Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, August 12, 1915, Image 9

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Published weekly by the extension
division of the Oregon Agricultural
College. R. D. Hetzel. director.
Exchange copies and communica­
tions should be addressed to Editor of
Press Bulletins, 116 Agricultural Hall,
0. A. C., Corvallis, Ore.
The Press Bulletin aims to keep
the state press informed in all mat­
ters of interest and value related
to the work of the Oregon Agricul­
tural College. Editors are respect­
fully requested to publish for the
benefit of their readers such items as
they think seasonable and suited to
local use.
(Hermiston Herald)
The McNaught contract for the
shipment o f 500 tons of chopped alfal­
fa hay is working out very success­
fully, according to C. N. McNaught,
who is in active charge. Other orders
are being negotiated and there now
seems no question but that the entire
Maxwell and McNaught hay that is
sold will be disposed of in this wey.
Arrangements may also be made
whereby other hay that is sold will be
handled in the same manner.
Mr. McNaught says when all is run­
ning smoothly the outfit is capable of
chopping about 50 tons per day. The
machinery is old though, and this out­
put cannot be maintained steadily.
The hay is chopped at the stack in the
field and hauled in special racks to
the car.
At present it is handled by
fork. He is figuring on a small blower
to put it in the car. In that event the
wagons would drive alongside a hop­
per and dump the load and much bet-
'T time could be made in handling
the hay.
The wagons average two tons to the
load and no great difficulty is experi­
enced in getting the weight into a car.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
vallic, Aug. 9.— It is perfectly natural
for the highly developed dairy cow to
produce large amounts of milk if she
is supplied with proper conditions,
relates Professor R. R. Graves, head
of the O. A. C. dairy department.
These favorable factors of high yield
are said to be abundance o f palatable
food, balanced rations, succulent feed,
moderate temperature and bodily com­
fort. The last two are to be secured
by a comfortable, well-lighted, well
ventilated barn. The others are ex­
plained in detail in the recent Exten­
sion bulletin, “ Feeding the Dairy
Cow,” prepared by Professor Graves
for use o f Oregon dairymen.
In support of his views Professor
Graves cites the fact well known to
every dairyman, that in the spring
when grass is good and the days are
moderately cool the milk flow reach­
es its maximum. This, he says, is be­
cause the cows get plenty o f palat­
able suculent food composing a well-
balanced ration, and are comfortable
in the moderate temperature.
It is
under similnr conditions that the suc­
cessful dairyman must try to keep
his cows throughout the whole of the
year. To accomplish this would be to
increase the average nroduction of the
herd almost fifty per cent.
That a good dairy cow will continue
to give milk even at the expense of
her body nutrition but that the flow
will decrease, was shown by an experi­
ment at the University o f Missouri.
A mature Jersey cow in good condi­
tion at the time of calving was fed
just enough to support her body leav­
ing nothing for milk production, for
thirty days, at the end o f which she
was producing but one pound less milk
than at the beginning although los­
ing 115 pounds of weight.
pounds of milk solids had been pro­
duced from her own body. After de­
cline, however, it is next to impos­
sible to bring production of any cow
up to the former level.
Dean Mary E. Fawcett, recently
appointed as dean of women at the
Oregon Agricultural College, has be­
gun her work at this institution and
is compiling information necessary to
carry on her work o f providing whole­
some and pleasant campus life for the
women students. She says that she
tikes the big opportunities of the Ore­
gon field and that she hopes to main­
tain the democratic policies that have
previously obtained in the State Col­
lege. She endorses student govern­
ment and will work for its develop­
ment along right and rational lines,
and thinks that life at Waldo and
Cauthorn Halls will continue to be
most attractive and popular.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
vallis, Aug. 9.— Bulletin number three
on the Business Side of Farming has
just appeared from the Oregon Agri­
cultural College press. It was written
by Honorable E. E. Wilson, an at­
torney at law and member of the
Board o f Regents, and was issued by
the Extension division. It deals with
the Oregon laws on real property and
copies may be had by residents of
Oregon by making application to the
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvillis,
In determining what is the law re­
lating to titles to real property, Mr.
Wilson had recourse to three sources
of authority—statutory enactment of
the legislative assembly of Oregon,
decisions of the supreme court of Ore­
gon on questions o f the common law
of real property not covered by pre­
vious decisions, and the principles of
common law as announced by judicial
decision of the courts o f other states
and generally recognized throughout
the United States.
Subjects treated are
among them being title by purchase,
deeds, leases, mortgages, dower, and
recording; title by will; methods other
than grants including judicial process,
administrator’s, guardian’s and exe­
cution sales, eminent domain, and re­
lated proceedures. The first division
deals with the history o f possession
of lands and the last with abstract
of titles. The volume is designed as
supplemental to two previous volumes
on the- Business side of farming pre­
pared by the School of Commerce.
Miss Ruth Jackson, a graduate stu­
dent of O. A. C. receiving a master's
degree in agriculture, has been elected
to the head of that department in the
Idaho State Normal at Albion, at a
very attractive salary. Miss Jackson
has been associated with some of the
leading specialists o f the United
States Department of Agriculture in
various phases of agriculture, and has
done much practical work here as the
basis for her degree. Her garden in
the College fields is a marvel of high
production and good quality, and
shows the practical character of her
training. With her direction the Idaho
school should be able to accomplish
the special purpose for which a wom­
an was employed— interesting rural
women teachers in teaching agricul­
Manufacturing Machinery
Calls for Intelligent
Pruning to Control Bud-Formation
and Proper Distribution of Nourish
ment Should be Based on Exact
(By E. J. Krause, Research Asso­
ciate in Horticulture at O. A. C.)
If the fruit-buds are regarded as
the actual fruit manufacturing ma­
chinery o f a tree, it is necessary to
know something of where they are lo­
cated, how and when they are formed,
and how they should be treated, says
E. J. Krause of the Oregon Agricul­
tural College.
For convenience, they
may be classified according to their
particular location on the tree; namely
terminal buds (on shoots), axilary
buds (on, shoots ,and those borne on
The terminal fruit-buds are those
which are at the very tip or terminus
of a shoot. In certain varieties of ap­
ples, such as Johnathan, Gravenstein,
Newtown and others, and in some
varieties of pears, notably the Bart­
lett, Winter Nelis, and Angouleme,
much of the first crop of fruit-buds
is borne terminally on shoots.
The axillary buds are also borne on
e-year-old wood, but on the sides of
the shoots instead of at the tips.
The third class of buds, those borne
on spurs, which are really nothing
more nor less thon ver short branch­
es, are borne either singly, or in ag­
gregations of two, or many. General­
ly they developed first from either one
or two-year old wood, though at times
from that which is older. They develop
either from single terminal buds, as
is general in plums and prunes, or
from one to several lateral buds, as
in apples and pears. Depending upon
variety and environmental conditions,
these anual increases in length may
vary from a fraction o f an inch to
several inches, with the result that the
older spurs may be very compact, or
loose and spreading. In some in­
stances large spurs consist of as many
as forty or fifty buds on more, or loss
angled branches. A fruit-spur may be
a single short branch bearing one or a
few fruit and leaf buds, or a large
aggregation of such branches which
arise from one another.
"he porportions of the several
classes of fruit-buds vary greatly ac­
cording to the kind and variety of
fruit. In the peach, particularly, all
the fruit buds are axillary and borne
on one-year wood. Some o f the annual
inches are so short that they might
regarded as spurs, perhaps, though
the proportion of buds borne on such
spurs, as compared to the total num­
ber on the tree, is small. In this parti­
cular class o f fruits the fruit-buds,
which usually contain one or some­
times two flowers, are borne singly on
one side or the other of the leaf-buds,
r in pairs with a leaf-bud between
bem. They are usually more numer­
ous toward the tips o f the branches,
though when the trees have been pro­
perly kept open to admit light and air
they are plentiful on the smaller la-
• •’rals and scattered well along the
hranches, except at the bases of the
larger ones.
In the plum and prune, fruit-huds
are borne both on one-year shoots and
have large quantities of axillary huds.
much as has the peach, except that
frequently there are more than two
at each node. The number of axillary
h"ds on one-year-old wood in the case
of the common varieties of prunes
should be regarded as small compared
with those on spurs, though one-year-
old spurs are often prolific bloomers
I he sweet cherry has its fruit-buds
either on spurs or as axillary buds on
one-year-old wood. If the one-year
branches are of any considerable
length, it is worthy to note that the
fruit-buds on them are borne near the
base, or at least the basal one-half.
Apples and pears may be considered
together, since the methods of fruit­
ing are similar. The fruit-buds are
borne on spurs, as axillary buds, or
terminals on one-year wood. Varieties
vary greatly in this regard.
have a large proportion o f their fruit-
buds on one-year wood, especially
while young, while others bear very
few such buds, having practically all,
except a very few terminals, borne
on spurs which sometimes are present
on one-year wood. Attention is called
to the fact that, normally, the axillary
fruit-buds are borne near the tips of
the branches instead of the base, just
the reverse o f the condition prevailing
in the sweet sherry.
In apples and pears it is frequently
objectionable to have fruit at or near
the tips o f long one-year branches, be­
cause such branches are bent with the
fruit and becomes misshappen, are
swayed with the wind, and thus bruise
not only the fruit they bear, but all in
the immediate vicinity, and tend to
bring the fruit to the very outside of
the tree, so that even a light load is
apt to cause breaking. Yet it is unde­
sirable at times to remove all such
fruit-buds, because they may consti­
tute a large proportion of the entire
crop. If it were possible it would be
of much greater advantage to have
bearing on short laterals so that they
might be saved to produce fruit. Such
a condition actually can be brought
about, especially with young trees,
through a method of early summer
pruning, whereby
branches, instead of being allowed to
grow normally, are headed back suf­
ficiently early in the season to allow
laterals to spring from them and de­
velop terminal and even axillary fruit-
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
vallis, Aug. 9.— President W. J. Kerr,
of the Oregon Agricultural College,
and a large number of College officers
nd staff specialists are in attendance
at the group of national association
meetings now in progress at Berke­
ley and other California points. Presi­
dent Kerr is vice-president of the
Land Grant College Engineering As­
sociation and in addition to assist­
ing in the deliberation o f that
society will deliver an address before
the Home Economics section. These
associations convene at Berekley on
August 10.
Professor R. D. Hetzel, director of
College Extension, is chairman of the
Extension section of the national body
and will preside over its proceedings
and direct its activties along lines
closely related to extension and de­
monstration work in the various
states, including Oregon. The Oregon
system o f extension has attracted the
attention of extension officers o f other
states, resulting in Professor Hetzel’s
appointment to this important chair­
manship in the national association.
Dean A. B. Cordley, director of the
Oregon Station, will represent this
state in the American Association. He
will also attend the meetings o f the
American Association for the Ad­
vancement of Science, of which he is
a fellow, and take part in the proceed­
ings of the society for the promotion
c f agricultural science.
Drofessoi II F Wilson is president
o f the Pacific Coact Association of
lv-.tomologists, which meets at Berke­
ley, and he v ill present scientific
papers teforo some of the affiiliated
societies. Professor L aden has been
asked to give an address before the
American Poultry Association, and
professor H. B. Ptookr will speak
before the National Educational As­