Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, July 08, 1915, Image 10

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    ing gluten meal it is a very difficult
matter to extract all of the butterfat
from the buttermilk.
In general, feeds containing much
oil have a tendency to silghtly in­
crease the fat content of milk when
first fed, but the fat percentage grad­
ually returns to normal. It seems that
the feeding of concentrated oil feeds
stimulates an abnormal condition in
the cow for a few days and radical
changes are noted in the composition
of the milk, but the continuous flow
of milk containing a high per centage
•fi fat is due to the individuality of
the cow and not to the rich oil feeds.
Linseed oil is considered by some
authorities as an excellent feed for
dairy cows, but after careful investi­
gation, the following conclusions
seem pertinent in regard to it. Lin­
seed oil causes a decrease in the vala-
tile acids and an increase in the melt­
ing point of butterfat. However, the
melting point of the butterfat is not
always indicative of the firmness or
body of the butter. An excess of lin­
seed oil produces a soft, salvy butter,
Water Ash & Fat Hard-
Content Casein
Dry Feed
7.60 3.07 88.93 17.0
8.24 2.66 89.13 16.7
5.89 3.26 90.89 15.5
It is rather difficult to locate the
origin of taints in milk since the milk
may become tainted after it leaves
the cow. While it is entirely possible
that warm milk may exhale odors in
cooling, it is also true that it is
capable of absorbing other odors at
the same time and that an exposure,
even for a short time, to an air that
is befouled or tainted with any ob­
noxious gases may be sufficient to im-
picgnate the milk so that the odor
«■an be recognized hours afterward.
BesiJes the odors that are absorbed
subsequent to milking, milk invariably
has a more or less pronounced odor
that is derived directly from the ani­
mal herself that is usually referred to
as the “ cowy” or “ animal odor,” due
to certain feeds. The peculiar proper­
ty of rapid diffusion throughout the
sy.-tem by means o f the circulation
and the subsequent absorption by the
Typical Kasteni Oregon bonanza wheat farm.
with an inefrior flavor. Linseed oil
meal when fed in a balanced ration
does not affect the quality of the but­
The experimental work with such
feeding stuffs as silage, kale, rape,
clovers, etc., and their effect on the
quality of butter has been extremely
limited and very little data is avail­
able. But the work that has been
done would appear to substantiate a
few facts. Other conditions being
favorable the butter made from the
inilk of silage fed cows is o f an ex­
cellent quality, having the proper con­
sistency and body and free from an
unpleasant flavor that one might ex­
pect from the silage.
Even rape
silage imparts no taint to the butter.
Turnips and rutabagas need to be
used on the dairy with extreme cau­
tion, because of their liability to im­
part an unpleasant taint hoth to the
milk and to the butter. This depends
to some extent upon the amount fed
and the method of feeding, which
should not be done until after milk­
This Station in 1896 carried on some
experiments comparing the feeding
o f dry feeds exclusively and the feed­
ing o f some root crops. Five cows
were used in the test which extended
over three months time. The first
period they fed clover hay, corn stalks
and grain mixtures.
The second
period they added mangles to the
above ration. No material changes
in the quantity of butterfat yield were
noted, but an analysis o f the butter
produced showed some variations.
The average percent of fat lost in
the buttermilk when the cows were
fed nothing but dry feed was .022,
when mangles Were added it was
i'27, and when potatoes were added
it was .025. The average time re­
quired for churning was on dry feed
(34) minutes, on mangles (36) min­
utes and on potatoes (86) minutes.
In churning cream from potato fed
cows a great deal of frothing occurred
and it took twice ar long to complete
the churning.
Comparative Composition o f the
Personal Preference, Loca­
tion, Kind of Soil and
Available Capital
Amount of Labor Income Bears Di­
rect Relation to These Important
Considerations, Says Federel Ex­
pert in Farm Management, U. S.
Bureau of Farm Management.
From Lecture of D. A. Brodie
at Oregon Agricultural College
The very first factor in determining
the type of farming is personal pref­
erence and experience.
Very few
people engage in farming who do not
have some preference as to type of
farming. Occasionally we find a
farmer unsuited to his taste or former
experience. In some cases he keeps
on with it because the circumstances
do not permit o f easy change, or the
type may be well suited to the local
conditions and therefore not good bus­
iness to change.
To one who is looking for a suit­
able location for a farm, this phase
of the matter will wield a great in­
fluence, as he will very naturally look
for the conditions which suit his fa ­
vorite type of farming. It not in­
frequently happens that in the desire
to establish a favorite type o f farm­
ing local conditions are overlooked and
a type wholly out o f keeping with
these conditions may be established,
instances are, the planting of fruit
and truck localities where transporta­
tion facilities are inadequate, as has
been done in many sections here in
the west, or the establishment of
from town. No doubt this marks the
distance where the best combination
of perishable and staple products ex­
ists, and where land values are low
enough to allow fair profits after the
interest on the investment is deducted.
The size of the farm is a factor in
determining the type of farming. A
man who is looking for a farm on
which to establish a poultry plant is
not likely to look for large acreage;
likewise, one who contemplates gen­
eral farming does not look for high-
priced land near the city. These
figures are largely made up from the
study of representative general farms
and do not represent any highly
specialized types. In all these sur­
veys the size in direct relation
to the labor ¡ocome. This indicates
that, for general farming at least the
size of the farm is important. The
following table on the relation of size
of farm to labor income makes this
matter clear:
Avg. Acrers Avg. Labor Avg. Income
per farm.
per Acre.
Relation to Farming.
The type of soil is also a factor in
determining the type of farming. Cer-
ta;n crops are adapted to one type of
soil and some to another, as, for ex­
ample, one set o f truck crops such as
cabbage, celery, turnips, etc., are suit­
able to a muck soil, while sweet po­
tatoes, tomatoes, etc., are best suited
to lighter soils. Likewise others do
best in clay soils.
The same is true of field crops and
the kinds of stock that are to be kept.
In this connection such matters as
drainage, rocky or stony land need to
be considered. Above all the land
A specialized type of farming.
milk makes it necessary to use consid­
erable care in the feeding o f certain
food stuffs. In the majority of cases
where such foods are fed to excess
and are given to the animal imme­
diately after milking the peculiar
odors will be thrown off so that at the
succeeding milking they will not be
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
vallis, Ore., July 5
A yield of 9.6
ounces of seed and 42.5 ounces of
straw was secured from a single al­
falfa plant in Harney County in the
fall of 1914. The plant was .selected
from the border row of a field planted
in rows 26 inches apart, season of
1913. This plant was separated by
about 30 ii ches each way from all the
other plants. Concerning the plant,
Mr. L. R. Breithaupt, the county apent
conducting the co-operative tests in
which it was produced, says:
“ The plant was the Baltic variety, a
hardy, dry-land strain with wide-
spreading root system and much d i­
vided crown, characteristics o f alfalfa
adapted to withstanding drouths of
summer and severe cold of winter.
Baltic alfalfa is one of the “variegated
alfalfas,” so-called because o f its
great range of blossom colors. Any
color from light yellow to varying
shades of green and purple may be
found among the flowers of a single
plant, whereas the ordinary alfalfa
has but the purple blossom. This va­
riation is believed to be due to a small
amount o f the blood of the hardy,
wild-flowered variety of Central Eu­
rope, secured through natural hybrid­
So far as can be learned this is the
heaviest yield ever recorded from a
single plant of alfalfa. A number of
co-operative tests have been conducted
in Harney County, and Mr. Breithaupt,
who is also superintendent of the Har­
ney Branch
Experiment Station,
thinks it probable that alfalfa seed of
this variety will soon be produced
there in commercial quantities.
A new dry land cro p —alfalfa in cultivated rows—that is converting Kastern Oregon
wheat lands to the diversified type of farming.
dairy and other types which require
steady labor in places where such
labor cannot be had.
Location of L'arm.
The location of the farm in its re­
lation to large cities and market cen­
ters determines the character o f pro­
ducts that must be produced if prof­
its are to be expected. Market milk
and cream must be produced within
easy access to the centers o f distribu­
tion. The same is true o f other
perishable products. Likewise, pro­
ducts of large bulk like hay, cannot
be profitably shipped long distances
owing to the heavy cost o f transpor­
tation. On the other hand grain and
stock can be raised further back from
the centers where land is cheaper and
because they can be shipped long dis­
tances with little loss. The distance
that the farm is located from town and
the character of roads and the topog­
raphy are also important factors.
Figures taken from Bulletin 295 of
Cornell University show that in this
locality the most profitable farms are
located between one and two miles
should be fertile or a cheap means at
hand for making it so.
Capital Available.
The available capital has its in­
fluence on the type o f farming. To
those already in the business it con­
trols to a large extent the rate of ex­
pansion in any direction, such as en­
larging enterprises already estab­
lished or in starting new ones.
"Cooperative societies among farm­
ers improve the quality and increase
the quantity o f farm products,” says
Dr. Hector Macpherson, o f the Ore­
gon Agricultural College. “ They are
an incentive to better business meth­
ods, by joint marketing they lower
expenses and increase prices for com­
modities, by cooperative purchase they
make immense savings in purchasing
farm supplies, and they promote
neighborliness, stimulate social soli­
darity, create a desire for education,
and result in all-around better citizen­