Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, August 12, 1915, Image 7

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Notes From
All Sections
In the absence o f the driver, I
three horses attached to a bind­
er belonging to John Stormer of (
Springwater, started on a run­
away through the fields last Fri­
day but were finally stopped a f­
Dont fail to Inspect my Stock of
ter considerable risk by Barney
Watches, Clocks, Silverware and Jewelry Schoenberg. No harm was done !
to the horses hut the tongue of \
Repairing a Specialty
the binder gave Blacksmith Barr
o f Estacada a few hours rush
I will be in Estacada—
Our Jewelry Stock
Is New and Complete
Aug. lfith to 22nd.
Miss Oakley and Miss Mary
Oakley of Seattle are visiting at
When not here, leave work at Marchbank’s. the home o f their sister, Mrs. J.
W. Reed o f Estacada.
F. E. Beckwith,
The Jeweler
Adjoining Marchbank’s
Notices have already been re-
ceived at this office of about fifty
head of livestock which will be J
ready for the next shipment from
the Estacada stock yards. Buy-
er Lucke should be in this vicln - \
ity within a few days, but at
present cannot set the exact date
for next shipment. Parties hav­
ing stock for sale, advise the
Progress office*
Don’t Let It Get Away From You
that we couldn’t sell meat the second
time to a good housekeeper if what
she bought the first time didn’t
prove correct in weight and right
in quality and price.
Lodges, Clubs, Granges
or other Organizations
Does your club room need
a new instrument?
you want a piano, player
piano, organ or phono­
graph? W e will make
you a liberal allowance
on your present instru­
ment and will so arrange
the balance of your pay­
ments, that the purchase of the new instrument will
not orove an embarassment to you.
Advise us of your wants and
ask for our price list of slight­
ly used pianos and organs.
The Misses Jessie and Alice
Armstrong of Portland who have
recently returned from taking a J
R . M. Standish
summer course at the State Nor- j
Estacada Agent
mal School, are now spending a
few weeks at the Armstrong
Dr. and Mrs. E. K. Scott of
country home in Lower Garfield.
and two- daughters,
Miss Jessie Armstrong is a June
graduate o f the Oregon Normal I spent the week end at the home
while Miss Alice took a summer of Mr. and Mrs. H. (!. Stephens
course preparatory to her teach­ o f George.
ing in the Tracy School
coining school year.
The two daughters of Dave
Miller o f McMinnville, have re­
turned to her hone after a tw o
week’s visit with th.'ir grand­
mother, Mrs. M. LaCroy, and
other relatives near Viola.
Mrs. Helen Drew and mother
R. F. Snyder, of Estacada, who
of Portland are visiting at the has been working at Windling,
Mrs. Smith o f Portland, is home o f Mrs. Henry Dubois of Or. for the past year, returned
home last week with his wife,
visiting at the home o f her broth-1 Estacada.
Bob severely gashed his foot with
er, T. Jackson o f Viola.
R. 3. Coop o f Currinsville has an axe about two weeks ago,
H. F. Gibson o f Barton, was a sick cow, suffering from prob­ which is necessitating his using
visiting at his father’s home on > ably the same disease that has crutches and to further compli-
been prevalent in that neighbor­ ! cate matters, the lumber com­
Sunday and Monday.
pany, for w-hom he had been
hood for the past sixty days.
¡working, shut down for thirty
J. C. Duus of Garfield a week
The Sparks, Lovelace, Devore days at least.
or so ago purchased the slightly
party, which is touring
used Ford car from the Clacka­
W. L. Osborn of Los Angele-,
was last reported to spent a couple o f days last week
mas Garage and his sons have
since been every day visitors in be enjoying the beaches near at the home of his brother, John
Monterey and will soon be head­ Osborn on Estacada Heights.
t Mr. Osborn resided in Estacada
ing for home.
about seven years ago and is now
The Wm. Dale Co. o f Estacada
Miss Beatrice Pugh o f Union, on his way to Greeley, Colorado,
is giving away a handy souvenir,
the family home.
consisting of a combination, pen­ Or. is a guest at the home o f Mr.
cil, pen and eraser. I f the school
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Udell and
family o f Dover, were calling on
was in session now, the store cada.
couldn’t stand the rush for these ' Mrs. Geo Dale of-Estacada, is [James Gibson of Barton, last
spending a week’s vacation at Thursday afternoon.
The Jubb Brothers, who re­
Ted Saling, son o f Mr. and Mrs. the home of her sister, Mrs.
cently purchased a new thresh­
E. E. Saling o f Currinsville, be- j Helen Massey o f Portland.
ing machine, are doing good
ing jealous o f the attention be-! The George Threshing Crew ! work for the farmers in Viola,
stowed upon his father during is in the Eagle Creek neighbor­ The grain so far is turning out
the recovery from his late acci- j hood. They threshed for R. S. j tine.
dent, joined the ranks o f the tem­ Clark and Pete Clester on Tues­
Adolph Wiederhold, o f Bissell,
porarily incapacitated, by being day, and from there will go to who has sufficiently convalesced
thrown from the fam ily’s “ Dob­ the Ed Douglass place.
from his late accident to be about,
! made a trip to Estacada last Tues-
bin” and receiving a break in the
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson of
! day, where he underwent a final
elbow bone.
Eagle Creek, accompanied by ¡examination by Dr. Adix, who
Mrs. G. W. Smith and daugh- Mrs. Rose Douglass, attend the i reported all injuries to be heal­
ter Elsie, o f Coffeyvil'e, Kansas [ Quarterly Conference o f the M. ing up satisfactorily.
are visiting at the home o f their E. Church at Dover, Sunday.
There will be no regular preach­
son and brother, O. E. Smith of
Mrs. L. Ellers o f Portland is ing in the Springwater and
Estsfcada. They are leaving soon ! visiting at the home o f her par­ Eagle ( ’reek Presbyterian Chur­
for home, by way of San Fran­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Scheel of ches for the next two Sundays.
Sunday School as usual.
cisco and Los Angeles.
Palace Meat M arket
Fred Jorjj,
Phone Main 83.
Estacada, Oregon
Riley’s Toffies
The English Made Candy
Something Entirely New
Full fresh line of
Cigars and
Smokers Articles
Kodak Supplies - Films and Developers
Fishing Tackle
Ed Boner
Klaetsch Mills
First class lumber o ' all kinds, promptly
delivered from big stock on hand.
Dimension material a specially.
Phone or call at mill,
O. C. Klaetsch, Owner.