Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 24, 1915, Image 6

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    Estacada Progress
L. H. Burd
(I ncorporated )
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
R. M. Standish,
Editor and Manager
Entered at the poatoffice in Eataeada,
Oregon, »s «ei'ond-cla»» mail.
S ubscription R ates
One year
Six months
- *
There is no chance for a dispute
over having paid a bill, if you
Pay by Check
There is no need o f your carrying a
large amount o f cash in your pocket,
Septic Cesspools
Cement Sidewalks
Basements •
Your check is your receipt
Fire Places
if you Pay by Check
It gives a business tone to your
financial transactions, if you
All Work Guaranteed
Thursday, June 24, 1915
Pay by Check
How is your prize exhibit for
I shot an arrow into the air; it
Four or five years ago, Gar-
the coming East Clackamas
j field was, as at present, a thriv- fell in the distance, I knew not
County Fair coming on?
where ’till a neighbor said it
j ing district in eastern Clackamas
Dont attempt ahy sky-gazing County, but a section more or killed his calf and I had to pay
him six and a half ($6.50). I
along Main S t Estacada, until
less isolated.
I bought some poison to slay some
the busted sidewalks are mended.
Owing to the poor condition of rats, and a neighbor swore it
In last week’s issue o f the the roads at that time, the need killed his cats; and rather than
Progress, the publisher took oc­ was felt for a local trading point; argue across the fence, I paid
casion to ‘ ‘rub it in” a little on consequently the Garfield Mer­ him four dollars and fifty cents.
the newly organized Estacada. cantile Store came into being, One night I sat sailing a toy bal­
loon, and hoped it would soar ’till
Baseball Team and gave their in -:
itial performance far from a and from that day until now has it reached the moon; but the can­
boosting write-up. Several mem­ flourished and proven a big bene­ dle fell on a farmers straw, and
bers o f the team and a few o f ! fit and convenience to the ad­ he said I must settle or go to law.
And that is the way with a ran­
the loyal fans are pretty hot joining country.
dom shot; it never hits in the
about this “ roasting the home
The discontinuance now o f this proper spot; and the joke you
team” and they are probably store and the moving o f its stock
spring and think so smart, may
right in their contention.
into Estacada, is in keeping with leave a wound in some fellow ’s
Undoubtedly the editor should i the united growth and develop­
have shown more leniency with ment o f the Estacada country.
the team and have made more With the present net work of
allowance for its first game. But first-class graveled roads, mak­
There is one consolation, East­
Estacada has been so used in ing travel to and from Estacada
ern Clackamas’ graveled roads
years past to maintain nothing a matter o f a short time ano a
but a winning team, that a crush­ pleasure, the need o f the Garfield need little dust laying, as they
ing defeat hurts doubly.
store is past and its absorption are built to wear. Dust has to
The Estacada team last Sunday into the East Clackamas Supply be laid where the dust is thickest
more than made good, and won Co. is emblematic of the growing and it might be well to spend the
against a team that last year tendencies towards cooperation, $1600.00, one-half for oil to lay
united working and the forma­
gave them a severe beating.
dust and one-half for spray to
No doubt the Progress has tion o f a trading and social cent­
kill the moss in the lo.ver end o f
gotten too much into the habit o f
the county.
fault finding and has digressed Oregon.
from its policy o f handing out
bouquets when due; but from now
on, more compliments, words o f
praise and commendation will be
It is a very easy thing to issue
a wishy-washy newspaper, with
comment on nothing but the
pleasant side o f affairs. The ed­
itor makes no enemies when pur­
suing such a course, but such
a paper is mighty sickening read­
ing and is o f little value to a com­
We all o f us need our faults
pointed out, as well as our vir­
tues. Little progress either mor­
al, mental or physical comes from
hearing repeated compliments
but honest criticism usually leads
Ford econom y is not alone in low price, but
to civic or personal growth and
in the low cost to operate and maintain.
For an average cost of two cents a mile, they
The editor is a ball fan and al­
ways will be and while he wont
serve and save; add luxury to pleasure and
promise to always throw bou­
bring profit to business. O ver 700,000 ow n­
quets, will try to hand out the
have found the F ord dependable, eco­
flowers where deserved.
nomical and easy to operate. A nd in any
contingency, there’s a Ford agent close at
Are you tucking your little cow
into bed promptly at 8 P. M. as
hand— with a complete stock of parts.
required by ordinance?
T h at’ s “ Ford After-Service for Ford Owners.”
O f the
Clackamas county received from
the state apportionment for this
year’s fair ^expenses, about how
much do you think Eastern Clack­
amas will get?
Estacada. pronounced with the
broad sound o f “ a” as in “ ah” ,
pronounced by others to be
“ where the cattle ramble at will. ”
Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail
300,000 new Ford cars between August 1914
and August 1915.
Touring Car $565;
Runabout $515.
On display and sale by ■ \ / i—i y— p —
Estacada. Oregon. J . W . r\ tl t . LJ
The majority o f the people of Estacada
and surrounding country are now
Paying by Check on the
Estacada State Bank
U RO Y 0. W A IM R . President
Vice President
Interest paid on time deposits.
I Pay Highest Cash on Delivery
Prices For
Hogs -
- Cattle
I shall aim to ship a carload of
livestock from the Estacada Stock
Yards at least every other M onday
Stock must be delivered at
yards by 11 A . M . on shipping date.
I shall spend certain days in each
month buying stock throughout East­
ern Clackamas County, and if you
have any to sell, phone to R . M . Stan­
dish at Estacada and he will quote
prices and give date of next shipment.
Livestock Buyer.
Don’t Throw Away
An expensive granite dish
Because it leaks
A t a cost of a few cents it can be
Repaired and Guaranteed
Bring in all o f your Leaky Tin or Gran-
let me
Mend Them.
C . C . M ILLE R
Electric Wiring
S aw Filing