Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, July 29, 1915, Image 7

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    News Notes From All Sections I
Mrs. Bina Jones, o f Portland, j
was the guest of relatives in j
Eagle Creek, Saturday and Sun- j
day, having attended the dance!
at Eagle Creek Saturday evening.
Our Jewelry Stock
Is New and Complete
H. G. Trowbridge and H. V.
Adix and families motored to
Rhodedendron Tavern last Sun­
day. They pronounce the roads
as being in fair shape and the
scenery fine.
Lodges, Clubs, Granges
or other Organizations
Pont fail to Inspect my Stock o f
Watches, Clocks, Si verware and
Repairing a Specialty
I will be in Estacada—
A. VVeiderhold, of George, who
some time ago was hurt in a run­
away accident, has improved in
When not here, leave work at Marchbank’s. health sufficient to be out again.
Aug. 2nd to 8th
Aug. 16th to 22nd.
F. E. Beckwith,
The Jeweler
Alma Franks, who has been
working in Portland, spent a few
days at her home in Alspaugh.
Mr. and Mrs. George Douglass,
Walter Douglass and others of
Eagle Creek will motor to Grass
Valley this week where they will
work in the harvest fields.
Adjoining Marchbank’ s
Don’t Let It Get Away From You
that we couldn’t sell meat the second
time to a good housekeeper if what
she bought the first time didn’ t
prove correct in weight and right
in quality and price.
Does your club room need
a new instrument?
you want a piano, player
piano, organ or phono­
graph? W e will make
you a liberal allowance
on your present instru­
ment and will so arrange
the balance of your pay­
ments, that the purchase of the new instrument will
not. prove an embarassment to you.
Advise us of your wants and
ask for our price list of slight­
Miss Myrtle Woodle, of Esta­
cada, spent a couple of days with
Mrs. Frank Cummins, of V iol;,
the first o f the week.
Attention is called to the an­
nual Garfield Country Club pic­
nic to be held Saturday, Aug.
14th, speeches, music and sports
with dancing in the evening.
ly used pianos and organs.
R. M. Standish
Estacada Agent
Mr. and Mrs. H. Enson, of
Mrs. J. F. Brower o f Orient,
Portland, were guests at the Or. spent several days in the
Fred Hoffmeister home in Eagle Eagle Creek neighborhood last
Creek this week.
week visiting with friends, be­
Wm. Githens and son George ing the guest of Mrs. Howlett
of Alspaugh are visiting with the for a couple o f days.
former’s brothers, John and
Henry Githens of Alspaugh.
Miss J. Joyner, who has been
visiting at the home o f her par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Joyner of
George, has returned to Portland.
Cash Paid For E ggs
Palace Meat Market
Fred Jorg,
H. F. Gibson and Sam Wilson,
of Barton, and Miss Lilly Frost,
o f Portland, were calling on
James Gibson, o f Eagle Creek,
Phone Main 83.
EstaraHa, Oregon
The potato rot has struck
Viola in places, also some o f the
wheat fields are damaged by
turning black.
Get A F R E E
Mrs. M. S. Horsman o f Cen-
tralia, Wash., Mrs. Lenora Light-
foot o f Nye, Ore., and S. J. Ed­
dy of Portland were the guests
of her sister, Mrs. R. B. Gibson
o f Eagle Creek, for the week­
Mr. Eddy, Mrs. Maude
Chapman and son Harold o f Ta­
coma were also the guests of
Mrs. Gibson.
Riley’s Imported Toffies
The English Made Candy
Something Entirely New
Kodak Supplies - Films and Developers
Fishing Tackle
Ed Boner
Lum ber
Klaetsch Mills
First class lumber of all kinds, promptly
delivered from big stock on hand.
Dimension material a specialty.
Phone or call at mill,
at Dodge.
O. C. Klaetsch, Owner.
Mrs. F. Gibb, o f Viola, went
to Portland on Monday, to take
her little niece home.
Mrs. Harold Joyner of George
has been sick with the measles,
but is getting along very well
The Estacada party, composed now.
o f Mrs. M. E. Graham and daugh­
A. D. McMillan, o f Eagle
ter Erma and two ladies of Port­ Creek, was a Portland visitor
land, arrived safely in Berkeley, the first of last week.
Cal., after their motor trip to the
The Estacada School Bulletins,
Panama Pacific Fair at San Fran­
as printed by the Progress, are
ready for distribution and all
Archibald Buchanan, who has those interested should apply to
been in New Zealand for the past Principal F. B. Guthrie for one.
eight years, came over to Viola
Wm. Hicinbothom and family
to spend a few days with his old
and Mrs. Sevier o f Viola, spent
school friend, John Hamilton.
the week-eno at River Mill.
He is on his way back to their
Mrs. B. McClintock and son
old home in Scotland.
Albert, of Portland, are visiting
A merry picnic was held on the at the home o f her mother, Mrs.
Clackamas river, near Brown’s, L. Harders o f George.
Sunday with a number o f people
o f the Alspaugh community tak­
ing part.
F. 0. Eilers and son George, of
Portland, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Weiderdold, of George, Sun­
day. The object of their visit
was to see that all was going
well at George’s ranch at Bis-
Mrs. I. D. W right’s mother,
Mrs. Hill, left for her home near I Malcolm Woodle and family
Winnemucca, Nevada Monday o f Troutdale, Ore. were calling
morning. Miss Harriet Hill will on relatives in Eagle Creek Sun­
make her home with Mrs. Wright day.
for the present.
Frank Dowty o f Alspaugh,
Mrs. Katie Douglass o f Eagle who has been spending a very
Creek, who went to Stevenson, delightful vacation at Shepherd
Wash, over a week ago, returned Springs, Wash., returned to Port­
home last Thursday, accompan­ land Sunday where he will again
take up his work
ied by two o f her nephews.
If you scpurule tbe calf from
Its mother on the third ilay, give
It the mother's warm milk.
When u man be (jinn to test hla
cows he always fcetla better; for
then. If not before, he will begin
to realize tbe groat Importance
o f the right kind o f feed.
Take tbe chill off the water for
the fresh cow for a week or ten
day a.
Whatever breed of cows you
keep, strive to keep tbe best of
that breed.
A good thrifty cow will con­
sume about twenty pounds of
hny dally when It constitutes tbe
entire roughage.
The dairy farmer who has a
good well and adequate pumping
facilities has a modest refrigerat­
ing plant of bis own.