Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, July 29, 1915, Image 4

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Litters Should Be Ready to
Market In October.
The cheupfst feeds (o r raising anil
futtouiuit 1 h > cs In Ohio are corn ami
clover or ulfulfa, w rites uu Ohio farm er
In the .National Sioakumn. December la
too late to m arket early aprlun |n(.s. By
that tim e the market la glutted. My
method la to keep enough old r oru to
fatten my February and March pigs
by O t. 15. by which tim e they should
weigh 250 pounds. January Is too early
f >r spring pigs. Figs w ill begin to eat
grass at six weeks o f age T o have
them furrowed not later than March
15 Is early enough. T h e weather Is
mmh more favorable, and the pigs art1
hot so apt to be oim* stunted.
| I feed mv sows light Just before fa r
! rowing ami very light fo r tw o or three
days follow in g so in to avoid in.Ik
fever. I aim to have the sow on full
feed in a couple o f weeks ufter farro w ­
ing If she Is suckling a full litter, less
Latest of Classy H A T S
One Price
Quit Scrubbing that Splintery Floor
How much will it cost you to lay a new kitchen floor if we Sell you
Portland Flooring at $25. per M .
20. ” ”
N o. 1
N o. 2
Cascade Roofing Paper
Complete stock of
$1.25 per 100 sq. ft.
Hay, Feed and Grain
Estacada Lumber & Produce Co.
Blue Book Ready
W. J. Sampson
Of Profits
by trading where you can get the
most for your money.
We handle
Binding Tw ine
at Prices
That Are Right.
Get our prices
Trim and Mouldings.
$1. each
You can Reap a Harvest
handled in car lots.
before bu>ing
We also have a fine assortment o f
No. 2
Is Here
Feed o f All Kinds
Other Representative Prices
Shiplap N o. 1 common $12. — $13. per M.
Boxing and Dimension
$11. ” ”
Window and Door Casings,
Harvest Time
The Du roc-Jersey ho« is o f the
laid type arid is noted for its size*,
hardiness and ability to lay on
flesh. It is said o f this hog that
It \\ ill put on more pounds for
equ: I amount of feed than any
other breed. They are good graz­
ers and rustlers and are noted for
vlTor and freedom from disease
They art* excellent breeders and the
sows are careful mothers The Du-
roc-Jersey is more prolific than the
other laid types uf hu;;s. The pic­
ture shows a, pure bred Du roc-Jer­
sey boar
W ho Pays the Taxes
Our grocery department has become
even more popular
our feed department.
L et us figure with you on that grocery
order and reap the benefits of right prices.
Just a Few Specials
Best Perry Sugar,
per sack
Crystal or Royal White Soap, 6 bars 25e
Carnation Milk, 3 for 25c, per dozen .95
Secretary o f State Ren W.
In round numbers, the assess- In proportion to the n u m lxr o f pigs. I
Olcott has the Oregon Blue Book ed valuation upon which taxes feed about tive pounds o f shorts, one
If you want Fruit Jars, Jar Caps,
ready for distribution. This are levied in Oregon is on the pound till per rent tankage p» r day and
nil the eoru they will eat tw ice a day.
Jar Rubbers or Jelly Glasses.
year’s, while no larger, contains following general classes o f prop­ I huve had pigs weigh seventy pounds
many added and valuable fea- erty:
at nine weeks old when they were
W e can save you money.
! weaned. I f the sows are on grass they
tures. lt gives a history of Ore- Agriculture,
| do not need the tankage.
gon; the State Constitution, with
farm lands, improve­
As soon as the pigs begin to eat
amendments; list of state and
there should be shelled corn and shorts
ments, live stock, etc... 26%
I placed In a shallow trough where the
county officers; description o f City of Portland, town
; pigs have free access to It. I feed my
Mason Jars with Zinc Covers
state hoards, commissions, and
i shonts all the coin they will e a t In the
institutions, with names of mem­
Pints per dozen
merchanuise, accounts,
part tankage and feed one pound per
bers and officers; an oui line of
Quarts per dozen
day to abont fifty [xmndB o f live
duties o f county officers; list and Cities and towns other
1 weight. When they are on grass I feed
Half-gallon per dozen
duties of federal officers having
than Portland, do........ 16J4 % nothing but rora afte r they weigh 100 j
jurisdiction in Otegon; informa­ Railroads and Public Util­
In real col l weather if the i
tion about the state flag, state
These are the ordinary Mason Jars
ity Corporations......... 13)4% slop Is not warmed the plirs will gag |
and choke, whereas if feed Is dry there ;
seal, state flower, legal fiolidays, Timber, including lands.
and require rubbers.
Is none o f that, and my hogs drink cold \
legal interest rates and quaiifi
saw mills, logging rail­
! water freely. I feed and water in a
cations for voters; an abstract o f
roads................... ........ 19% j closed building. March 1 and Aug. 1
Economy Jars with* patent lids
are gc*od times for sows to farrow . M.v
votes on Presi ent, Senators,
Pints per dozen
sows are alw ays fat and so eoine In heat
Congressmen and state officers;
T o ta l........................ 100%
while suckling. I breed fo r August fa r­
abstract of votes on all initiative
Stated another way, Agricul­ rowing when the pigs are from fou r to
Half-gallon per dozen - $1.25
and referendum measures sub­ ture pays on one-fourth the tax­ six weeks old. A ll hogs are fitted for
mitted to the state; list of state able property, lumber on about market here on corn.
Extra Caps for the above jars, per dozen 20c
appropriations; lists of former | one.fijTh, city and town property
state officers; lists o ' f f OregAn
Kerr Mason Self Sealing Jars
" ~ on about two-fifths, and railroads
newspapers, postoffices, banks and public utility companies on
No rubbers required
and libiaries.
about one-eighth.
per dozen
Every year the Blue Book is
No data is available to show the
Quarts per dozen
improving, and this issue keeps exact figures this year as between
Half-gallon per dozen
it at the head of all similar pub­ timber lands, and farm lands, but
lications by state governments, under a new ruling of the State
Extra Caps for the above will fit any
for it is concise, handy, well- Tax Bureau the assessors will be
Mason jars per dozen
written contains a greater va­
riety o f information in more read­ required to separate timber lands
Our Slogan.-
able and accessible form; in fact, from farm lands hereafter. The
it reflects the efficiency of Secre­ segregation above, while based
“ A Satisfied Customer is Our Rest Advertisement”
tary Olcott’s office, which is say­ on the State Bureau’s figures,
also takes into account the best
ing a great deal.
Every voter is entitled to a available data as to the acreage
copy as long as the supply lasts; and value of privately-owned
W. R. Reid & Sons Distributors
write now, so as to be sure to get timber lands in each county,
Exchange. I
Oregon Voter,
Estacada, Oregon
Estacada, - Oregon.
W e W ant Your Produce
$ 575 .