Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 02, 1915, Image 6

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Estacada Progress
While "n igh t-ridin g” is not
From the medley o f sugges­
considered good etiquette in this tions and schemes that are being
community, the local authorities advanced fo r the solution o f the
could probably be induced to county’s road building plan, are
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
sleep soundly while a bunch o f a number o f proposed county
R. M. Standish,. Editor and Manager public spirited citizens, tore down road bonding ideas.
I f the "pow ers that be” ever
and burned the present remains
Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, o f a fence around the Estacada try to foist upon the tax payers
Oregon, as second-class mail.
base ball grounds. These grounds another such selfish proposition
today an eyesore to the local as was defeated a few years ago
S ubscription R ates
visiting people and should be fo r voting bonds to build roads
One year
¡into, through and surrounding
Six months
.50 cleaned u p . _______
the county seat, they might as
One o f the Oregon City news­
well stop right now.
Thursday, Sept. 2, 1915
papers comes out with the fol­
It is doubtful i f Clackamas
lowing: "Clackamas county has
county road bonds will be voted
In the Sunday Oregon Journal been offered a rare opportunity. here for many years to come, but
o f August 22nd, was reproduced The Worswick company is w ill­ I never until an equitable division
an automobile road map o f Ore­ ing to lay an asphaltic concrete j is made o f the roads to be built.
gon and Washington,
which road, 16 feet wide, fo r $1 a yard.
should be o f great value to tour­ This means that the company
Carriers On Vacation
ing parties, providing it is auth­ will put down a four inch per­
manent highway with a 10 year
A. Demoy and family o f Esta­
entic and dependable.
The map shows no sign o f a : guarantee from Oregon City to cada Heights are spending a
road o f any description running Gladstone for less than $12,000.” couple o f weeks vacation on the
Do you think this same paper Tillamook beaches. During his
into Estacada or into this part o f
the county and indicates our pop­ would boost such an offer, or absence, George W alter o f Cur-
ular resort. L og LaBarre, as be­ would the court sanction it, i f rinsville is handling the mail de­
in g northwest, instead o f east o f the asphaltic concrete road was livery on Route 1.
During the vacation o f Harold
Estacada; with no road leading to be built from Logan to Esta­
Lloyd Ewalt o f Spring-
closer to this city or that resort,
Like ancient Rome, all roads w ater is attending to the rural
than Gresham, Oregon City or
must lead to Oregon City.
delivery on Route 3.
(I ncorporated )
The Progress has written to
the publishers o f the paper, ask­
ing that a correction be made,
calling attention to the miles o f
fine roads leading into this part
o f the county.
Hundreds o f auto parties visit
Estacada a n d nearby outing
places each week and in fairness
to the visitors and to ourselves,
we should make known our at­
tractions and our good roads.
In the Morning Oregonian o f
August 30th, there appeared a
list o f the Northwest Fair Dates,
but no mention was made o f eith­
er the East Clackamas County or
George Community Fairs, so the
Progress has taken the liberty o f
asking fo r a later mention o f
these events.
These conditions are brought
home forcibly in just such in­
stances as the above and no
blame can be attached to the
newspapers or to any local indi­
viduals, but the trouble lies in
the lack o f co-operation along de­
velopment lines in Estacada and
surrounding country.
W e must blow our own horn if
we expect anyone to hear us and
free advertising is obtained by
judicious blowing, whenever the
opportunity allows.
It is’ nt too late now fo r the
Estacada Business Men’ s Devel­
opment League to get busy and
do a little real tooting.
It is reported that a County
Fair will be held at Canby this
fall and that the premium lists
have already been distributed,
but i f so, this part o f the county
must have been overlooked when
the distribution occured, as this
otfice has been asked by a num­
ber o f people, as to the wherea­
bouts o f these lists.
The Oregon City Enterprise in
a current editorial says "T h e
rest o f the county will watch
with interest any attempt in Es­
tacada to unite the churches, for
there are other communities
ready to take the step. ”
The Progress will gladly help
to call a meeting to further con­
sider church unity, at any time
that the members desire to get
Mail Man Takes Wrong Medicine
A. Demoy o f Estacada came
near being tjjie victim o f a seri­
ous poisoning accident last Sun­
day, when in mistake fo r a bottle
o f sarsaparilla, he swallowed a
mouthful o f rose-nicotine. The
deadly liquid caused immediate
vom iting and after Dr. Morse
had given him an added emetic,
the drug was completely thrown
otf and no serious results follow ­
A Bank Account
is a business thermometer.
It shows at
all times exactly how you stand finan­
cially. You’ ll find an account with this
bank a decided help not alone in the con­
duct o f your business but in your busi-
standing as well. W hy not open one
and learn the benefits?
Your Check is Your Receipt
Estacada State Bank
LEROY D. WALKER. President
THOMAS YOriJM. Vice President
IRWIN 0. WRIGHT, Cashier
Interest paid on time deposits.
C. E. Lucke
Livestock Buyer
Hogs, Cattle, Sheep
A ll shipments made from the
Estacada Stock Yards
Phone R . M. Standish, Estacada agent,
and advise him of what you have for
sale, and I will call and arrange for
purchase and shipment.
A veraging about two cents a mile in daily
use, Ford cars are a necessity to every busi­
ness man, doctor, salesman or farmer. And
they serve the family just as well. Every
man is his own mechanic with a Ford. N o
need of high-priced experts.
And “ Ford
After-Service for Ford Owners” is a good
thing to remember.
Touring Car $490;
Electric Wiring
Metal Repairing
Saw Filing
Runabout $440.
On display and sale by , . . . —, — — — .
Estacada, Oregon. U . W . K l l D
Electric Wiring
S aw Filing