Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 17, 1915, Image 1

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    Oresoir Hratwic*» 3»c.
Devoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 8,
N umber 39
Eaat rn Clackam • No. To
Get Even A Smell
E stacada , O regon ,
T hursday ,
To [?ance At Pavilion
Announcement has been made
that the dance to be given under
the auspices o f the C. I. C. next
Friday evening, June 18th, will
occur at the Estacada Pavilion,
instead o f the Odd Fellows’ Hall,
as originally billed.
Everyone is invited to come
and enjoy the evening. Danc­
ing will continue from 8 P. M. to
1 A. M. with good music and re­
freshments. Tickets 75 cent per
J une 17, 1915
“ Clackamas county’ s share o f
the state automobile license fees,
amounting to about $1600.00 will
be used for oiling the trunk roads,
leading from the Multnomah to
the Marion county boundaries,
according to a statement made (
last week by County Judge An­
derson” so says the Oregon City
Enterprise. Continuing, the ar­
ticle reads,
“ This will give
Chautauqua Program Announced
motorists an uninterrupted oiled
Programs are already out, call­ 1
highway from Portland to Aur­
ing attention to the 1915 Chau­
ora. The action was taken at
tauqua Assembly to be held at
the request o f the Automobile
the Gladstone grounds, July 6th
to 18th inclusive.
And yet they wonder why
The program shows the names
Eastern Clackamas, with Esta­
o f many well known lecturers
cada as a nucleus, is dissatisfied
and entertainers, including A r­
with county management.
thur A. Franzke; Swiss Alpine
wouldn’ t be dissatisfied?
Yodlers; Royal Hungarian Or­
slight consideration shown to this
chestra; Mrs. A. C. Zehner; Sen.
part o f the county is an insult,
Burkett: Schuman Quintet; Rev.
but this kind o f treatment has
Father Mac Corry; Newell Dwight
been handed to us hillside farm­
Hillis; Ciricillo and his Royal
ers for so long, that they natur­
Italian Band; Col. W. H. Miller
ally take it for granted that we
and many others o f equal note.
dont care.
Inquiries for reservations and
$1600.00 is a lot o f money, jn
other information should be sent
fact an awful lot. And this
to Secretary H. E. Gross o f Ore­
amount is to be spent for oil, to
gon City.
lay the dust on the trunk roads,
from Portland to Aurora, for the
Local Lodge Member Dies
benefit o f automobilists. Do you
A telegram was received by
note that no mention is made o f
W. D. Henthorn, secretary o f
laying the dust for tne farmers?
the Estacada I. O. O. F. from
Is nt it a shame that the main
Prescott, Arizona last Tuesday
trunk highways don’ t lead up
morning, announcing the death
through this part o f the county,
o f Alonza Hamack. Many o f the
for the benefit o f the Portland
Estacada and Springwater peo­
ple will remember him, as he
And will you note the last sen­
lived here at one time, but was
tence? “ The action was taken
later forced to rake up his resi­
at the request o f the Automo­
dence in Arizona, owing to his
bile Club.” Now wouldn’ t that
being a sufferer fronj tuberculo­
ja r you? The Automobile Club,
sis, which finally caused his
address not given, “ requested”
the honorable county court for
$1600.00 to lay the dust for them,
The report shows only four
and they got it.
counties in the state, appropriat­
We, o f eastern Clackamas
ing a larger amount. This reads
county, who pay taxes, build
County Fairs, but probably should ,
roads, live and work in this coun­
have read Fair. The Committee
ty, can hardly get a cent out o f j in charge o f the East Clackamas
that honorable body after beg­
Fair to date has failed to get one ■
ging on our hands and knees,
cent from the county and has
not to mention “ requesting” it.
about given up all hope o f get-
How much longer are .eastern
ting any.
Clackamas taxpayers going to
But cheer up, brother tax-pay­
stand for this utter disregard of
ers and farmers, when it comes
their rights?
time to show your prize winning
The Financial Report o f the
exhibit, the East Clackamas Fair
Operations o f the Accounting
will be ready to receive it and
Department o f the State o f Ore­
the Portland automobilists will
gon, just issued, shows on page
be riding over your $1600.00, free
10, the following item:— “ Clack­
from dust or worry, because
amas County expense for County
they “ requested” the Honorable
Fairs for 1914--=$3684.25. ”
County Court, to do so.
No Herd Law, Should Not Mean
No Regulation
At last week’ s Estacada city
election, the people voted in lavor
o f continuing to allow livestock
to graze within the corporate
limits, and consequently no herd
law will be passed, as had bee :
c< n emplated by ■ ime o f the
There are many good argu­
ments on both sides o f this ques-
ion but probably few people will
find fault with the present situa-
tion, providing some rules are
enforced regulating the animals.
At present the ordinance calls
for all animals to be shut up a f­
ter 8 P. M. but in some cases this
rule is not being lived up to, by
the owners o f the stock, nor is it
being enforced by the marshal.
It would be well for the coun­
cil to pass an ordinance which
would embody the following reg­
ulations:- all cows to be dehorn­
ed; all bulls or bullocks to be
kept off the streets; all horses to
be hobbled; any a limal showing
signs o f viciousness not to be al­
lowed grazing privileges; all bells
to be removed; and strict en­
forcement o f hours.
Much complaint has been made
recently; as in several c^ses gar­
dens have been partially or
wholly ruined. Cows feeding
near wire fences often tear the
wire or netting with their horns.
Several malicious animals are at
large, but these animals could do
little harm if dehorned. While
it might prove a slight bother in
some instances for cow owners
to locate their stock if not belled,
the majority o f the time it is not
necessary. Horses, if hobbled
will not run pellmell through the
streets or alleys, thereby en­
dangering pedestrians or children
or are they likely to start runa­
ways by frightening harnessed
Livestock allowed to graze
under such conditions, would
fare equally as well and the own­
ers would not risk the later en­
forcement o f a herd law, by an­
tagonizing the non-cow-owning
Elwood Rancher Dies
Word was received last Mon­
day morning o f the death of
George Dibble, formerly o f El­
wood. Mr. Dibble had recently
been committed to the state asy­
lum for the insane, as he was
suffering from a serious nervous
ailment, which ultimately caused
his death.
$1. P er Y ear
Corn Delegate honorary Title
About two weeks ago consider­
able stress was placed upon the
importance of Estacada’ s select­
ing a young man as a delegate
from this county, to the Interna­
tional Corn Convention at the
Panama-Pacific Exposition.
Through the office o f the coun­
ty superintendent o f schools and
after consulting with the school
board and others in Estacada,
the honor was offered to Lloyd
Ewalt o f the Estacada High
Ewalt’ s name was sent to
Governor Withycombe, as the
lucky representative from this
section. Ewalt is this week in
receipt o f a letter from the
governor, enclosing an engrossed
and elaborate paper, reciting the
virtuesof the appointment as del­
egate to the San Francisco Corn
Convention, in August next.
Last, but far from least, it re­
cites that this appointment as
delegate is purely honorary, as it
does not carry wLh it any trip to
San Francisco, unless the dele­
gate wishes to pay his own ex­
While being named as dele­
gate may be an honor, it is a
dirty shame that E.valt or some
o f his backers were not advised
o f the worthlessness o f the ap­
pointment, at an earlier date.
Attention—Step High
Just because Estacada is un­
dergoing an epidemic o f cement
walks, is no reason why its good
old plank sidewalks should not be
patched up when necessary. A t­
tention is called to the broken
planks on the East incline on
Main St., also a number o f t>adly
worn ones on Third St. between
Main and Broadway, as well as
spots on upper Main St. and oth­
er places.
The city should have all broken
planks mended and the charge
should be made against the prop­
erty and the owner should pay
the bills. In the case o f side­
walks adjoining non-resident’s
property, no sentiment should in­
tervene in, the mending or re­
building o f these walks. The
city should do the work and send
the bill to the owner.
Estacada has received almost
no help, financial or otherwise
from its non-resident property
owners, with the exception of
the F. R. L. & F. Co. and a few
others and these speculative prop­
erty owners should be forced to
take care o f their property or
pay a fat penalty price for their