Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, July 08, 1915, Image 6

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Estacada Progress
(I ncorporated )
R. M. Standish,
Cement Sidewalks
S ubscription R ates
Six months
There is no chance for a dispute
over having paid a bill, if you
Editor and Manager
Entered at the poatofflee in Estacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
One year
Your check is your receipt
L. H. Burd
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
All W ork
Pay by Check
Septic Cesspools
There is no need o f your carrying a
large amount o f cash in your pocket,
Fire Places
if you Pay by Check
It gives a business tone to your
financial transactions, if you
stock on the hoof and this dis- hog raising is going be one of the
j trict should begin now to accom­ leading industries of this county,
Thursday, July 8, 1915
the sooner the grower adapts
odate itself to that system.
There are many localities in 'himself to the conditions, the
Are you giving that prize win­
ning exhibit for the 1915 East | Oregon that are today working sooner the whole county will
Clackamas County Fair all due | to obtain shipping yards with prosper.
j regular buying o f livestock and
care n o w ? ______
Estacada’s auto parade o f last
| this section is especially fortun­
brought out a large
The Progress would like to ate in having such facilities al­
enough number o f machines to
chronicle a resume of the road ready.
building in this part of the coun­
While the backers o f the local warrant Eastern Clackamas in
ty in the past five years, i f some yards and the buyers are well believing that it is entitled to “ a
local statistician will figure out pleased with the present steady smell” o f that $1600. of road oil­
the number o f miles o f newly growth o f the business, they hope ing m o n e y ._______
graded, graveled or rocked roads that the growth will continue.
Ladies Make Money
and their costs that have been
A t an early date, it would be a
The total receipts o f the C. I.
built in this enterprising part of wise move for the residents of
C. from their cafeteria in the
the county. _______
the various tributary districts to park on the 5th were $54. of
There are reports current of a get together, that is cooperate which about $27. is net. Added
slight antagonism being shown as far as possible in each locality to this will be the rental obtained
from their piano in the pavilion.
against the Estacada stock yards in fattening their stock at the
The ladies o f the Christian
and the selling of livestock on
Church through their serving of
the hoof.
dinners took in over $65., the
It is to be hoped that this feel­ for shipping. At present, a num­ majority o f which is profit, as
ing will not grow, for tha future ber o f farmers have been forced the large part o f their supplies
of this part of Clackamas county, to butcher owing to the buyer’s were donated.
In the adding to the treasuries
like other parts of the state is de­ delay in obtaining a full carload
of these organizations no one
pendent upon the building up of
Full allowance is made at this needs to feel that they contribut­
the Estacada yards, with the
ed in any way in the form o f a
for the high price of grain charity, for the dinners served
handling of all livestock on the
hoof, instead o f home butchering for fattening and the consequent by the local women were easily
tendency to sell immature hogs, worth double the amount asked
and selling.
and for home cooking at that.
The Progress will not attempt but as livestock and especially
to argue the question of relative
returns to the grower from sell­
ing pork dressed or on the hoof,
as that matter has been demon-
stated in favor o f the latter meth­
od a number of times, but for the
farmer who does not take into
consideration his labor in the kill­
ing and dressing and the cost o f
selling, possibly there is a larger
profit in selling the dressed meat.
One important matter must be
considered and that is the pres­
ent and future growth of the live­
stock and the hog raising indust­
ry locally. It will be but a very
short time before the city o f Port­
land, which now represents the
Proven, practical value appeals to the buyer
dressed meat market, will be­
of a motor car. More than 700,000 satisfied
come over supplied, as has been
Ford owners prove the practical qualities
the case in the marketing of oth­
of Ford cars. In town or county, in the
er products, such as strawberries
professions or on the farms, for business or
and similar produce that cannot
the Forh s r v e s everybody.
stand distant shipping.
average allowance of two cents a mile keeps
Portland is not equipped today
with first class refrigerating fa­
it going. It’s cheaper than walking.
cilities, that is, on a sufficient
Buyers will share in profits i f we sell at retail
scale to handle more than the
300,000 new Ford cars between August 1914
immediate supply of meat and
and August 1915.
it is not likely such facilities will
Touring Car $565;
Runabout $515.
be added.
Within a year the grower o f
On display and sale by
swine will have to adopt the up-
Estacada, Oregon. J . W . K fc. E . D
to-date methods current in the
middle west and other livestock
raising sections, o f selling all
Pay by Check
The majority o f the people o f Estacada
and surrounding country are now
Paying by Check on the
Estacada State Bank
Y O tlM .
IRWIN D. WRIGHT, C ashie r
Interest paid on time deposits
I Pay Highest Cash on Delivery
Prices For
Hogs -
- Cattle
I shall aim to ship a carload of
livestock from the Estacada Stock
Yards at least every other Monday
Stock must be delivered at
yards by 11 A . M. on shipping date.
I shall spend certain days in each
month buying stock throughout East­
ern Clackamas County, and if you
have any to sell, pnone to R. M. Stan­
dish at Estacada and he will quote
prices and g ive date of next shipment.
Livestock Buyer.
Don’t Throw Away
An expensive granite dish
Because it leaks
A t a cost of a few cents it can be
Repaired and Guaranteed
Bring in all o f your Leaky Tin or Gran­
and let me
Mend Them.
C . C . M ILLE R '
Electric Wiring
Plum bing
Saw Filing