Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, July 01, 1915, Image 10

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    Want and For Sale Column
Calendar of Meeting Dates
5 cent« per line. Cash in advance If your subscription has ex­ Civic Im provement Club. 2nd. and 4th.
Saturday afternoon at C. I. C. Rooms.
Highest pired, a blue ^ ^ m ark will appear
S aturday n igh t,
price paid at Palace Meat Mark­ in the space below, and also date i I. O. 8 P. O. M. F. at I. Kvery
O. U. F. H all.
et.______________ Fred Jorg.
Rebeccas. Each 2nd and 4th W ednes­
d ay E vening, 8 1*. M. at I. O. O. F.
FOR SALE S. C. White Leg­ I of expiration.
H all.
horn eggs for hutching. Per set­
A. F. & A. M. First Tuesday even in g,
ting of 15 eggs, 75c. Incubator
each m onth at I. O. O. F. H all.
lots per hundred $4.00. Fertility
Order of Eastern Star. Third Tuesday
guaranteed. Not show stock but
of each month at I. O. O. F. H all.
heavy layers.
W. Givens.
______ '___________ Estacada.
I«ogan G range. F irst S atu rd ay in every j
month at G range H all.
Springw ater G range. Second Saturday
in every m outh at O range H all.
Eagle Creek G range. Third Saturday in j
every mouth H t G range Hall.
Garfield O range. Fourth Saturday in
e v e iy m onth at G range H all.
Sunshine C ircle. E very two weeks on
Thursday afternoon,
Dorcas Society.
Third Thursday o f ,
each month.
Modern P riscillas’.
First Thursday of ;
each m onth.
C u rrin sville Ladies Aid.
First Tues- .
of each ni<*uth.
FOR RENT 5 room modern
Inquire Dr. H. V. Adix.
Estacada, Or.
An early remittance will be
Subscription $1.
WOOD FOR SALE - Any per year in advance.
length. Three grades. Deliver­
ed. Phone or write
Chautauqua Auto Service
Guy Wilcox. Estacada, R. 2.
From Springwater and Estacada,
Pick your own currants. 1 >4c via Barton daily to Gladstone
per It. P. F. Standish, Garfield.
Assembly grounds during the
Session, beginning
FOR SALE Small pigs; also
Estacada M. E. Ladies Aid. First and
good brood sow with young litter.
Third Wednesdays of each month
at 2:30 P. M.
W. Domm, Eagle Creek Falls.
Car leaves Springwater
Estacada Christian Endeavor.
8 A.M.
Monday evening of each month,
FOR SALE—Two mules.
at the church.
Car leaves Estacada
A. Demoy, Estacada.
Estacada Christian Endeavor Social.
bank corner 8:30 A.M.
Third Tuesday of each month.
FOR SALE—Three cows; one
fresh now, two fresh soon.
Christian Church
For special reservations
Wm. Fink, Box 12, R. 2, Estacada.
10 A. M. j
phone Springwater. Sunday school
Morning service -
11 A. M.
FOR SALE One big Durham
( New Dodge C ar )
Y. P. S. C. E.
- 6:45 P. M.
cow. Fresh. J. C. Duus, Garfield.
Evening service - 7:45 P. M.
All are cordially invited.
FOR SALE White Spitz pup­
Frank E. Jones, Pastor.
pies. D. Fleming, Estacada.
FOR SALE Wood, cord and
stove length. Prices reasonable.
J. F. Wiles, Box 207, Estacada.
Estacada Lodge No. 146, A. F.
& A. M meetings, will be called
off during the months of July
and August.
By order of W. M.
Wm. Dale, Sec.
I. O. O. F. Notice
Installation of officers will oc­
cur Saturday evening, July 3rd.
Come out. Brothers are all in­
Earl Day N. G.
Real Estate Firm Moves
Cut from Mountain Cedar
Phone us for Prices
(Estacada Central)
We make Prompt Delivery
Bittner Plug & Shingle Co.
Methodist Episcopal Church
Sunday school - - - 10 A. M. j
Epworth League - - 7 P. M.
Prayer meeting
Thursday - -
8 P. M.
There will be the regular
preaching services in the Cur­
rinsville M. E. Church. Sunday
morning, July 4th, at 11 A. M.
There will be preaching services
in the Methodist Church, Sunday
evening, July 4th, a t8 P . M.
Preaching services at Mt. Zion
on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 3 P. M.
and at Garfield on 2nd and 4th
Sundays at 3 P. M.
You are invited to attend.
C. B. Rees, Pastor.
Church of Jesus Christ
The meetings of the Re-Organ­
ized Church of Jesus Christ of L.
D. S., corner of 2nd and Main Sts.,
are held every Sunday as follows:
Sunday school - 10 A. M.
Preaching service - 11 A. M.
Young Peoples Meeting
............................ 6:30 P. M.
Evening service - - -7:30 P. M.
J. F. Wiles, Elder.
Springwater, Oregon
With a view to obtaining a more
favorable position to attract the
visitors, who may come to Esta­
Market Report
cada. the Cascade Realty Co.,
have moved their office from the
Portland Union Stock Yards
Lichthorn Bldg, on Broadway in­ Co., North Portland, Oregon,
to the former Home Restaurant Tuesday, June 29, ’15 CATTLE:
Monday’s receipts were fairly
near depot.
heavy though nothing startling
in the way of quality was in evi­
It Almost Says Thanks
Ednah Demintj
dence. Some fairly good steers
The new $600. National Cash sold at $7.25 although the bulk
Register which has been installed went at $6.75 to $7.00; cows $6.00
by the East Clackamas Supply to *6.25 and heifers $6.00 to$6.50.
Garfield, Estacada, Oregon.
Co., is one of the finest types of Market considered steady.
these machines, comprising the HOGS: More hogs came for­
ward beginning of week than for
equivalent of a book-keeping sys­ some time. Everything consid­
tem, combined with the ordinary ered market was strong. Bulk
advantages of a cash register. brought $7.70 to $7.75, tops at
This complex instrument looks $7.80.
like a cross between an upright SHEEP: No change in the
E. Smith • Gresham
market only a handful be­
piano and the front of a bank sheep
ing in evidence to begin the weeks
vault, but its value to the mer­ trade. Market steady, Lambs
Phone 541 Gresham
chant cannot be over estimated, j $7.00; Ewes $5.50; Wethers$4.50.
Veterinary Surgeon
Henry V. Adix, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Office Adjoining Residence
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The doctor's phone can he connected with your
home phone at night if requested. One long ring
Dr. L. A. W ell.
Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix
Dr. R. Morte
Physician and Surgeon
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd
Residence: Main and 5th Sta.
Telephone Connection
Claude W. Devore
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public
Estacada, Oregon
William M. Stone
A ttorney - at - Law
Office Phones- Pacific Main 405.
Home A 270.
Res.-Pacific 295J.
Beaver Bldg.
O regon City, Or.
Fire Insurance
N o r t h w e s t e r n E ire & M a rin e
Insurance Co. ol Minneapolis
J. W. Reed, Agent
Estacada, Oregon
Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance.
Phone 513
Automobile Insurance A Specialty
Livery, Feed & Sale
W. A. JONES, Proprietor.
Good Rigs and Careful Drivers
Given Hunting and Fishing Parties
Team Work, Hauling and Packing
Wood delivered, any amount or length.
10c p e r
R i$ .
W. M. Yoncc
Corona Wool Fat
12 ounce can
• 50c
Blacksmith and Wheelwright