Devoted V olume 8, N umber 47 LEAVING THE MINISTRY Local Pastor to Pursue Profes ion ltev. C. B. Rees o f Estacada, who for the past two years has been in charge o f the Estacada M. E. Church and the branch churches in Garfield, Currinsville and Mt Zion, will remain in charge o f this district until the completion o f his term, Sept. 19 next, but the latter part o f this month is moving his family and household goods to St Johns, where they will make their future home. Only after much deliberation, consultation and a consideration o f all phases o f this move, has he decided upon this action. Mr. Rees has a large family and the support and proper education of his children is o f prime impor­ tance. Owing to the present condition o f religious work in this field, the financial returns are not sufficient to answer the needs o f a growing family and Mr. Rees’ decision is a wise one, as a pastor and l'atner. For many years past, Mr. Rees has at odd times exercised his professional hobby o f violin mak­ ing and by experts is regarded as one o f the most skillful work­ men on the Pacific Coast, his instruments always being in de­ mand and his repair work being excellent. His pie ent plans are to open a shop in connection with the Packard Piano House, in Portland, where he will make his headquarters. During the two years o f Rev. Rees’ pastorate in this commun­ ity, he has accomplished much good and made many friends. Many local people, besides his parishoners will miss the friend­ ship and association o f Mr. Rees and his cheerful wife and family, and they all join in wishing them success and happiness in his new entry into laymen’ s endeavors. As to the community M. E. Churches, a successor will be ap­ pointed within a short time who will be welcomed in his efforts to continue the good work o f his predecessor. Do You Need Fish The Estacada Rod & Gun Club through its secretary, has writ­ ten to the State Fish & Game Commission, asking for an early delivery o f at least 400,000 rain­ bow and eastern brook trout fry, for liberation in eastern Clacka­ mas waters. If residents o f this section will advise the secretary, R. M. Stan- to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County E stacada , O regon , T hursday , Counly Court Considers Plan to Revise Entire Highway System The county court is displeased with the supervisor system o f road construction and may adopt a plan of dividing the county into four districts and appointing an experienced and practical road man for each, said Commissioner William Mattoon Wednesday. He described the supervisor system as extravagant and waste­ ful and said that he was convin­ ced that the county was losing money from the road fund in large amounts annually. The county court was serious­ ly considering this plan, he said, and wished to learn the senti­ ment o f the taxpayers o f the county before finally passing on it. The county would be divided into four districts and a thor­ oughly experienced man put in charge o f each. Each one of these district road masters would have chargs o f road work in his district and the power to appoint I his assistants, Mr. Mattoun ad­ ded. County Judge Anderson said Wednesday night that, the plan had been suggested but that no step toward adopting it had been taken. He deedared that while the scheme was probably an im­ provement in some ways, it had its drawbacks. Judge Anderson added that the plan would be taken up at the September term o f court. Expert Accountant John Y. Richardson, who completed a road expenditure statement for all the counties in the state while he was connected with the state accounting department, calcu­ lates that Clackamas county spent $368,214.85 on roads in 1914, or $9.99 per capita. The amount spent is exceeded by only Mult­ nomah county and two counties which have issued bonds. Oregon City Enterprise. dish o f their needs for restocking streams in their vicinity, arrange­ ments can be made to handle same. At least 100,000 fry should be planted in Delph Creek, common­ ly called the South Fork o f Eagle Creek, this stream is ideal for rainbow or eastern brook trout, and the fry can easily be liberat­ ed near the Garfield Country Club. Volunteers are wanted, who will help liberate the fry in some o f the small lakes in out o f the way parts o f the mountains. A ugust 12, 1915 COUNCIL MEETINC Important Matters Passed Upon At the regular council meeting o f August 12th, various matters o f special import were brought up and passed upon. All mem­ bers were present except Stan- dish and Lovelace, who were both out of the city. The water committee looked into the matter o f water mains in certains portions o f the city, in view o f replacing the small pipe with a 3-inch main to be tapped individually, in place o f the 1-inch pipe supplying a num­ ber o f households and the end ones doing without water during the sprinkling hours. The matter o f road supervisor was read and passed upon. A. G. Amea, being present with a petition o f 120 signatures, was elected unanimously. Jas. Smith had a petition with 28 signatures, which was handed in, but he did not appear to present his appeal for the position. The usual biHs -were allowed for current expenses. The regulations on sprinkling were read and passed and Coun­ cilman Jorg was instructed to have the same printed for distri­ bution to the water users. The regulations are as f o l l o w s : Sprinkling will be allowed North o f 4th street on odd days only, and South o f 4th street on even days only. Hours o f sprinkling are from 6 to 8 A. M. and from 5 to 8 P. M. Anyone violating this ordinance will have their water shut off and will be sub­ ject to a $1 fine to have it turned on again. An alarm c f 3 Taps o f the Fire Bell is to be sounded one hour before the water wiil be turned off, for the purpose o f cleaning the reservoir and flushing the mains. For Better Supplement C. J. McIntosh, editor o f the press bulletins isssued by the Oregon Agricultural College, and used as a supplement to the Prog­ ress, writes that he will visit Es­ tacada shortly, to attend the an­ nual picnic at the Garfield Coun­ try Club. He also wishes to confer with the Progress and such o f its read­ ers as are interested, with a view to getting netv ideas for subjects to be dealt With irt their weekly bulletins. Parties having suggestions as to articles which wmuld be o f in­ terest to them, are requsted to meet Mr. McIntosh or send their ideas to the Progress. $1. P er Y ear Court Visits Estacada The members o f the county i court were Estacada visitors last Saturday afternoon, having been on an auto inspection trip thru Dover and nearby districts. Owing to a punctured tire, the court was forced o remain in Estacada long enough to allow' the editor to interview them. This interview was very unsat­ isfactory to the interviewer and probably to the interviewed. The court were about as com- mfinicative on the subject o f the $200 for the East Clackamas County Fair, as the proverbial clam, refusing to give a definite answer one way or the other. They took refuge behind the famous “ fair board” , which with the exception o f Guy T. Hunt o f Garfield, has already gone on record as not having .enough back-bone to apportion the $400. The members o f the honorable county court were looking well and apparently were enjoying their inspection tour. Garfield Country Club Picnic The annual picnic o f the Gar­ field Country Club to be held next Saturday, August 14th, on the home grounds will be pulled off in full swing, starting with a ball game at 10 A. M., between the Married and Single men, which will be hotly contested. The game is to be ended at 11:30, followed by lunch from 12 to 1. Beginning at 1:30 P. M., selec­ tions will be rendered by the Gar­ field band, interspersed with speaking by C. J. McIntosh, ed­ itor o f the O. A. C. Bulletins, o f Corvallis, Ore'.; Chris Schuebel o f Oregon City, and others. Sports will be indulged in, but a definite program has not been arranged, nut will be governed by existing conditions. The club dance in the evening from 8 to 12 P. M. will be a big draw'ing card. Boring Hill Road May Be Graded The^e is a likelihood o f the fa­ mous obstacle called the Boring Hill road being graded and put into good condition. A number o f the good road en­ thusiasts and autoists, headed by Dr. H. V. Adix o f Estacada, Ben. Holman o f Eagle Creek and Col. Roots o f Boring, have presented to the com t, petitions asking for a $1,000 appropriation for this woik. They have also called on the court personally and have re­ ceived a promise o f help. .