ESTACADA PROGRESS Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas V olume 8, N umber 51 FAIR LANDS APPROPRIATION Eleventh Hour Decision Welcomed As a last resort and as a sport­ ing chance, Mrs. A. W. Botkin, the hustling secretary of the East Clackamas County Fair to­ gether with a sore headed editor, staked 7yic apiece to pay f or a long distance phone call to Judge Anderson of the county court, Saturday afternoon. The reason for this last desper­ ate gamble was another an­ nouncement in one of the county seat papers of the Thursday pro­ ceeding, to the effect that the East Clackamas Fair was to re­ ceive help from the county. Similar articles and declara­ tions had been published before, and as nothing ever came of them, this was considered as an­ other myth. “ Is this you. Judge?’ ’ sounded the wavering voice of Mrs. Bot­ kin. "Judge, is there any truth in the statement published in the Enterprise of September 2nd, about our fair really receiving financial support f r o m ; our court? ‘Yes’ - Why that sounds too good to be true. Now tell me, Judge, honestly will you authorize the payment of such bills as we may incur in the gath­ ering o f exhibits, to be used here and at the county and state fairs, in a sum not to exceed $200?” Oh, thank you ever so much, Judge Anderson.” The beautiful, beatific expres­ sion on the face of the famous Mona Liza painting could not compare with the expression of absolute happiness and joy that glowed on the secretary’s coun­ tenance at the conclusion of the phone conversation. Amid con­ gratulations, war dance steps and other signs of jubilation on the part of the sore headed edi­ tor, the pair made sure that no mistake had been made by insist­ i n g that Miss Elva Adams, who was in charge of the phone ser­ vice, verify just what Judge An­ derson had said, as she had been persuaded to act as a witness to the conversation and she con­ firmed the good news. Mrs. Botkin covered the first 300 foot block in 9 and 2-5 sec­ onds, but had to Slacken speed on the Main street incline in her dash for the fair grounds, where she broke the good news to the balance of the fair committee, who were engaged in hard work raising tents and doing other tiresome jobs. At first the balance of the com­ mittee refused to touch or draw upon the money in any way, . E stacada , O regon , T hursday , Barr-Freeman Wedding The many friends of Miss Mary Barr, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Barr of Estacada, and James Freeman of Portland, will be pleased to hear of their mar­ riage Saturday afternoon last. The young couple were married at Vancouver, in the presence of the bride’s father, J. V. Barr, and the groom’s aunt, Mrs. Wm. Kuhrasche of Estacada. After a short wedding trip to the coast, the young couple will make their home in Portland, where the groom is emp’oyed in one of the railway offices. Miss Barr, who was one of the very pretty girls o f the younger set, would have been a Junior in the Estacada High School the coming year and the groom, who is a grandson of the late Henry Kolpin of Estacada, is well and favorably known here. Their many friends congratu­ late them on their marriage and wish them success in their future happiness. School Opens Monday The Estacada Schools will o- pen for the 1915-1916 season, next Monday morning, Septem­ ber 13th. Prin. Guthrie expects that the enrollment will far exceed any of previous years, as students are coming in from all tributary districts. Several families are moving from the country into Estacada now, so as to have their children get the advantages offered by the Estacada Schools. Miss Zena McQuaid o f Portland has recently been engaged by the board to teach cooking and sewing. Miss McQuaid is well qualified for the work, having received thorough training at the 0. A. C. The new heating system is be­ ing installed in the school and will consist of a hot air installa­ tion, with fan drive. without having something in writing from the Judge, as so many hitches had occured before that they didn’t dare run the risk. They were finally won ov­ er to confidence in Judge Ander­ son’s word and much of the suc­ cess of the present East Clacka­ mas County Fair is due to the obtaining of this money, even at this last minute before the cur­ tain raised. Much credit is due G. T. Hunt of Garfield, member of the Coun­ ty Fair Board, who was instru­ mental in finally obtaining a di­ vision of the exhibit appropri­ ation. S eptember 9, Í lo im h r O reg on R istornarli jot Sttonà St. PROGRESS FINALLY ANSWERED Road Oil Cost County $346.07 — $1. P er Y ear GEORGE FAIR HUGE SOCCESS Good Speeches and Hospitality There used to be a popular song entitled “ Somebody Lied to Me” and it Is being hummed a- round the Progress office these days. The Oregon City Morning En- terpise in the issue of Sept. 2nd, reproduce an alleged interview with County Judge Anderson, entitled “ Anderson Answers Es­ tacada Progress” and if space would allow, the Progress would reprint the article in full. To sum it up, the court has come out of their Sphinx attitude and are casting all kinds of search-light, X and violet rays on the subject of the much in­ quired about Road Oiling Fund, its history, antecedents and final entombment. The Judge calls the Progress article, about the road oiling fund having gotten into the hands of Ed Olds, a fabrication and the Progress is glad to hear that Old’s district or any other one district did not get the entire sum. The Progress in its inno­ cence and gullibility, had merely believed the facts related to it, by one of Oregon City’s leading citizens, member of the Live Wires and one of three promot­ ers of the mythical Clackamas County Automobile Club. The Judge says that $346.07 was the total sum expended by the county for road oiling, from the automobile license fund of $1647. Ed Olds’ road district in conjunction with a neighboring district were given a new grader and a road oiling machine for the county was purchased. Although the amount spent for the latter two items is not mentioned pos­ sibly some money still remains in the general fund, and if so, it would be real courteous to ex­ pend a little of it for some im­ provement up in this part of the county, such as oiling some of our good rocked roads. The Judge further says, (ac­ cording to the Enterprise’s ar­ ticle), that the court never made any appropriation of $1600. for road oiling. This is where we are tempted to hum the chorus of the afore­ mentioned refrain and beg to call attention to the articles ap­ pearing in the Oregon City En­ terprise of June 12th and 23rd, also similar ones in the Courier, quoting the court as having ap­ propriated the $1600. for a road oiling fund, at the request of the Automobile Club. The second annual George Community Fair was held at the club house and in the grove of the George Commercial & Social Club, all day Monday, Sept. 6th. The exhibits, with the excep­ tion of the livestock, were taste­ fully arranged in the halls of the club house and comprised perfect specimens of every known veg­ etable product that could he grown in this territory along with a tempting display of the products of the housewives’ skill from cooking to sewing and art work. About two hundred and fifty people enjoyed the fair, with delegations from Estacada, Gar­ field, Portland, Eagle ('reek, Bar­ ton, Currinsville and other points. That hospitality which has al­ ways characterized the George people was present that day in a multiplied form. Every visitor was made to feel welcome and unlucky was the guest who did not receive at least four invita­ tions to eat picnic dinners with the George people. These din­ ners included everything from tender fried chicken, to blue rib­ bon pies, jellies and home made bread. Following the dinner hour an interesting program began, with Congressman W. C. Hawley as the leading speaker. Mr. Haw­ ley gave an excellent, perfectly understandable talk on the sub­ ject of “ Rural Credits” and his explanation of this contemplated government aid, makes every farm owner long for the day when this much needed reform will be inaugurated. C. M. McAlister of the Port­ land Union Stock Yards gave an instructive talk on “ Hog Rais­ ing” and its future. Prof. E. B. Fitts of the O. A. C. delivered a talk on the “ Milk Cow” explain­ ing the points by indicating them on a fine Jersey cow, which was brought to the platform. Other features on the program, which were in charge of Mr. H. C. Stephens of the club, were musical numbers and an exhibi­ tion of back-handed prestidigita­ tion. The Garfield band as usual greatly added to the enjoyment by furnishing a liberal supply of their famous offerings. The majority of the exhibits at the George Fair h a v e been brought to Estacada where they are putting up a strong fight for first honors among the commun­ ity exhibits. C oncluded on page 2 C oncluded on page 2 Keynote