Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, July 08, 1915, Image 4

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    Great Rejoicing
Inspector Pleased as Usual
It is understood that the Ford
Postal inspector E. C. t'lem-
ents of Portland visited the Esta­ Automobile Co., are contemplat­
cada post office last week and in ing a special holiday and day o f
his report shows the condition of thanksgiving, in honor o f the
the local office to be in its usual news that W. A. (Bill) Jones o f
good shape, with errors a negli­ Estacada is now handling the
gible quantity and continued reins on a Ford five passenger
growth in all departments appar­ J car, which he purchased from J.
W. Reed last Wednesday
The machine will be used in
The inspector also made an ! connection with the Jones Livery
auto trip over rural route No. 3 Barn and Bill hopes to soon get
with J. W. Reed o f Estacada,
over the habit o f running the
with a view to ascertaining a
currycomb over the enameled
better routing if possible, but it sides each morning and pouring
is not likely that any change will oats into the gas tank.
be made.
• School Note
Fair Date Set
Announeement has been made
o f the date for the George hair,
to be held at the cluo house o f
the George Commercial & Social
Club on Monday, Sept. 6th.
Prin. F. B. Guthrie o f the Es-
¿acada schools will be in his office
jn t^e school building each Mon-
day antj Tuesday during July to
attend to such school matters as
are brought to his attention.
Quit Scrubbing that Splintery Floor
How much will it cost you to lay a new kitchen floor if we Sell you
Portland Flooring at $25. per M .
N o. 1
N o. 2
Other Representative Prices
Shiplap N o. 1 common $ 1 2 . — $ 1 3 . per M.
Boxing and Dimension
$11. ” ”
We also have a fine assortment o f
W indow
and D oor Casings,
No. 2
Cascade R oofing Paper
Complete stock of
Trim and Mouldings.
$1. each
$1.25 per 100 sq. ft.
Hay, Feed and Grain
Estacada Lumber & Produce Co.
,E. D. Allen
W. J. Sampson
Hocking Valley
Ensilage Cutters
A heavy fly wheel
and knife cuts from
outer edge, which
makes lighter draft
and does better work.
Field T W Gas Engines
No batteries and starts on mag­
neto without cranking. All styles.
Iron Clad Silos
have a flexible
A Real
Bracing System. Not a guy wire. A hinge
door that locks at all four corners.
Dee ring Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Tedders
All Repairs for AH Machines
A ¿am p lete Line of Guaranteed Machinery
Best to Use
• •
Best to Buy
Hessels Farm M achinery Co.
Tel. 544
Appendices are Expensive—
The Oregon Almanac for 1915
which has just been issued by
the Oregon State Immigration j
Commission gives some interest­
but just because I have gone to the hos­
ing figures and facts which are
herewith quoted.
pital to join the ranks o f the appendix­
O f the 158,186 horse power of
less, is no indication o f a rise in the price
water power developed in the
state o f Oregon, 107,085 is devel­
o f my line of Flour, Feed, Groceries
oped in Clackamas county. These
and Grain.
streams rise in the foothills o f
Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson, pass­
ing through the most fertile up­
land country.
I expect to be back again at the old
Clackamas county is estimated
to have standing merchantable
timber under private ownership
and in National Forest Reserves
stand within 10 days and in the mean
to the amount o f 15,808,976,000
time, 1 ask you to call in as usual
B. M. feet o f some o f the finest
and get better acquainted with my
timber in the west, principally
high grade fir.
partner, Mr. H. H. Tracy,
* Clackamas county contains sev­
who is conducting the business dur­
eral o f the best developed farm
and orchard districts in the state
ing my enjoyable vacation at the
o f Oregon, and some o f its wild­
Good Samaritan Hospital.
est mountain wildernesses.
The area o f Clackamas county
is 1964 square miles, nearly as
See us before buying elsewhere,
large as the state o f Delaware.
for our prices are right and
A large area o f the county is in
National Forest.
will stand close inspection.
Clackamas county ranks first
in production o f potatoes and
clover, fourth in oats, the yield
Dont forget we will take your
being heavy; fifth in hops, fourth
in apples, pears, prunes and rasp­
Produce in Exchange for our Goods
berries; first in quinces, grapes
and strawberries; second in cher­
or we will pay you cash.
ries; third in blackberries and
fifth in English walnuts. Al­
though so small portion o f the
area is actually farmed, the class
o f farming done is so successful
and profitable that Clackamas
county has one o f the highest
average ranks for quantity of
desirable products.
Mason Jars with Zinc Covers
The population o f Clackamas
county is 38,819 or 19.7 persons
Pints per dozen
to the square mile. 70 per cent.
American born and the balance I
almost wholly composed o f the
Half-gallon per dozen
highest class of European people.
—Oregon City & Clackamas Coun­ Extra caps for the above jars, per dozen 15c
ty Publicity.
These are the ordinary Mason Jars
and require rubbers.
Buy Fruit Jars Now
Organize C. E.
and Blowers
Clackamas County Statistics
Gresham, Oregon.
The young people o f Eagle
Creek met at the home o f Mr.
and Mrs. Chas Masson, enjoying
a social evening, besides organiz­
ing a Christian Endeavor Society
o f the local community church.
The officers elected were; Mrs.
Masson, president, Guy Munger,
vice-president, Miss Grace Van
Curen, secretary and Wm. Still,
No Opposition Likely
The good news that Mrs. C. W.
Devore o f Estacada had consent­
ed to allow her name to appear
as the candidate to succeed A.
Demoy on the school board, has
apparently placed a quietus on
the candidacy o f others.
Mrs. Devore is especially well
qualified to fill this important
position and with her first hand
knowledge o f schools, pupils and
latest educational methods, her
services are needed.
The value o f
woman, with
her tact and feminine view point
cannot be over estimated as an
asset to the Estacada school
board. At the special meeting
next Monday night, it is likely
that small opposition if any will
be shown to Mrs. Devore.
Economy Jars with patent lids
Pints per dozen
Quarts per dozen
Half-gallon per dozen
Extra Gaps for the above jars, per dozen 20c
Kerr Mason Self Sealing Jars
No rubbers required
Pints per dozen
Quarts per dozen
Half-gallon per dozen
Extra Caps for the above will fit any
Mason jars per dozen
Our Slogan.-
“ A Satisfied Customer is Our Best Advertisement”
• Oregon.