I Portland, Latest of Classy H A T S - Oregon. - One Price - A social evening was enjoyed last Monday in the grove of the Wash home in Estacada, the affair being a social given by the young people of the M. E. church Epworth League. Harvest Time Mr. N. I. Bartholomew o f Portland is visiting relatives in Currinsville this week. Is Here Mrs. J. R. Townsend o f Esta-j cada left last Wednesday with; her son, Lester Townsend andj wife o f Bull Run, for a few! weeks trip to California, where she will visit the Fair. $2. H o w ’s Y o u r R oof? Repair It During The Dry W eather You can Reap a Harvest Of Profits by trading where you can get the most for your money. ! Shingles — Mountain Cedar $2. per M. Cascade Roofing Paper $1.25 per 108 sq. ft. Elastic Roofing Paint - 75c per gal. N o. 1 Portland Flooring at $25. per M. N o. 2 ” ” ” 20. ” ” Shiplap N o. 1 common $12. — $13. per M. Boxing and Dimension - $11. ” ” We also have a fine assortment of Window and Door Casings, Trim and Mouldings. No. 2 Doors - $1. each Lathes - $2. per M. Complete stock of Hay, Feed and Grain Fresh Supply of Sand and Gravel Estacada Lumber & Produce Co. E. D. Allen Officials Visit Tributary Country W. J. Sampson j a few turns would start the en­ gine, but, with the aid of Land Agent Kelly, after raising the load almost to the top, decided the ignation was bad in the spark plug and let go the handle to in­ vestigate. The windlass drum left the well, chased Kelly around two apple trees and the chicken coop, complete y upset the dig­ nity of R. M. Townsend and not being able to climb a fence could not reach Mr. Hunt The bot­ tom o f the well was knocked out, the cover busted and several of the chickens were last seen fly­ ing towards Log LaBarre; four hogs lost twenty pounds apiece from fright and the family cows nearly dried up from the scare. Messrs. Hunt, Townsend and Kelly o f the P. R. L. & P. Co., and ye editor, made a trip through the Garfield and George sections last Friday, in the interests of. the coming fairs and to familiar­ ize themselves with the agricul­ tural resources adjacent to their lines. The party was entertained at a delightful chicken dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Miller of George and after visiting at the Stevens and Joyner homes, proceeded to explore the wilds o f Eagle Creek canyon in the vicinity of Millers’ Bridge, planning to return to Garfield via the upper road. The company’s auto, weighing about as much as a loaded freight Dorcas Meeting car and with a four horse-power On Thursday, August 19th, engine, made the down trip to there will be an all day meeting the bridge all right, but three of the Garfield Dorcas Society hours were consumed in getting held at the Garfield Country the arc out of the mudholes near Club. All members and friends the creek. Owing to the steep are cordially invited to be pres­ grade on the Garfield side o f the ent. canyon, and the party not being able to pull the bus up the hill, Editor Standish, who returned the return trip was made back Monday night from Bar View, through’ George. Or., where he had left Mrs. An interesting article on the Standish and children, received beautiful, yet seldom traveled word Tuesday forenoon of the spots adjacent to their lines, will serious illness of his two-year-old appear in some o f the railway’s boy, John Hubbard Standish. forthcoming literature. Mr. Standish and Mrs. M. H. In an attempt to lift a 10 gallon Evans left for Bar View that af­ bucket of water from the Joyner ternoon and it is hoped that the well. F. D. Hunt grasped the baby’s sickness will not be as windlass handle, expecting that serious as feared. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eschleman, Mrs. A. K. Morton and Miss Florrie Kendall o f Estacada re- ! turned home last Monday from Camp Killkare, where they have i been for the past two weeks. The Modern Priscillas of Currinsville were royally enter­ tained at the home o f Mrs. John Githens, of Currinsville, last Thursday, Aug. 5th. About thirty members and visitors i were present. Miss Mable Fanning of the Wm. Dale Co. is leaving Sunday, Aug. 15th for Portland, on her way to the Panama Pacific Expo­ sition, where she intends to spend her vacation. Born, August 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Foster, o f Spring- water, a daughter. Mrs. J. L. Looney, son and daughter, of Spencer, W. Va., who has been visiting with her brother, John Barr o f Estacada, for the past six weeks, will leave for home the first of next week. Mrs. P. N. Dustin of Centerburg, Ohio, is also visiting her sister, Mrs. C. A. Barr, at the Barr home. Mrs. C. A. Barr is going home with her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Looney, for an extended visit. The East Clackamas Supply Co. have a feature film for the Saturday Picture show at the Family Theatre, Aug. 14th. which everyone should see anu no one should miss. » Binding Tw ine We still have to finish your harvest at Prices That Are Right. Feed o f All Kinds handled in car lots. before buying Get our prices elsewhere. Groceries Our grocery department has become even more popular than our feed department. Let us figure with you on that grocery order and reap the benefits of right prices. Just a Few Specials Best Perry Sugar, per sack $6.75 Crystal or Royal White Soap, 6 bars 25c Carnation Milk, 3 for 25c, per dozen .95 If you want Fruit Jars, Jar Caps, Jar Rubbers or Jelly Glasses. We can save you money. W e W a n t Y o u r P ro d u c e The State Veterinarian Recommends SALT For Those Sick Cows W e are headquarters for S A L T which we handle in carload lots Half-ground stock salt 50 U> sack 35c per ton $12.50 Dairy Salt 50 U> sack 45c per ton $16.00 SAMSON . W 3S& W K TR A C T O R $ 575 . Our Slogan.- “ A Satisf.ed Cun tum or is Our Best A dvertisem ent” TRACY 4 GIVENS W. R. Reid & Sons Distributors Estacada, O regon Estacada, - Oregon.