Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, July 01, 1915, Image 2

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    Come in
and Enjoy
Coffee and Cakes
W ith Us
Monday, July 5th
Celebrate the F O U R T H O F JU L Y in Estacada
will be
and make our store your headquarters
and we want you to
Come In and Get Acquainted.
Come In and Inspect Our New Goods, all of which we have tried to select to fill the greatest wants of the community.
Come In and get a cup of
Hot Coffee,
which will be served
In to visit or to wait for friends,
Come In
“ Your Satisfaction is Our Success”
Come In To Be Satisfied
H. G. Trowbridge,
Chautauqua Auto Service’
Gun Club Shoot July 4th
A number o f the automobile
owners in this vicinity are con­
templating daily or semi-daily
trips to and from local points and
the Gladstone Chautauqua, dur­
ing the session from July 6th to
18th, among them being L. E.
Folsom o f Springwater with his
new Dodge car. After comple­
tion o f the Chautauqua this car
will make daily trips to and from
Arrangments have been made
by members o f the Estacada Rod
and Gun Club to hold a clay pig­
eon shoot at the club’s traps in
Estacada, at 9 A. M. Sunday,
July 4th.
All members and
friends are invited to be present
On Tuesday last, the special
car Portland o f the P. R. L. & P.
Co., made a trip to Estacada, via
the various power plants o f the
company, located at River Mill,
Bull Run and Oregon City.
This car contained a party o f
Portland hotel and newspaper
men, who were the guests o f the
company, A fter an inspection
o f the sources o f Portland’s elec­
trical energy, a sumptuous course
dinner was served at the Hotel
Estacada and manager Laurry’ s
contribution proved the star at­
traction o f the trip.
This outing and instructive en­
tertainment on the part o f the
company is in keeping with their
educational policy. The Port­
land hotel men, coming as they
do in direct contact with the
transient and local people, are
thus able to furnish at first hand,
comprehensive and intelligent
knowledge o f Portland’ s near by
pleasure trips and the newspaper
men are ever looking for correct
information on Portland’s vital
The party comprised repre­
sentatives from Portland’ s lead­
ing hotels, and newspapers, and
a few o f the company’ s officials.
Mrs. A. C. White and baby o f
Viola were visiting relatives in
Estacada this week.
The musical program in con­
nection with the Children’s Day
exercises at the Viola church last
Sunday, was greatly enjoyed.
A Full Assortment o f the
New Cameo Enamel Ware
The W ARE that WEARS
Every piece guaranteed
This assortment contains
50 Large Canning and Pre­
serving Dishes and with
every one o f these dishes
we will give a
20 cent canning dipper
D on ’ t swelter in a hot kitchen
this summer. Com e in and see
our full line of
Oil Cook Stoves
“ L ook fo r the U w r w
Come in and look over this
New Ware and Compare Prices
with other wares
o f the same grade
T h e finest oil stoves made. Fully
guaranteed. Whether you have
decided to buy an oil stove or
not, let us show you this line.
Absolutely reliable— simplest t
For Sale By
Bert H Finch
Come In
Hotel and Newspaper Men
Visit Estacada
We Have Just Received
during the day.
come in to tuy or to look around,
Be Sure To
East Clackamas Supply Co.
Ask State To Buy O. & C.
Ex-Governor Oswald West has
this week sent to all o f the papers
throughout the state a copy o f a
letter, which he has sent to Gov­
ernor Withycombe, suggesting
the purchase and administration
o f the 0 . & C. land grant, by the
state. While Mr. W est’ s letter
is too lengthy for the average
country paper to reproduce the
idea which it contains is right and
if successful would greatly help
out the resources o f the state.
Reports o f another cattle dis­
ease have been received from
Viola, where several calves be­
longing to Ben Tannler and Ray
Miller have died. This disease
seems to attack the throat o f the
Twelve o f the members o f the
Eagle Creek Grange attended
the Damascus Grange last Satur­
day and spent a pleasant day
with their brother and sister
A Mrs. Potter o f Dover, died
last Saturday evening and was
buried Monday afternoon in the
Gibson cemetery. The deceased
is survived by a daughter, Mrs.
Bingham and several grand­
children, o f Dover.
John Ficken and w ife and A1
Myers o f Viola left last Sunday
for an extensive trip through
Idaho, where they are looking
for a suitable hay or stock ranch.