T h e Lase of Jennie Brice Continued from page 3 coming forward and everything to lose. Very well, she was alive on Monday. We know where she was on Tuesday and Wednesday. Anyhow, during those days her gem o f a husband was In Jail. He was freed Thursday night, and from that time until his leanest on the following Tuesday. 1 had him under observation every moment. He left the Jail Thursday night, and ou Saturday the body floated in at Se- wlekie.v. If it was done by Ladley It must have been done on Friday, and on Frtdu.v be was In view through the perisrope ail day!” Mr. Ke.vuolds value in and Joined us. “There's only one way out that 1 see.” he said mildly. “ T w o women have been fool enough to have a name tat­ tooed over their hearts. No woman ever thought enough of me to have my name put on her.” “ I hofie not.” 1 retorted. Mr. Rey­ nold's liixt name is Xavharlab. Hut. as Mr. floleom be said, all that had l»een proved was that Jennie Hrlve was dead, probably murdered He vould not understand the defense let­ ting the vase go to the Jury without their putting more stress ou Mr. How­ ell’s story. Hut we were to under­ stand that soon, and many other things. Mr. Holcombe told me that evening o f learning from John Bellows of the tattooed name on Jeuuie Hrlve and of how. after an almost endless search, he had found the man who had cut the name away. At S o'clock the doorbell rang. Mr. Reynolds had gone to lodge, he being an LIU and several other things and much given to regulin In boxes and having his picture in the newspapers in different outlandish costnmes. Mr. IMtuiun used to say that man. being denied bis natural love for barbaric adornment fn his ever.vdav • took to the different fraternities as an excuse for decking biiusclf out. Hut this has nothing to db with the door­ bell. It was old Isaac. He had a basket in his hand, und he stepped Into the hall and placed it on the ti ior. “ JCveiiing. Miss Hess,” he said. “Can you see u bit o f company tonigtit:” ” 1 run always see you.” 1 replied. But he hud not meant himself. He stepped to the door and. opening it. beckoned to some one across the street. It was Lida! She came in. her color a little height­ ened. and old Isaac stood back, bvum- ; lug at us both. 1 believe it was one of the crowning moments of the old i man's life—thus to see his Miss Hess I and Alma’s child together. "Is —is he here y e t s h e asked me ' nervously. j ” 1 did not know he was coming.” I There wus no need to ask which ’“be.” | There was only ouc for Lida. ! “ He telephoned me and asked me to come here. Oh. Mrs. Pitmau. I’ m so » fra Id for him!” She had forgotteu | Isaac. I turned to the schoolteacher's I room aud opened the door. “ The wom- j an who belongs here is out at a lec­ ture." I said “ Come In here. Ikkie. und I'll bnd the eveutng ¡taper for : you.” “ •Ikkie.” ” said Lida, and stood star­ ing at me. 1 think I went white. “The lady lieali and 1 Is old friends.” Isaac said, with his splendid manner. “ Her mothah. Miss Lida, tier moth- a h '* - But even old Isaac choked up at that. and 1 closed the door on him. “ How queer!” Lida said, looking at me. “ So Isaac kuew your mother? Have you lived always iu Allegheny. Mrs. Pitman To be continued. Are You In The Market For A SEPARATOR? In fairness to yourself, investigate the merits of the Simplex Separator H. F. Gibson, Agent. before you buy. Barton, Oregon. Here Are A Few Dollar lor Dollar Pianos Great values in America’s finest Pianos and Player Pianos. Used instruments— not the usual second-hand kind, but fine Pianos that have been played on very littlr and are like new in every respect. We have scores of other equally as good bargains in used Pianos. Worth New - $390 $ 195 Kimball 400 146 Hazelton 3C0 150 Ludwig - 290 140 Kingsbury - 275 193 Hamilton 560 275 Kimball - 350 135 Emerson Chickering Worth New Aschenbach - $275 $165 H. P. Nelson - 425 225 525 Haines 285 350 228 Steger Haddorff 575 385 325 Ludwig 240 475 190 Steinway $550 $225 PLAYERS Steinhauer Playola - $400 $198 500 290 Pianola Piano $600 Wheelock 450 Kingsbury - $550 $ 255 R. M. Standish Kstacada Agent Portland, Oregon $ 275 310 w ■ ■4 ' Horrors and Atrocities “ Horrors and Atrocities o f the Great War” is the name of a j very interesting, illustrated book, [d elin g with the present Ei r> ! pean crisis. Lewis Jones of Es- j tacada is working during the va­ cation season taking orders for this latest description of the gi­ gantic struggle. My New Jewelry Stock Adjoining Marchbank’ s Watches, Clocks, Silverware Jewelry and Repairing I will be in Estacada— Colonel Guffey’s Surrender June 14th to 20th June 28th to July 1st July 5th to 7th July 19th to 25th. Colonel Mardelf Guffey, “ Sage of the Sand Hills” , Cherokee Strip, Oklahoma, has surrender­ When not here, leave work at Marchbank’s. ed. The Cherokee Republican makes that sensational announce­ F.‘ E. Beckwith, ment. And it is sensational— The Jeweler astounding, too. All Oklahoma is agog over it Colonel Mardell Guffey never surrendered -to anybody or anything—in his life. Kodak Supplies But the stride of progress has locked step with Colonel Mardell Films and Developers Guffey now. And he’s swinging along at a brisk pace, with his black briar pipe at the same cocky angle. Colonel Guffey came into the Cherokee Strip with the pioneers and everything he owned strap­ ped in the pockets of his saddle. That’s “ forty year ago” , the Colonel says. And, by the same *oken, the Colonel for forty years has contended that there is one and only one sure, safe, economi­ cal, dignified means of transpoi- tation—only one mount for a gentleman. That’s a cow-pony. And he’s lived his life in the sad­ dle. Fortune has smiled upon Colo­ Fishing Tackle nel Mardell Guffey. He has be­ come a substantial—as well as Ed Boner - Estacada widely beloved citizen. So, with the march of progress into the Cherokee Strip, it is not remark­ Choice Meat and Poultry able that the enterprising motor car salesman should single the only are handled at this market. We do Colonel out. Whole brigades and not keep the tough, flavorless, inferior battalions of them have come grades which are neither satisfactory confidently and departed despair­ nor economical. A little of our prime ingly. meat is much better than a lot of poorer Nevertheless, Colonel Mardell quality. The test lies in the taste. Guffey has surrendered just the Order your Sunday dinner meat here. same. We’ ve confirmed, it. It is straight. A few days ago a Ford agent drove a 1915 Ford into the Colo­ nel’s front yard. The Colonel viewed the familiar experiment disdainfully through a cloud of pipe smoke. Then he took his l'eet down off the rail and gave "the critter the once over' Fi­ nally, he broke all precedent arid “ climbed aboard” . An hour later the Colonel said —“ Well, you might as well leave her hitched up to the locust post yonder, and if she’s sound in Cash Paid For Eggs wind and fairly gentle. 1 may slip my branding iron on her” . Fish Fridays The Colonel did. Later he was j encountered on the highway. "I i ain’t quite got used to this here Fred Jorg, Proprietor throttle y et I keep wantin’ to dig my spurs into her” said the Phone Main 83. Broadway Colonel, as he swung into the Estacada. Oregon front gate on two wheels. “ But she sure can single-foot better than any durned bronk I ever rode and believe me. son, 1 sure have rode some good hosses in Klaetsch Mills my time. Seems to me, though. First class lumber of all kinds, promptly 1 ought to mix some oat3 in her delivered from big stock on hand. gasoline” . Dimension material a specialty. Isn’t that convincing proof of Phone or call at mill, at Dodge. Colonel Mardell Guffey’s surren­ der. Paid adv. O. C. Klaetsch, Owner. Palace Meat Market Lum ber