Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, August 19, 1915, Image 6

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    Estai add Progress
( I n c or po r a ted )
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
It. M. Standish,
Editor and Manager
Entered at the postoffire in Kataetadu,
Oregon, as second-claim mail.
S ubscription R ates
One ye ar
Six months
Thursday, Aug. 19, 1915
Six hags of catalogs from one
of the eastern mail order houses
were received at the Estacada
post office last Monday. With
winter coming on, these catalogs
will make first-class kindling,
with their hundreds of pages.
Spend your dollar in Estacada
and it wont be long before it
lands back in your pocket again,
or as Trowbridge of the Supply
Company says: “ Money is made
round, so it can roll. Keep it
rolling around your own home
What are you personally plan­ Last week two more amateur
ning to exhibit at the East Clack­ detctives bobbed up at the coun­
amas County Fair? Dont forget ty seat, requesting the court to
that a successful exhibit consists pay them for services voluntarily
of collective individual exhibits rendered in the Hill murder case.
and that without competition, no As in the case of Levings and the
j other Sherlock Holmeses, they
fair can Joe a success.
had not ferreted out the guilty
One of the the leading rural party, but had tried to.
churches in this diocese aver­ As a suggestion, if the $1600.
ages from six to eight attendants road oiling fund has not already
per service, with the Sunday been spent, let it be used as the
School averaging in proportion. foundation for a permanent en-
The church property is worth ' dowment for aspiring Nick Car­
from one to two thousand dollars ters, who are out of a job but are
and the support of the church willing to sleuth around the scene
amounts to from $100. to $200. of the Ardenwald tragedy. To
per year. Is it not time to con­ this endowment might be add­
sider a community church, where ed the $200. promised to the East
it will cost less per capita for Clackamas County Fair.
religious instruction?
In many of the leading schools,
Every day we hear of some
the course in athletics includes
victim of a drowning accident be­
instruction in swimming and the
ing resusitated by the use of a | value of this knowledge is too
pulmotor, and equally good re­
well known to need further com­
sults are often obtained in cases
of partial electrocution or gas
At a cost within reason, a
suffocation. Beneficial results are
swimming tank could be added
obtained where the pulmotor can
to the school properties, either a
Geo. C. Brownell of Oregon j be used on the victim within a cement tank on the grounds, or
City now comes forward with a short time after the accident oc­ one on the banks of the Clacka­
denouncement of the Prohibition | curs, as each minute’s delay les­ mas.
Law, claiming it will cost too sens the chances of restoration.
Our city supports a fire depart­
much to enforce it. It is stated
for the protection of prop­ The Progress is not alone in
that the liquor dealers now have
feeling that the county court and
a list of 980,000 tipplers in Ore­ erty; why not support a pulmot­
fair board are “doing us dirt” in
gon and Washington, from whom
matter of the $200 fair ap­
they are regularly soliciting busi­
ness. Their solicitations or so­
propriation, as the representa­
liciting letters are constantly re­ paratus; when a pulmotor is need­ tive men who were members of
ceived in Estacada and on the ed, it is needed at once and if it the committee that solicited the
rural routes, and if all of the only saved one life, the original
parties receiving them are classed cost would be repaid many times money, obtained a PROMISE of
as tipplers and they expect to sell over.
them booze, we pity the returns.
Estacada has had no trouble
enforcing its prohibition law in
the past two years and the little
booze that leaks in, does not get
into the hands of boys.
While the Garfield Country
Club is attracting the attention
of social workers and others
throughout the state, owing to
its being the only organization of
its kind in the Northwest, it is
attracting especial notice from
the local people, as being about
the only organization, club or
band of people in this community,
excepting the lodges, to stick to­
gether. We wish that President
Hunt or some of the other lead­
ing spirits in the country club
would tell us the secret of stick­
ing together, keeping up interest
in regular meetings, overcoming
obstacles and internal strife. We
dont understand why a commer­
cial organization in Estacada can­
not stay together longer than a
few months.
The Progress is going to have
the following sentence set up in
plate form, to save the time con­
sumed in setting it up by hand:
“ Many sidewalks in Estacada
need repairing.”
A Bank A ccount
is a business thermometer. It shows a t
all times exactly how you stand finan­
cially. You’ll find an account with this
bank a decided help not alone in the con­
duct of .your business but in your busi-
standing as well. Why not open one
and learn the benefits?
Your Check is Your Receipt
Estacada State Bank
If ROY D. W AlktR. P reside»!
IH0M4S YOCUM. Vice P re sid en t
IRWIN 0 . tt r. C ashier
Interest paid on time deposits.
C. E. Lucke
Livestock Buyer
Hogs, Cattle, Sheep
All shipments made from the
Estacada Stock Yards
Phone R. M . Standish, Estacada agent,
and advise him of what you have for
‘sale, and I will call and arrange for
purchase and shipment.
Averaging about two cents a m ie in daily
use, Ford c^rs are a necessity to every busi­
ness man, doctor, salesman or farmer. And
they serve the family just as well. Every
man is his own mechanic with a Ford. No
need of high-priced experts.
And ‘‘Ford
After-Service for Ford Owners” is a good
thing to remember.
Delivered at Estacada
Touring Car $490;
Runabout $440.
On display and sale by , . . .
Estacada, Oregon. J . W . R E E D
A Couple of Bargains—
I have left with me
514 ft. copper, double lined bath-tub,
with oak trim,
Price $12.
New Humphrey’s Ram,
C . C . M IL L E R ---------
Electric Wiring
Saw Filing