Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 24, 1915, Image 7

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    News Notes From All Sections
For the Asking
Labels for all your fruit, whether you
not we want
Buy Fruit Jars Now
About forty couples enjoyed the
C. I. C. dance, held at the pa­
vilion last Friday night.
usual the C. I. C. ladies had
spared no pains to show the dan­
cers a good time, for the floor was
in extra good shape, the music
by Miss Ednah Deming and
Harry Reid was excellent and
snappy, and the refreshments
hit the right spot at the right
i time.
Mrs. Willis Yonce o f Estacada, j
entertained a number o f friends j
last Saturday evening at a mid- j
nightsupper, following the dance. |
Horace Davis o f A berdeen,!
i Wash., is visiting with his par-
I ents in Garfield and with rela-
1 tives in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Stan-
i dish of Oakland, California, spent
a few days last week, visiting at
the homes o f his cousins, P. F.
! and R. M. Standish o f Garfield
and Estacada.
Sand and Gravel
$2.50 per Cubic Yard
Cascade Roofing Paper
$1.25 per 100 sq. ft.
Cross Panel Doors
1.25 each
Assortment of Windows
Bargain Prices
New Shipment of Feed Just Received.
Agency for
Estacada Lumber & Produce Co.
Hocking Valley
Ensilage Cutters
tnd Blowers
A heavy fly wheel
and knife cuts from
outer edge, which
makes lighter draft
and does better w ort.
Mrs. N. Scheel and daughter!
Field T W Gas Engines
Edith o f George are spending a l
! few days in Portland at the home I
No batteries and starts on mag­
Mason Jars with Zinc Covers
I o f her daughter, Mrs. G. Eilers. |
neto without cranking. All styles.
Mrs. Helen Massey o f Portland j
Pints per dozen
returned to her home this week,
after a few days v H t with her
Quarts per dozen
Iron Clad Silos
sister Mrs. Geo. Dale o f Esta­
Half-gallon per dozen
have a flexible
Supervisor Frank Millard o f
Extra caps for the above jars, per dozen 15c
A Real
Springwater reports that the
Bracing System. Not a guy wire. A hinge
These are the ordinary Mason Jars
work on the Springwater hill is
door that locks at all four corners.
going along merrily. In the past
and require rubbers.
few weeks they have rocked and
placed three courses o f gravel on
over 700 feet o f highway and ex­ Deering Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Tedders
pect to finish the remaining 3800
Economy Jars with patent lids
All Repairs for All Machines
ft. in another sixty days. At
Line of Guaranteed Machinery
Pints per dozen
steam roller.
Best to Use
Best to Buy
Quarts per dozen
It is a pleasure to be alive this
fine weather and enjoy an auto
Half-gallon per dozen - $1.25
Hessels Farm Machinery Co.
ride over the miles o f graveled
Extra Caps for the above jars, per dozen 20c
Tel. 544
Gresham, Oregon.
Auto riding in this part o f the
I county is not confined to the own-
| ers o f the machines only, for
The many friends o f Mrs. J. j J. P. Steinman and wife ae-
j they all believe in filling the A. Inglish o f Garfield are glad to companied by Mrs. Frank Bover
Kerr Mason Self Sealing Jars
¡seats to capacity with friends, see her able to be about again o f Currinsville made a trip last
! and it is good to be and have a j and hope it will be a matter o f Sunday in the Steinman auto to
No rubbers required
i friend.
but a short time before she has Hillsboro, where they visited
i The new house o f Harold | completely recovered from her | their daughter, Mrs. Earl Me
Pints per dozen
Wooster near the school house in recent illness.
Quarts per dozen
Estacada is fast nearing the roof
The Joe Sadowski homestead
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lang, J.
Half-gallon per dozen
' stage and when finished, prom- J. Fitzgerald and 0 . Kadderly near Elwood is reported to have
i ises to be one o f the the prettiest o f Portland, spent the week end been sold recently.
i homes in the city.
Extra Caps for the above will fit any
at the home o f Henry Githens in
The Currinsvi'le Priscillas met
last Thursday at the home of
Mason jars per dozen
last Monday drove into Estacada
Miss Nellie Vallen, a teacher Mrs. H. Githens.
from Portland in a new Dodge in the Pullman, Wash, schools,
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bartlett
automobile. This new car will is spending the summer with her
and daughter Helen, motored to
take the place o f the doctor's mother Mrs. A. Vallen, of El- Woodburn last week with Stanley
former machine, except during wood. Ernest Vallen who has Bartlett. The entire round tup
Now is the time to buy SUGAR.
inclement weather, when the been working at Pullman also, is from Estacada was made inside
reliable Ford will expedite the visiting at the home o f his mother. o f six hours.
doctor’s calls, and take the brunt
Best Berry Sugar
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whit­
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hale o f Cur­
o f the hard traveling.
comb o f Portland, spent a few rinsville and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Beginning witfi this issue, the days this week at the home o f Spurlin o f Springwater last week
Best Beet Sugar
Progress Supplement contains his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. motored to Salem and Harris­
valuable reading matter on both Whitcomb o f Garfield.
Mrs. burg, where they visited relatives
sides o f the sheet. A little more Whitcomb was in charge o f the including Mr Spurlin’s mother,
for your $1.
recent Dorcas Society dramatics who is a sister o f Mrs. Hale.
Our Slogan.-
Iver Erickson o f Portland is and Mr. Whitcomb, who is o f the
Local Agent J. W. Reed has
spending a few days at the home firm o f Whitfield & Whitcomb
"A Satisfied Customer is Our Best Advertisement”
the leading Portland accountants, not allowed electioneering to in­
o f his parents in Currinsville.
terfere with his continued sale o f
Mort Congdon is visiting at came out to witness his w ife’s Ford machines, and in the past
the home o f his parents, Mr. and histrionic ability.
few weeks has delivered cars to
Oregon City has also lost its H. C. Wulf and Mrs. Julius
L. Y. Congdon o f Currins­
ville. Mort has been for some principle o f the high school, as Kreiger o f Garfield and to Clyde
time past, substitute railway Prin. H. F. Pfingvten last week Schock o f Estacada.
mail clerk, with headquarters at accepted an attractive offer to
Estacada, • Oregon.
Frank Gibb o f Viola had a barn
Bend, but at present is not em- head the new high school at The
raising at his place last week.
| ployed.