Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, August 12, 1915, Image 2

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    Saturday 9c Special Sale
W e invite the Ladies to use our
Rj>est Rjjoom
Ladies’ and Childrens’
Summer Hats and Caps
Take advantage o f these Late Summer Prices.
There are
Easy Chairs
IViens’ Hats and Caps
The new Brighton Style Caps in Silk,
Black and White Check, regular $1. - 69c
The same style in Worsted, Browns,
regular $1. - 69c
Cloth Fedora Hats
1. - 79c
Brown Fedora Hats -
75c - 59c
Khaki Cloth Hats
50c - 39c
Ladies’ Hats and Caps
A rrow
The popular Mary Bickford style Caps,
in silk
regular $1.25
in cloth, reversible -
White striped Pique Sailor Hats, reg. 75c
White Middy Hats
Colored Mary Janes -
Arrow Collars
regular 50c
15c each,
These will be common phrases
in the future:-
“ Meet me at the Supply Co’s
Rest Room”
‘ ‘ I’ ll wait for you at the Supply
Co’s Rest Room”
“ Pm going to rest a while at
the Supply Go’ s Rest Room” .
Auto Delivery^
Childrens’ Hats
Rah Rah Style in Check,
’ White,
At Your Service
2 for 25c
we know
they represent the full­
East Clackamas Supply Co.
est value it is possible
“ Your Satisfaction is Our Success”
is at your service
Deliveries are being made reg­
ularly at 10: A.M. and 3:30 P.M.
Telephone your orders for
to secure.
Estacada To Coast Trip Alluring
With the advent o f the auto
touring craze in Estacada, many
o f the machine owners are con­
stantly looking for new roads to
conquer and new sights to see.
One o f the finest o f trips com­
prises the run from Estacada to
the Tillamook beaches, compris­
ing about 155 miles, via New-
berg, McMinnville, ana the Grand
Round reservation, through the
Coast Range to Tillamook.
This round trip was made last
week by W. A. Jones in two
days, having taken H. H. Tracy
o f Tracy & Givens to Cloverdale.
Wm. Underwood and the edi­
tor returned Monday night from
a trip to Bar View, where Mrs
Standisn and children were left
to spend a vacation. The party
left Estacada Sunday morning at
7:30 arriving at Bar View twelve
hours later, the car making the
return trip in ten and one half
A couple o f Estacada parties
made the trip to Government
Camp last Saturday and Sunday,
the O. E. Smith party having
gone to the Camp and Mr. and
Mrs. 1. 1). Wright spent the
night at Arrawana, below the
Barlow Toll Gate.
Realty Activities In Springwater
Several new families are mov­
ing into Springwater this month,
among them being the J. O. Wil­
liams family, on the property
formerly belonging to Dr. Adix
o f Estacada.
It is reported that the T. H.
Hayner farm in Springwater has
been sold and that A. D. Sehmidt
has also sold part o f his land at
the top o f the hill.
Road Signs To Be Placed
Garfield Community Exhibit
With the exception o f one or
two autoists, no call has been re­
ceived at the Progress or Estaca­
da Lumber & Produce C o.’s for
more road guide signs.
The road leading towards Dodge
and Mollalla has been cared for
and also the road on the east side
o f the river from Estacada to
No signs have been placed a-
long the road to Portland through
Springwater, Logan, etc., nor
along the Section Line or Powell
Valley roads.
Several signs which were placed
at important places have been
torn down, including one or two
on the Springwater hill road.
A reward will he paid by the
Estacada Business Men’s Devel­
opment League for any informa­
tion which will lead to the con­
viction o f patties destroying
these guides.
The Garfield Producers’ Asso­
ciation are considering handling
the Garfield community exhibit
at the coming East Clackamas
County Fair. If this organiza­
tion o f hustlers decides to back
this exhibit, it will mean strong
rivalry for the prize.
- -----------------
$2. a day.
$10. a week
Hotel Estacada
Modern Conveniences
One of the most delightful Resorts
on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
Estacada and Portland
Round Tabiers Picnic
Daily Auto Service
The Garfield Round Table held
their annual picnic last Sunday
on Eagle Creek at Miller's Bridge.
About fifteen members were pres­
ent and enjoyed the usual fine
picnic lunch, disported in the
nearby creek and returned home
via Lower Garfield, where they
stopped at the Botkin home and
severely punished a couple o f gal­
lons o f ice cream.
Part o f the members, not being
content to spend one day on the
spent Saturday night
camping on the creek, prepara­
tory to getting an early start.
via Currinsville, Eagle Creek and Barton.
Passenger and Parcel Express.
Car leaves Estacada,
Marchbank’s Store 7:45 A.M .
Returning leaves Portland,
1st and Alder Sts. 3:30 P.M.
Will deliver and collect goods along the
route, do buying and errands
for parties desiring same.
Same as the Railway.
For Reservation or other Information
Phone R. G. Ma chbank, Estacada, Or.
L. E. Folsom
(N ew Dodge Car)
Birthday Party
Little Wilma Duncan, daugh­
ter o f Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dun­
can, o f Garfield, as hostess, gave
a party to her little friends, Fri­
day afternoon, Aug. 6th, it being
her 9th birthday.
A fter refreshments were serv­
ed the little girls departed for
their homes, wishing Wilma
many more happy birthdays.
All Day
High School Girls
and Kettles.
I will room 10 to 20 girls. Nice
parlor, bath, and single
or double rooms.
Call or phone, Mrs. 1. M. Park
Route 2, Estacada, Or.
Old English Gray Ware, Dish-pans, Pails
1 each to a customer
Double Gold Band China Ware
50 piece sets - - $4.75
See our new “ Strike Anywhere”
6 boxes for 25c
Park & Closner
Hunt Building