Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, August 05, 1915, Image 2

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    We have just received
a new assortment of
Khaki Cloth
Mixed Goods - 75c
Better Quality - $1.25
Boys Knickerbocker Trousers
Table Cloths
Superior Satin Cloths made in Ireland
o f all Pure Linen
Light weight
2 yd. x 2% yd.
Medium weight ”
Heavy weight
Cotton Towels
Linen Towels
20x40 25c
Extra quality Hemstitched 22x38 50c
Rosemary Table Cloths, extra heavy
Mercerized, deautiful patterns
Size 2 yards square $1.50
2 yd. x 2 '/, yd.
Bath Towels
“ Cortland” Cotton Sheets, Large size,
Torn Hemmed and Ironed
Size - 81 x 90
$ .80
Pillow Cases
42 x 36
45 x 36
Light weight
Medium weight 20c
Heavy weight 25e
Extra Large
Extra quality Pure Linen Cloths, finest
texture, rose pattern, made in Ireland
2 yd. x % yd.
1 doz. Napkins to match 5.00
' ‘ Dawson’
“ Ward”
Colored border 10c
Large size
“ Belfast”
$ .15
East Clackamas Supply Co.
Ladies' and Men’s Furnishings,
Good finish
Extra long
- 81 x 99
Broad hem
Trowbridge. Manager.
“ Your Satisfaction is Our Success”
Slops Netted $10.50
Roy Myers of Eagle Creek be­
lieves that every housekeeper,
during these times of "high cost
o f living” should keep a pet pig,
not necessarily in the parlor, but
near the kitchen door.
Roy claims he took one six
weeks old runt pig. four and a
half months ago, raised it entire­
ly on slops from the kitchen, nlns
$2. worth o f stale bread and this
week butchered and sold the ani­
mal for $15.
The runt was
worth $2.50 when he got it, plus
$2. for bread, leaving a profit o f
Roy says 100 pigs would net a
man $1050. and a thousand pigs-
(but Roy had to get off at Eagle
Creek station about then.)
The Old Swimmin ’Ole
Profit Four Pigs
During the past warm spell,
Last year the Portland Union
several o f the younger folks from Stock Yards offered to furnish
Estaeada, including a number of any boy or girl in Oregon, a bred
the belles, debutantes and soc­ registered sow; the security to
iety buds have been frolicing, consist of a note guaranteed by
disporting themselves and pract­ the parents or guardian of the
ising swimming in the Clacka-j boy or girl and payable after the
mas River near Cazadero bridge. pigs had matured.
These water nymphs, mer­
Lloyd Saling o f Currinsville
maids and a few ordinary boys, was one of the enterprising boys
not content to frisk about during who availed himself of this op­
the warm hours o f the day, have portunity and today is the proud
even camped over night on the owner of the mother sow and
adjoining riparian property, so eight little pigs. These pigs are
as to begin the next day’ s dip at thorobred Duroc - Jerseys and
daybreak. But after tne shades part of them will soon be for
of night descended with the mos­ sale, the proceeds of which will
quitoes feasting on their sun­ pay off his original obligation on
burned, dimpled shoulders, sev­ the sow, leaving him a profit of
eral o f the neophytes beat it for the sow and about three fine
home, mother and a comfortable pigs.
1926 Fords to Cost Nothing
A social dance was given at
A t the present rate of reduc­
the George Club House last Sat­
Business Men Attention
urday evening, with music fur­ ing the price on Ford autos, even
an editor may own a 1926 model
There will he a meeting of the nished by the George quartette. with the cash bonus of $35.
Estaeada Business Men’s Devel­
J. W. Reed, the local agent, an­
L. H. Burd of Estaeada is han­
opment League at the Estaeada dling the plastering and building nounces that August 1st a reduc­
State Bank, next Tuesday even­ a fire place in the new home of tion of $50. was made on the lat­
ing, August 10th. at 8 o’clock W. F. Cary on Terrace Addition. est models, besides a freight re­
duction of about $20.
sharp. All merchants and mem­
Many prospective buyers, who
bers are urged to be present, as
Chanute, Kan. spent a couple of have been holding o ff their pur­
several important matters are to days at the home o f his brother, chasing awaiting this announce­
be discussed and radical changes J. A. Somer o f Estaeada Heights ment, will soon be making the
highways unsafe fo r stVay» dogs.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicinboth-
Elmer Olson o f McMinnville is am and daughters o f Viola are
O. O. James and family of
visiting at the home his uncle, J. taking a two weeks outing at Faraday are spending a few
weeks during his vacation, at the
Randolph of Viola.
A. 0. Hollingsworth o f Glad­
Mrs. John Wourms and chil­
Mr. ana Mrs. Bruce Curry of
stone is helping his brother-in- dren o f Portland, who have been
Portland were the guests of Mr.
law, Ray Miller of Viola, with visiting her brother in George, and Mrs. Scheel of Bissell for a
have returned to their home.
his crops.
couple of days last week.
Hotel Estaeada
$2. a day.
$10. a week
Modern Conveniences
One of the most delightful Resorts
on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
Estaeada and Portland
Daily Auto Service
via Currinsville, Eagle Creek and Barton.
Passenger and Parcel Express.
Car leaves Estaeada,
Marchbank's Store 7;45 A .M .
Returning leaves Portland,
1st and Alder Sts. 3:30 P.M .
Will deliver and collect goods along the
route, do buying and errands
for parties desiring same.
Same as the Railway.
For Reservation or other Information
Phone R. G. Marchbank, Estaeada, Or.
L . E . Folsom
(N e w Dodge C a r)
3 o’dock
$1. set— Water pitcher and 6 glasses 50c
Full line o f Carriage Bolts
Full line o f Men’s Women’s and
Children’s Hose
Park & Closner
Hunt Building