Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, July 08, 1915, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 8,
N umber 42
All Sections Represented
A representative bunch of en­
ergetic and loyal supporters of
the East Clackamas County Fair
attended the meeting July 5th at
Estacada, to consider ways and
means of obtaining financial sup­
port from the county, for the
coming 1915 fair at Estacada.
With Ed Shearer of Garfield
presiding, the meeting agreed
that a committee of representa­
tive tax payers should be chosen
to wait upon the county court, as
per appointment at 1 o ’clock, July
9ih, in Oregon City.
The following committee was
appointed by the chairman, from
the suggestions of the tax pay­
ers: H. C. Stevens of George;
C. It. Lovell of Currinsville; J.
C. Kilgore of Springwater; P. F.
Slandish of Garfield; J. W. Reed
and E. W. Bartlett of Estacaua.
'1 his committee hopes to be in­
creased by the addition of Messrs.
F. B. Guthrie of Estacada; Guy
Hunt of Garfield; John Ely of
Currinsville and Jas. Shibley of
Petitions were gotten out and
have already been signed by a
large majority of the leading tax
ayers of this part of the county,
acking the requests of this com­
The appointment of this dele­
gation represents a wise choice
of delegates, all being men vital­
ly interested in local development
and men who can voice the senti­
ments of their respective com­
It is likely that this committee .
will meet with success, as the
court has already arranged for
the meeting and the local com­
mittee, through their spokesmen,
hope to thoroughly convince that
honorable body of the need of
stimulating the growth of prize
winning exhibits in this as well
as in the western part o f the
At the last meeting of the East
Clackamas County Fair Commit­
tee, E. W. Bartlett o f Estacada
was elected to fill the vacancy
created by the leaving of Burgess
F. Ford.
Card of Thanks
The relatives of the late Mrs.
ElizabeLh SaWtell of Eagle Creek
wish to express their most heart­
felt thanks to the many kind
friends who sympathized with
them in their bereavement.
E. H. Sawtell
Mrs. E. C. Suter
Geo. II. Sawtell
Mrs. Nina B. Ecker of Inde­
pendence visited for a few days
at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. W. F. Cary of Estacada.
Mr. and Mrs. George Douglass
o f Portland motored to Estacada
last Sunday and remained over
the Monday celebration.
/• r T .
E stacada , O regon ,
Past City Officials Made Enviable
With the ending o f their terms
last Tuesday evening, Mayor
Adix, Councilmen Byers, Pyle,
Wagner, Smith and Sparks, Re­
corder Devore and Marshal Ames
have presented the following de­
tailed statement of the city’s fi­
This report represents the ter­
mination of a wise city adminis­
trai io , leaving the new officials
a substantially clean slate to be­
gin working on,
$1,222.07 in outstanding war­
The past council has
wisely expended its money
and the city has much to show
for their labors, especially in ihe
permanent street improvements,
which were handled under the
supervision of Marshal A. G.
Ames, a financial report of which
is shown on seperate sheet.
The Progress knows that it is
but voicing the sentiments of the
people in hereby thanking the re­
tiring officials for their good work
and splendid showing of civic
loyalty, in this administering of
the municipal duties for the past
The new graveled roads built
within the city's limits during
the past two years are a source
o f local pride and if the good
work is continued it will not be
long before Estacada can brag of
its streets as it does of its schools
and other achievements.
Some slight complaint has been
registered against the cost of
some of the street improvements,
but until the kickers can furnish
definite concrete facts and figures
to substantiate their claims, mak­
ing full allowances for the exca­
vating, filling, grading and grav­
eling done, they should not com­
plain nor draw comparisons.
Merchants Attention
The July meeting of the Esta­
cada Business Men’s Develop­
ment League will occur next
Tuesday evening, July 13th, at
the bank. All members are re­
quested to be present.
The fast Barton baseball team,
representing Eastern Clackamas
county in the Chautauqua League,
lost their first game yesterday to
the Moose team of Oregon City,
by the score of 5-1.
It is reported that Edgar Heiple
o f Alspaugh has sold twenty
acres of timber to his neighbor,
Mr. Cozad, who is arranging to
have same cut into cord wood at
o n c e . __________________
T hursday ,
J uly 8, 1915
Operation Successful
The many friends of Walter
Givens of Estacada will be pleas-
ed to learn that he is getting
along finely, following a success­
ful operation performed last Wed­
nesday at the Good Samaritan
Hospital in Portland by Dr. Adix
of Estacada and Dr. Whiting of
For some time past Mr. Givens
has suffered from acute attacks
of appendicitis and last Tuesday
went to Portland to have the
bothersome member removed.
While Walt promised to be back
i home within eight days, it is
likely that he will be able to re­
sume his work within a couple of
New Council Sworn In
At the conclusion of the final
meeting of the former Estacada
City Council, the newly elected
officials were duiy sworn in, com­
prising I. D. Wright, Mayor, P.
M. Wagner, Fred Jorg, S, E.
Wooster, J. F. Lovelace and R.
M. Standish, councilmen and C.
W. Devore, recorder.
The bond of recorder Devore
was duly accepted and the pres­
ent bond of ireamrer, Mrs. Jess
M. Bartleti tonfim.ed, until the
next meeting when new bond
will be p esented.
Mayor Wright appointed the
following committees for the en­
suing term:
Finance: J. F. Lovelace, chair­
man; S. E. Wooster, R. M. Stan­
Fire and Water: F. Jorg,
chairman; R. M. Standish, S. E.
Streets and public property: R.
M. Standish, chairman; P. M.
Wagner, F. Jorg.
Health and police: P. M. Wag­
ner, chairman; F. Jorg, J. F.
Ordinances: S. E. Wooster,
chairman; J. F. Lovelace, F.
S. E. Wooster,
chairman; P. M. Wagner, J. E.
During the absence of Record­
er Devore for the next thirty
days, the council appointed E. B.
Byers to act as police judge and
The council appointed Marshal
Ames to act as special police of­
ficer to fill the vacancy of city
marshal, until the August meet­
ing, when the permanent appoint­
ment will be made.
The council will meet for their
next session July 13th.
Roy Douglass and wife of
Eagle Creek spent the Fourth at
the home o f her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. Moehnke of Logan.
Mrs. Bina Jones of Portland
attended the Eagle Creek dance
last Saturday evening and re­
mained over Sunday as the guest
of relatives.
Ernest Beers and w ife of Port­
land spent a few days last week
at the home of John Githens of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass
and Mr. and Mrs. E. Naylor of
Eagle Creek spent the Fourth
quietly at Fern Camp.
$1. P er Y ear
Thousands Visit Estacada
Good Order Prevailed
The July 5th celebration with
its attendant crowds and the
good time enjoyed, reflects as
usual the hard work and success­
ful management of the Estacada
Volunteer Fire Department.
With good weather, the pro­
gram started at 9.30 A. M. with parade, which compris­
ed about thirty machines, as
many auto owneis did not enter.
Some dissapointmeut was ex­
pressed at the lack of interest
that was displayed by the auto-
ists in the* decorating of their
machines, but a few of them
presented an attractive appeal-
ance. The first prize was award­
ed to the C. W. Devore car, with
second honors going to Stanley
The ball game entertained the
crowd during the balance of the
forenoon, with the aid of the
Garfield Band.
Too much credit cannot be giv­
en to the committee for the fine
music which was furnished, as
the Garfield Band with their new
uniforms not only made a fine
appearance, but their music was
excellent and showed the result
of the continued practising which
that organization has been doing.
The evening dance at the Pa­
vilion brought out a record crowd,
with over $104. taken in at the
door. All dancers had a good
time and remained until a late
The music for the dancing was
the equal of any Portland talent,
the orchestra comprising the
Misses Ednah Demingand Hattie
Belfils alternating at the piano,
with the Bronson brothers play­
ing the violins, the Erickson
brothers handling the cornet and
traps and Jack Bourbonia with
the cello. From now on, no more
of the local money should be
sent away for music, either band
or orchestral.
The majority of the people
spent the day enjoying the fes­
tivities in the park, including the
races and dancing. A few en­
thusiasts participated in a session
at the Estacada Rod & Gun
Club’s traps and made creditable
The best of order was main­
tained and the few disorderly
parties were quickly taken care
of. Owing to the sane-fourth
restrictions regulating fire crack­
ers. no accidents were reported.
The firemen at Tuesday night's
meeting, showed total receipts
from the various sources of
$409.57 with expenses of $¡{29.73
leaving a profit of $79.84, which
sum, added to tneir present hank
account leaves that organization
with about $300. in bank. They
hope to purchase a chemical
engine in the near future, but at
present cannot afford to take on
the added expense necessary to
buy a new $850. engine or a $575.
second hand one.