<£**£■ ESTACADA PROGRES •J Devoted V olume 8, to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County E stacada , O regon , N umber 41 T hursday , J uly 1, 1915 $1. P er Y ear Celebration Estacada Monday July5 To Motor To Frisco WHERE THE SHOES FITTED! Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lovelace and family o f Estacada contemplate leaving next week for San Fran­ cisco. They will make the trip in their automobiles, camping along the way and generally en­ joying the tour through Oregon and California. They expect to be gone at least thirty days and may remain away all summer. County Paper» Criticize and Defend Progress The Oregon City Enterprise in its issue o f June 23rd., apparent­ ly does not perfectly agree with the Estacada Progress, in its re­ cent stand on the question o f the $1600.0' that is to be spent for oiling the main trunk highways, across the southern and western end o f the county, at the request o f some automobile club. To quote briefly, editor Brodie exudes the following;- “ There is no reason in the stand taken by K. M. Staudish, editor o f the Estacada Progress, against aii the southern and western part o f the coun­ ty. The last issue of the Progress contains more than the usual amount of “ peeve*'. On the front page o f the paper, over a column is devoted to a rabid discussion o f the decision o f the county court to spend $1600 on road oil on the north und south highwa. through the county. Editor Standish evidently forget* that this $1600 was raised by a direct tax on automobiles, that it is be­ ing spent on roads traveled as heavily by farmers as by motorists. Editor Standish should remember that his ac- lions are destructive; that iooperation is better than conflict. Eastern and western Clackamas are united in one great county, at least as far as county boundaries are concerned. — Let us have p e a -e ." Fur t h e on in its editorial col­ umn the same writer shows some signs of fair mindedness with. “ But the Estacada Progress is right at times, despite its stand against this part o f the county. This is from the last issue:- ‘ Even a $1600 application of oil will not cover up the defects in some of Clackamas county’ s poorly built roads'. ” The Progress is pleased to note that Editor Brodie in his remarks on the uniiedness o f the county, qualified it by the clause “ at least as far as county boundaries are concerned! And if the Prog­ ress’ actions are destructive, it hopes they are destructive o f some o f the sound sleep o f the honorab.e members o f the county court. As is usual, the Enter­ prise skipped such parts o f the article quoted, as might have a tendency to hurt their side o f the controversy. But Editor Brodie is an Oregon City stand­ patter all o f the time. The Oregon City Courier, as ever, is broad enough to see two sides o f a question and recognizes that eastern Clackamas has rights that should be respected. They reprinted the Progress’ article on “ $1600.00 Worth o f Crude Oil” in its entirety and in another part o f the same paper blossomed forth in the following:- “ Now however, comes the Estscada Progress, one o f the real newspapers of the county, and the leading paper o f the eastern section o f Clackamas' —etc The Canby Herald quotes the troublesome article in full and in closing hands the following greet- ing:- “ Cheer up Bro. Standish. You and yours corne over to the fair at Canby this yeur-itu going to be a hummer- and then you can get a “ smell” o f that crude oil” . j ; Canby deserves credit for offer­ ing us something, for up to the present time, eastern Clackamas tax-payers had not even Deen o f­ fered “ a smell” . Somebody from Estacada was at the Cariby Fair last year, and incidentally came away with the majority o f the “ first honors” and it may happen again this year. The Aurora Observer o f Marion County says "Estacada is Peeved” but we must remember that Aur­ ora is at the other end o f that stretch o f road to be oiled. The Observer construed our kick to be against the autoist and entire­ ly in favor of the farmer. East­ ern Clackamas has its autoists and they are farmers too and a part o f that $1600. was raised through the tax on these ma­ chines; that is why we insinuated that we were entitled to a share o f that money. To sum it up, all parts o f the county recognize the rights o f Eastern Clackamas, but some of them are not broad enough to favor a division, o f the $1600 if it would entail their share o f the spoils. The question still arises, who is the Automobile Club? Has Clackamas county an automobile club? Can it be that the Portland (Multnomah county) Automobile Club obtained $1600. on a mere request from the Clackamas county court. Commissioner Mattoon now claims that his court have noth­ ing to do with the expenditure o f this $1600. tax, claiming that the money was or will be turned over directly from the state to the Automobile Club, but he does’ nt know who the Automo­ bile Club is. If the money has not already been expended, it is not too late yet to give eastern Clackamas a '¿ 5 % share. $400. if divided; equally among the several road districts in this part o f the coun­ ty, would pay for the installation o f handsome drinking troughs along a number o f the traveled highways, or pay for other equal­ ly as useful improvements. FINAL APPEAL TO BE MADE Special School Meeting July 12th East Clackamas County Fair At the regular Estacada school board meeting last Monday even­ ing, all members were present. A fter the completion o f the rou­ tine business, the board decided to call a special school meeting for the purpose o f electing a board member to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation o f A. Demoy. This meeting has been set for Monday evening, July 12th, and all voters are requested to be present. The initial steps were also tak­ en for installing o f a new hot water heating plant in the school building. During the course o f the meet­ ing, the resignation o f A. Demoy from the school board was for­ mally accepted. To Ask For Financial Support At a meeting o f the East Clack­ amas County Fair committee, held in Estacada last Monday forenoon, a number of important matters were discussed and de­ cided upon. The 1915 fair will be held in Estacada Park, Sept. 8th, 9th and 10th. The Fair committee has incor­ porated under the name o f “ East Clackamas County Fair” and un­ der the law provided for fairs, libraries, etc. This simplifies the business side o f the committee work and gives more confidence to those carrying on business with it, while it also protects the individual members from liabili­ ties. No stock is issued as the organization is for educational purposes only. The committee held a meeting June 21st and spent some time discussing the advisability of erecting a livestock building, 40 by 100 ft. to be used for the Fair and at all other times as a hitch­ ing shed for the farmers o f the surrounding communities. The railroad company will grant a lease on their property just east o f Mr.Givens’ house for this purpose. It was decided best to put up such a building, thus saving an annual expense of about $100. for tents and lumber if the funds can be solicited. The premium list for the com­ ing exhibit will be substantially the same as last year’s, but is being delayed slightly until the matter o f further prizes and premiums can be reported on. A rumor has obtained some credence to the effect that there will be a charge for exhibit space. This is absolutely false as all such space is frete. A valuable prize will be offer­ ed for the best community ex­ hibit and in this department o f the fair there will be strong rivalry. This competition is open to all sections, including Spring- water, George, Garfield, Currins- ville, Dodge, Barton, Eagle Creek, Viola, Elwood, Sandy, Boring, etc. In a later issue of the Progress a list o f the com­ munity fair representatives will be published. The George Com­ mercial & Social Club are plan­ ning to win the community prize with a handsome and elaborate exhibit o f the resources and prod- ucis o f that district, as their fair occurs a few days prior to the Estacada show. t The most important matter now before the East Clackamas County Fair committee and a matter o f the utmost importance and o f vital interest to every resi- dent o f eastern Clackamas coun­ ty, is the obtaining o f financial support from the county and the receiving o f our share o f the $1821. which has been appropriat­ ed by the stato- to this county, for exhibit premiums from a tax o f 1-20 o f a mill onthe county- property. To date the committee which has waited upon the county court and asked for financial assistance, has received nothing and the outlook is dim o f their obtaining any. It is now up to the people o f eastern Clackamas county to assert their rights and unitedly ask and if necessary insist on ob­ taining some money for our coun­ ty fair. An appeal is hereby made to all parties interested; and tnis should mean every man, woman and child in this part o f the coun­ ty, to attend a mass meeting at 1 o ’ clock, July 5th in Estacada at the city hall. At this meeting, ways and means will be discuss­ ed to properly present this appeal to the county court and the coun­ ty fair board. Present plans are for a large delegation to go to Oregon City and back up the efforts o f the committee, but the details of this plan will be perfected at this mass meeting. The majority o f the local resi­ dents will be in Estacada at the celebration, July 5th, and conse­ quently can easily arrange to at­ tend this gathering. As loyal tax-payers o f Clack­ amas county, we should every­ one o f us take an active interest in seeing to it that the East Clack­ amas Fair receives fair treatment from the authorities or at least its due share, otherwise this an­ nual fair may have to be dis­ continued. Show your interest by being present at the July 5th meeting.