Oregon- Hiatoricaí Sac ESTACADA PROG* 207 Second' S«. Devoted V olume 8, N umber 46 to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County E stacada , O regon , STATE VETERINARIAN CALLED FAIR TO BE HELD ON RILL Cow Epidemic Not O.i Wane Valuable Prizes Already Promised In the past week reports have come from all sections o f valu­ able covys succumbing to the di­ sease called ‘ ‘bloody murrain.” Several cows in Currinsville and Garfield died in the past two weeks, including fine animals be­ longing to Ben Bullard and Mr. Yonkers. Springwater and other sections on the other side o f the Clackamas report the disease present. The Progress put in a phone call last Saturday to State Veter­ inarian Lytle at Salem to arrange for him to personally investigate the epidemic, but as he was in Eugene and had no assistant, could not come then. Supt. F. B. Guthrie o f t h e Estacada schools wrote him last Monday, requesting his immediate atten­ tion to the local conditions and it > is likely he will be in Estacada in a few days. In answer to Mr, Guthrie’ s let­ ter, Veterinarian Lytle writes as follows:- At a meeting o f the East Clack­ amas County Fair board, July 31st, the resignation o f F. J. Harkenrider was accepted with regrets. The board has been fortunate in getting H. C. Stev­ ens o f George to consent to act in his place. Mr. Stevens’ inter­ est in this work and his progress­ iveness will be o f great value to the board. E. W. Bartlett o f Estacada was elected to act as general superin­ tendent o f the fair and exhibits. Incidentally he is preparing his famous blue ribbon cow to cap­ ture the 1915 butter-fat awards. Owing to the lack o f funds this year, and the present rough condition o f the Estacada Park grounds, coupled with other con­ siderations, the board has decid­ ed to hold the 1915 fair on the Estacada school grounds. Through the courtesy o f Noah Heiple with his auto, the board visited the school grounds and were pleased to find the grounds, new play-shed and school build­ ing, are exactly adapted for fair uses. The play shed, with its big open floor space, and roof, o f­ fers more space than was to be had at the Pavilion last year and in case o f inclement weather will amply protect all exhibits and patrons. The livestock and poultry ex­ hibits can be well handled in tents on the spacious grounds ad­ joining and the school ■ building offers the finest o f facilities for the cooking demonstrations, lec­ tures and other features. The proximity o f the base ball grounds was taken into consid­ eration, as several spirited games will be played during the exhibi­ tion, between teams representing the various tributary districts. Currinsville has taken offense at George’s already laying c aim to the community prize and prom­ ises to stage an exhibit that will make the judges open their eyes. While Springwater, Garfield and other sections have not been crowing any yet, it is promised there will be strong rivalry for the community prize. Valuable prizes have already been obtained, but their appor­ tionment as awards has not been decided upon as yet. The Portland Railway Light & Power Company is donating an extra fine thoroughbred boar for a prize and a similar valuable hog is o f­ fered by the Union Meat Co. through their representative, C. Concluded on page five "Duar Sir: In answer to your letter of August 1st, will state that we have di­ agnosed. hemorrhagic septicemia in probably ten different centers in Clack­ amas County and 1 presume the com­ plaint you make mentiort of is doubtless the sam* thing. We wii| gladly make an investigation and as a precau- tiouary measure it would be best to have the owner separate the diseased from the well and feed their animals a quantity of salt on which has been placed carbolic acid, one ounce to the pound of salt; mix this and allow the animals to eat it at will. Alsu, it would be advisable to move animals so that it will be impossible for them to drink o f stagnant water. The disease is probably conveyed by means o f infected water. Running water hardly ever carries infection. But stagnant water in as much as decayed vegetation is of­ ten foUnd in it has an acid reaction which apparently causes the organism that produce this disease to become disease producing, whereas, under or­ dinary conditions it is not disease pro­ ducing.” Bridge Contract Awarded County Man The contract for the recon­ struction o f the county bridge across the Sandy river near Bull Run, was awarded to Ed Olds o f Oak Grove, by the coun­ ty coqrt, last Friday, for $2190. Other bids were received rang­ ing as high as $3400. Olds with J. W. Reed o f Esta­ cada built the Estacada bridge and has been associated with bridge building in this county for many years. | T hursday , A ugust 5, 1915 APPROPRIATION VANISHING Hunt Finds Court Passing Responsibility To Board Guy T. Hunt o f Garfield, the newly appointed member o f the Clackamas county fair board, went to Oregon City Wednesday, after phoning Chairman Grant B. Dimick o f the board, o f his coming. Hunt expected t h e board to meet and had also ex­ pected to obtain a definite decis­ ion as to the $200 promised to the East Clackamas County Fair. Hunt stales that no board meet­ ing was held or any meeting con­ templated. He says Chairman Dimick refuses to apportion the $40d. warrant, which is being issued to the board; claiming the court should apportion ii. Hunt talked with the members o f the court, who disclaim all responsi­ bility and pass the “ buck” back to the board. Sp matters are at a standstill and the Ejist Clackamas donation | is receiving regular routine Ore­ I gon City treatment and ultimate­ ly will probably remain right where it is, despite the promises and smooth words o f the court and board given to the local com­ mittee some time ago. Hunt says he will apportion the money to the best o f his ability, it they will turn over the responsibility to him. Dim­ ick tells Hunt that the duties of the fair board are merely the official turning over o f the money from the court to the Canby fair otficia's. The Canby fair officials are private individuals, stockholders ih the Canby fair and legally should have no jurisdiction over these tunds, other than tneir own portion. Hunt has asked the district attorney and other legal advisors to determine the legality o f the county fair board and its prece­ dence oyer the purely business officials o f the Canby show. Grant Dimick in a letter to the Progress states that Molalla and Wilsonville are also asking finan­ cial help from the fair board, to i handle their exhibitions and says he does not want the $400 turned over to his Lioard, unless the court distinctly stipulates where the money shall go, "as I cannot afford to get the Molalla and Wilsonville people on the war­ path.” So the fair board wont act and the county court wont act. What are we going to do? Why not get a new fair board and court too, if they are afraid to make a decision? Why dont the court please ev­ eryone and increase their approp­ riation sufficient to care for the three district fairs and serve the people, or why dont the Willam- Valley Southern Ry. tap into the Estacada country and conse­ quently force favoritism. $1. P er Y ear SUCCESSFUL RALLY HELD Musical Program Charms Hundreds The joint rally held last un­ day at the Zion church in Gar­ field by the Methodist churches o f Estacada, Currinsville, Gar­ field and Lower Garfield, the Es­ tacada Christian church and the Springwater Presbyterian church brought out a crowd numbering from 200 to 300 people. This all day service, with its picnic dinner, was the most suc­ cessful religious gathering ever held in this community. Rev. Rees o f the Estacada M. E. church presided. Mr. Walter Givens o f the Christian church opened the services with prayer and reading from the Scriptures. The fine musical numbers on the program were a fitting com­ pliment to the energy and hard work performed by W. H. Dillon o f the Zion church, who, with his assistants, were responsible for the gathering and excellent pro­ gram. The audience repeatedly en­ cored all o f the musical numbers and especially enjoyed the choral selections as rendered by the fa­ mous Springwater chorus, under the able direction of Mr. David Horner. The program was well inter­ spersed with a variety o f musical numbers, including selections by the Garfield band, the Garfield quartette, solos by Mr. John Shearer o f Portland and a beau­ tiful duet, rendered by Rev. C. F. Aue, cello; Mrs. Aue, violin, with organ accompaniment by Miss Mary Folsom. The congregational singing o f the good old hymns was entered into and enjoyed by all. In the absence o f Dr. Talbott, president o f the Kimball Theo­ logical Seminary o f Salem, Dr. Sherwood o f the seminary ably filled his place. Dr. Sherwood and Mr. Rhodes, state secretary o f the Y. M. C. A. o f Portland, handled the main subjects o f the day, namely a dis­ cussion o f “ T h e Elements o f Strength and Weakness of the Rural Church” and “ A Survey o f the Field pf the Rural Church.” A t the noon hour, the,services were adjourned for the picnic dinner, .following which at the call o f the Garfield band the a f­ ternoon program began. This program consisted o f group meet­ ing with Mrs. W. Givens 6f Esta­ cada in charge o f the young la­ dies group; Prof. Sherwood hand­ ling the young men; Rev. Aue, Concluded on page five