Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, August 19, 1915, Image 3

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Road Changes Now Made
In September
For E V E R Y T H I N G In
Changes in the boundaries of
road districts in the county must
be made at the September term
of the county court, according to
an amendment to the law as
passed by the last legislature.
Heretofore the changes have
been made at any time of the
year, but the new law says that
they can only be made once a
year and only at the September
term. As the term begins on
the first day of the month, those
who desire changes in the road
districts will have to get their
petitions circulated at once in or­
der to present them in time.
The amendment as passed by the
legislature reads as follows:
"Sec. 6313. The county courts
of the several counties of this
state shall, as often as they may
deem necessary, but no oftener
than once a year, divide their
respective counties or any part
thereof, into suitable road dis­
tricts, each of which shall be
numbered, and cause a brief des­
cription of the same to be entered
upon the county records. Each
county court, at the September
term thereof, 1915, shall so ar­
range the road districts of the
county as to conform to the pro­
vision of this section, and at the
September term of said court
every year thereafter and at no
other term make such changes in
the road districts of the county
as may be deemed necessary,
provided, that all road districts
formed under the provisions of
this act shall be formed from
contiguous territory. ”
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Mop Sticks
Ax Handles
A Complete Line to Select From
See our line of
Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes
Men’s Shirts,
and S ox
A new line of C A P S just arrived
Just the thing for Summer wear
W e pay C A S H for fresh Eggs
Waterbury & Chapman
“ The Quality Store”
NOW is the time to buy
Roll top writing Desk, best white oak $14.
—White oak typewriter desks - - 6.
Oak library Tables
—Six foot, extension, pedestal
Dining table, regular $17. now 15.
Square, six foot, extension
Dining table, regular 11.
- Ladies ak Desks, ”
15.50 ” 13.50
Oak Buffet with mirror, plush
lined drawers, regular 22.75 ”
- 13.50 ”
Book-ca e and desk combined
regular 16.
” 14.50
—Ladies dresser, French plate
- regular 19.
” 18.
15.50 ” 14.50
13.75 ” 12.75
Kitchen cupboard complete 9.50 ” 8.50
—Kitchen table, combination bins, etc. 5.
Dont fail to inspect our regular line of
rockers, cnairs, beds, etc.
Estacada Furniture Co.
U ndertakers
G o t S o re F e e t?
A. D. S. Foot Soap
Will take the soreness out of them
A wonderful Relief for Swollen,
Inflamed, Sweaty, Tired,
Aching Feet.
Take a Cake Home and
Be Comfortable.
Estacada Pharmacy
T he ^l&HaJUL Store
Weif known Musician
to Teach
The many friends of Mrs. H.
G. Trowbridge of Estacada are
pleased to learn of her decision
to give piano and organ instruc­
tion the coming season.
Mrs. Trowbridge, owing to
her years of study and teaching
of music is especially qualified to
give proper instruction to begin­
ners, as well as to advanced
Mrs. Trowbridge is a graduate
of the musical course at Carlton
College, after which she gradu­
ated with high honors from the
four year course at the Wiscon­
sin Conservatory of Music and
later spent three years at the
Conservatory, teaching piano
and pipe organ.
For the time being, she will
confine her class to a limited
number o f pupils and many of
the parents are hoping to have
their children avail themselves
of this opportunity.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many
friends and neighbors for the
kindnesses and sympathy, shown
to us in our late bereavement.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Githens
and family.
On and after August 20th,
1,000 rods of
we will have
Fencing to distribute among the Farmers
around Estacada, at catalogue prices, and
give you until Nov. 1st to pay for same.
Come in and let us know the Kind and
How much you will
next 3 months.
Bert H Finch
Examine our Complete Stock of
Hose, Hosiery, Stocking, Socks,
or whatever you may call them.
For Ladies
Burson brand, tan, white and black
Pacific Jewel, silk hose
Fibre Silk hose,
25c pair
For Children
Silk Lisle,
25c pair !
tan, black or white,
Bearskin stockings for boys or girls, black only 15c
Sandow brand,
For Men
Engineer & Fireman brand, tan or black, 15c
2 pair 25c
Knoxknit, Dress Socks, black, white, tan, —
pearl and Palm Beach,
Rellim Made, Dress Socks,
U. S. Work Socks, gray only,
25c pair
3 pair for 25c
Full Line of Wool, Cashmere and Heavy socks, 25c to 50c
cAt D A L E ’S