Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, July 29, 1915, Image 2

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    We have taken the Agency" for*
The Royal Tailors
Made - To - Measure - Clothes
Better than “Ready Made”
^ A b s o lu te ly Guaranteed
East Clackamas Supply Co.
Ladies’ and Men’s Furnishings,
*•c - Trow bridge, Manager.
“ You r Satisfaction is Our Success”
Oregon Industrial Review
Supper Picnic
Mountain Auto Party
A movement is on at Canby to
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Givens
o f Estacada entertained about start a cheese factory.
twenty friends last Thursday
The voters o f Oregon are going
evening, at a picnic supper in Es ­ to be asked to vote $10,000,000
tacada Park, in honor o f their I bonds fo r good roads. That’ s
So fa r three o f the autos have guests, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pog- some money. Wonder i f eastern
son o f Pittsburg, Kansas.
Clackamas will get their share?
safely arrived home and the
Previous to the supper, some
balance o f the party, owing to a
Whara the Feed Went.
break-down, are coming down o f the athletically inclined guests,
T h e Culted States department o f ng-
the trail, by foot and horseback. during a quoit pitching match
disturbed a yellow jackets’ nest, rlenlture took tw enty cows and tried
the effect o f ticks on tliclr milk yield
which added “ pep” to the affair. They found that cows with a llvbt
Panama Canal’s First Year The evening was spent in the “ dose" o f ticks Bare aliout four-fifths
as uiti h milk as those with none, and
Pavilion, where games were en­
cows heavily Infested Face less'than
Starting operation under the joyed.
half as much It took lust as mnch
handicap o f the war, the earn­
work to care for the M-k Infested cows,
and the ticks took over half o f their
ings o f the first year were $224,
Rebek&hi Party
000 over the expenses, but fall
W hen the south <|utts« feodln? ticks
fa r short o f paying interest,
About 50 people w ere enter- and begin* to feed cattle, lot the corn
belt look out!—Farm and Fireside.
which amounts to $12,000,000.
| tained at a pleasant party given
A {¡arty, of- Estacada people,
last Friday afternoon, started
for Clackamas Lake via Govern­
ment Camp and enjoyed a very
pleasant outing.
Doubtless a traffic increase by a committee composed o f Mr.
this year will come nearer to
and Mrs. W. F. Cary, Mr. and
reaching or exceeding the amount
Mrs. Earl Jones and Mr. and
Mrs. C h a s . Hicinbothom, at
State Road T'-x
' which
games and refreshments
: were indulged in, and in connec­
O f the $250,000 o f state money tion, a kitchen shower was given
being expended this year on h igh -1 to the .new ly married couple,
ways, the farmers pay about $65,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Yocum.
000 .
O f the $4,000,000 o f county and
district money being expended on
roads this year, the farm er pays
over $2,<X)0.000; yet as a class
farmers are opposed to state ap­
propriations for road building.
Oregon Voter.
1 Prizes w ere given to Mrs. J.
W. Reed, tallest;
Mrs. Ed. Sal-
Milking the Heifer.
Jinny a cow has been ruined daring
her first milking period, sayg the Kan­
sas Farmer l.reat eare should h e e le r
vised In hnwklug the belfer. isirtk-u-
larly so If ahw objects to living milked.
It |lays to Is* patient with the heifer.
I f she 1» ntiruly during the first milk
Imrs don't debt her with the milk stool
So to do would ruin her. She can be
coaxed Into pood habits much more
easily than forced Into them Thou­
sands o f heifers are now freshening In
this state, sud this Is a good (« t u t to
A W ord For tho Ayrohiro.
T h e Ayrshire In uue o f the mint valu­
ing, heaviest; Dave Eschelman, able o f the many good things that Scot
land hna given us
As n uillk pro-
shortest and lightest.
dueer It Is among the best, snd the
The Currinsville orchestra fu r­ milk Is rich In butter fat. As a pro
nished some very pleasing musi­ d m er o f beef the Ayrshire ranks
I cal
smong the front o f the dairy breed*.—
i Farm .loom sI
$2. a day.
$10. a week
Hotel Estacada
Modern Conveniences
One o f the most delightful Resorts
on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
Estacada and Portland
Daily Auto Service
via Currinsville, Eagle Creek and Barton.
Passenger and Parcel Express.
Car leaves Estacada,
• Marchbank’s Store 7:45 A .M .
Returning leaves Portland,
and A ld er Sts.
3:30 P.M.
W ill deliver and collect goods along the
route, do buying and errands
for parties desiring same.
Same as the Railway.
For Reservation or other Information
Phone R. G. Marchbank, Estacada, Or.
L. E. Folsom
(N e w Dodge C ar)
S P E C I A L - Saturday only
Calieoe’» — all colors—
per yard
“Bunties” H igh ly Flavored Candies
Jt st in — Always fresh
See our lull line oi small Hardware
Park & Closner
Hunt Building