Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 09, 1915, Image 2

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    Come to the Store to try on
Never mind whether you are ready to buy or not—we want you
to get into one of these beautiful coats— to see it on yourself.
Fair Prices.
W e invite you— we urge you— to try on a Classic coat before you buy or eve i look elsewhere.
Ha,e Crocks and Empty Barrels
for those Pickles and the Sour Kraut
. » 1 gal. Crock with cover—25c
3 gal. Crock with cover- 60c
5 gal. Crock with cover- 95c
New and Second-hand fir and oak barrels — 50c to $2.50
East Clackamas Supply Co.
“ Your Satisfaction is Our Success”
Newlyweds Hike For Eight Days
Census Booming
Attorney 111
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Peter­
The population of Currinsville
Claude W. Devore of Estacada
son of Springwater, who since
has been increased within the j is ill at his home on Main St.
their marriage on July. 24th, have past few weeks by the adding of
Mr. Devore and family recently
been spending their honeymoon
two future voters; a son having returned from an auto tour of
at Pacific City, Or., returned to
i been born at the Coyd Looney California and it is likely he con­
Springwater last week.
\ home and a daughter at the tracted a malarial fever from
The couple made the return : George Walters’ home, young-
musquito or drinking water in­
trip walking from the coast to I sters and mothers are reported
fection while in the south.
Estacada in eight days, leisurely.. . . . .
I His son Elsmere is also suffer- j
viewing the country through
j ing from a milder attack of the
which they passed and spending
same disease and while both
the nights at hotels along the
father and son are very sick,
Continued from ‘page 1
route. Their initerary comprised
physician reports no great
To sum the whole matter up,
Hebo, Dolf, Midway, Willamina,
McMinnville, Newberg, Sher­
and hereafter may not rely quite
wood, Oregon City and home.
George Fair Huge Success
as explicitly on the truth of some
Continued from page 1
Pink Tea For College Girl ot its neighboring editor’s state­
the Portland visitors
A dainty pink tea was given
last Tuesday afternoon by Miss has not been in vain, whether it were Messrs. Hunt and Town­
Elizabeth Reid of Garfield in ended by changing the plans of send of the P. R. L. & P. Co.,
honor of Miss Rachael Reed of *be court as to the distribution who appeared to thoroughly en­
Estacada, who is leaving in a few of the auto license money or not; joy themselves and showed no
days to continue her college it at least has extracted a detail­ dyspeptic qualities during the
course at the JJniversity of Wash­ ed financial statement account­ lunch hour. The name of the
ing for the expenditure of part party winning the prize boar, do­
of the money and has stirred up nated by the P. R. L. & P. Co.,
Corrected Error
the members of the court to a has not been announced as yet.
In iast week’s Progress, the recognition of Eastern Clacka- The George Fair not only rep­
resented a fine exhibit and an
initials of Mrs. Alspaugh of Als- maa county and its rights,
paugh should have read Mrs.
Undoubtedly much harm is attraction for the local and visit­
E. L. instead of Mrs. A. L.
done the county court by mis- ing public, but it exemplified the
Mrs. Alspaugh recently enter- representation, especially'on the value of cooperation in a com­
tained her neice and husband, Part of the newspapers and if munity, along social and develop­
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Rendle- that ia the caae- the Progress’ ment lines; as everyone had join­
man of Salisbury, N. C. Mr. columns are always open to any ed to work for the home advan­
and Mrs. Rendleman were on refutation °n the part of the cement, forgetting petty jealous­
their wedding trip, having been court, of any article having aj>- ies and working for the common
married early in August, pre- pcared in its columns or those of good and the growth of George
as a community.
vious to their visit here.
ar,y °*ber newspaper.
Complete w ith Electric
Starter and Lights
$ 748.
Free Demonstrations Gladly Given.
li. P. Jochimsen
Estacada, Oregon
Ladies Aid
The Ladies Aid of the M. E.
H Church will meet at the home of
Mrs. J. R. Hughes in Currins­
ville, Wednesday afternoon, Sep­
tember 15th, at 2:30 o’clock. All
ladies of the Aid are requested
to be present as important busi­
ness is to be considered.
Alumni Notes
Miss Edith Anderson of Boring,
who was a graduate of last years
Estacada High School and had
accepted a scholarship to enter
Pacific University, has obtained
a similar honor from Willamette
University through the courtesy
of Estacada's former principal
B. F. Ford and wih attend the
latter institution this year.