They climb any hill and go up to 60 miles. The DODGE
BROS, have millions back o f them and are the oldest automobile
part mfgrs. in the U. S. The DODGE has been; tried out under
all severe tests for two years before being put on the market.
REMEMBER that TIM K E N BEARINGS are on the best cars
made and the Dodge has them throughout.
A demonstration anytime gladly given.
Clackamas Garage
Estacada, Oregon
J. R. Morrow, Prop.
B ra n a n d C o tto n s e e d M ea l.
The fan n er 1« known by his
Farm animals in good
Him bi»8|H*uk a cu.eful and ton
s id iia te farmer, while stacks of
bones tell o f a shiftless and most
unkind t rent lire.
The brood sows should not l»e
glv< n corn unless they are very
thin In flesh and need to he built
Clip the heavy eoated horses
when the hair begins to shed.
Blanket them warmly, and never
let them stand in the open un­
covered and there wtll he no
danger from eold.
The ewes thHt are to drop their
land»« early should he separated
from the maiu flock.
The young lamb should have
milk from the ew e very soon
after It enters the world.
the quarters are cold and the
lamb Is chilled It m a y die.
R a tio n F o r C h ic k s .
A fte r the first week the chicks msy
he fe<l four or five Mines a day from
the follow in g n il x f lire: Cracked corn
or kaflr.
nonnds: cracked
wheat, tw enty pounds; pinhead ont-
m e ’ l. f*n pounds beef or meat meal,
ten fKjmids: .fh«e ehnrooal, tw o pounds
Cottonseed meal and bran are hard­
ly to !>e compared as feed for cows
ow ing to the fact that they are so dis­
Cottonseed meUJ Is very rich
in protein, having 42 per cent, whlli*
bran has only 15 per cent.
On the
other hand bran has nearly tw ice as
much rarbohydrate or smrch in It.
Many dairymen use both bran ami cot­
tonseed meal
A feed which would
not 1 m * far wrong for the average cow
would tie composed of tw o pounds of
bran, one pound o f cottonseed meal
and about eighteen poutiris o f timothy
hay at a feeding
I f clover or alfalfa
hay are fed the cottonseed meal may
I h * reduced to about t a lf a pound.
M a n g e In H o rs e s .
Wash tlu* horse's body with castlle
soapsuds to which has been added a
tablespoonful o f pure carbolic ad d to
every pint o f water The l>ody should
be given a thorough scrubbing with
this soapy solution
Apply afterw ard
a tobacco solution made by ladling to
hacio in water, using h I k > uc three
ounces o f tobacco to one quart o f wa
This solution should lx* applied
over Mil parts o f the I mh I v and repeut
ed again in ten days. It would he well
to feed a little linseed meal as a part
o f the grain ration
P ro te c t th e F a r m A n im a ls .
Pee that all the live stock Is got up
Mid housed when the nights are cold
find storm y
It d<»o* not pay to let
Miem get chilled In the cold storms.
While Attending
The East
County F air"*
Sept. 8th, 9th and 10th,
N o P la n t Y e t F o u n d P r o o f A g a in s t A ll
D e g re e s o f T e m p e r a t u r e .
WINTER KILLING OF ALFALFA. that its only fair to yourself that you do your
$2. per M.
Complete stock of
During a trial lu tw o cousecutlve
years at the North Dakota experiment
station pigs foraging off a field o f
peas during the months o f Se|gembpr
and October each year required in ad­
dition tw o pounds o f barley per ion
pounds live weight o f pigs per day to
keep them gaining ns rapidly as pig*
! o f the same age and size being fed In
a dry lot and receiving four pounds
o f barley per day per 10 0 pounds live
weight o f pigs. This shows that the
I»eas made possible a saving o f one-
half the amount o f barley usually re­
quired by pigs being fed In dry lots.
The return for the peas was $ 1 H per
W. R. Reid
575 .
& Sons Distributors
Estacada, Oregon
trading where you are sure of being a
W in n er
You W in
by trading with us, whether its F our. Feed
or Groceries ytiu want. Our stock is complete
and our prices right.
is the time to buy your winter's supply of
while you can still get it made from the old
I wheat. We have tw 6 cars o f old wheat flour
due to arrive this week. In addition to such
well known brands as DEM ENT’S BEST.
we handle. We have just taken the agency
for the Columbia Milling Company’s celebrat­
ed W H ITE M O U N TAIN brand. We guaran­
tee tnese to be four of the best brands on the
Our present price on any of the four brands,
Sack, $1.60; Barrel, $6.20.
Five, or Ten BARREL LOTS.
In Groceries
we handle Allen & Lewis, PREFERRED
STOCK, which means the BEST to be had in
Groceries. I f you buy in quantities and will
let us figure with you we guarantee to save
you money.
For The Three
Fair Days O n ly'
we offer the following si>eeials:—
Best Cane Sugar, 10(1 tt. Sack____ . . . . $6 60
25 «» S a c k ....______ 1.70
Karo Syrup IQ «> Dark. 55c; 10 «> Light, .60
Solid pack Tomatoes, Can 10c, Dozen
Tomatoes with Puree, Can 10c, 3 for25cdoz .95
Sliced Pineapple, large size, Can 20c, 2 for
35c, Dozen. . . . : '. .......'______ •. 1.85
Carnation Milk, Can 10c, 3 for 25c, Dozen .95
Crystal or Royal White Soap, 6 B ars,..:. .25
A. & H. Soda, 4 packages,...................... .25
Rolled Oats, Albers Golden Rod or
A. & L., 9«» Sack,
....... *......... 40
Cream o f Wheat, 2 packages ______ ______ 35
Olympic Wheat Hearts, 2cc, 2 packages
One Pound of our Celebrated T. & G. Break­
fast Blend coffee free with each order for
groceries amounting to $2.50 or more.
We want your Eggs. Poultry and Crain.
“ A Satisfied Customer
is the Best Advertisement”