Calendar of Meeting Dates Executrix Notice Want and For Sale Column 5 cents per line. Cash in advance In the County Court, for the! Civic Improvement Club. 2nd. ami 4th. Saturday afternoon at C. I. C. Rooms. County o f Clackamas, State o f j I. O . O. F. Every Saturday night, WANTED EGGS. Highest I Oregou. 8 P. M. at I. (>. O. F. HalL price paid at Palace Meat Mark­ In the matter o f the estate o fj Rebeccas. Each 2nd and 4th W ednes­ et. Fred Jorg. IJ. C. Tracy, deceased. day Evening, 8 P. M . at I. O. O . F. I Notice is hereby given by the! Had. EOR SALE S. C. White Leg­ undersigned, executrix o f the es­ horn eggs for hatching. Per set­ tate of J. C. Tracy, deceased, to A. F. & A . M . First Tuesday evening, each month at 1. O . O . F. Hall. ting o f 15 eggs, 75c. Incubator | the creditors of, and all persons! Order of Eastern Star. Third Tuesday 'ots per hundred $4.00. Fertility having claims against the said of each month at I. O . O. F. Hall. guaranteed. Not show stock but I deceased, to exhibit them, with j heavy layers. W. Givens. ; the necessary vouchers, within | Logan Grange. First Satu day in every month at Grange Hall. Estacada. | six months after the first publi-! Springwater Grange. .Second Saturday cation o f this notice to said exe- ] in every mo. th at Grange Hall. FOR SALE C H E A P -P a rt of I cutrix at the office o f Claude W. V. r* ek Grange. Third Saturday in Estacada, Clackamas Eagle my furniture, for cash. See it at I Devore, every month at Grange Hall. once. Mrs. J. W. Antrim ! County, Oregon, the same being Garfield Grange. Fourth Saturday in the place for the transaction o f every month at Grange Hall. WANTED — Regular Butter the business o f said estate, Sunshine Circle. Every two weeks on Martha Tracy Thursday afternoon, Customers. 50c per roll. Executrix o f the estate o f Dorcas Societv. Third Thursday of Call Mrs. Harry Robinson J. C. Tracy, deceased. each month. Central Line. Date o f first publication. Modern Priscillas*. First Thursday of May 13, 1915. each m onth. FOR SALE—Bargain. 4 year Date o f last publication, Currinsville Ladies Aid. First Tues- June 10, 1915. old mare. Has worked harness of each month. Claude W. Devore, and saddle. J. W. McKee Estacada M. E. Ladies Aid. First and Attorney for Estate. Third W ednesdays o f each month Estacada. at 2:30 P. M. W ANT TO B U Y -Y o u n g pigs two to six months old. Phone or write Earl Kilgore, Springwater. Springwater and Portland Automobile Line FOR SALE—Two horses. A. Demoy, Estacada. Leave 1 st and A lder, Portland at 3 P .M . The Misses Irene Paulsen and Flora Johnson are spending a Arrive Springw ater 4 :4 5 P .M . couple o f weeks in Portland, vis­ Daily except Sunday. iting friends and relatives. Effective Thursday, May 20, 1915. Miss Adelphine Wiederhold, j who recently graduated from St Arrangem ents can be made for special Joseph’ s Training School at Van­ parties, Sundays and evenings. couver, spent a few days last week at the home o f her parents E. F. D onahue, Prop. in Bissell. Boring, Oregon. F. V. Tooley o f The Dalles is spending a couple o f weeks in tnis vicinity, renewing O. A. C. college acquaintanceships and incidentally taking orders for the Curtis publications and a novel wrench. G uaranteed Shingles The George Christian Endeav­ or Society report a strong atten­ dance at their recent meetings. B. G. Sigsbee and daughter o f Heppner spent last week at the E. E. Saling home in Currins- ville. The Misses Effie Cox, Nouna Vallen and Ella Bittner are spenling the summer at the homes o f their parents in Elwood. H enry V . A d ix , M . D. Physician and Surgeon Office Adjoining Residence Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can he connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring Dr. L. A . W e lls Dentist Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix Dr. R. M orse Physician and Surgeon Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main S tr. betw een 1st and 2nd Estacada Christian Endeavor. First Monday evening o f each month, at the church. Estacada Christian Endeavor Social. Third Tuesday o f each month. Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Claude W. Devore Aftorney-at-Law and Notary Public Leave Spurlin Store, Springwater, CARPENTERS ATTENTION via L ogan, Bakers Bridge Bids wanted on 24x28 basement form for concrete work. Call at and Clackam as, at 7 :3 0 A ^ d . Progress office for further infor­ Arrive Portland at 9 :1 5 A .M . mation. A. E. White o f Alameda, Cal., after an extended visit among relatives in George, has returned to his home. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Cut from Mountain Cedar Phone us for Prices (Estacada Central) Christian Church Sunday school - 10 A. M. Morning service - 11 A. M. Y. P. S. C. E. - 6:45 P. M. Evening service - 7:45 P. M. All are cordially invited. Frank E. Jones, Pastor, i M ethodist Episcopal Church Sunday school - - - 10 A. M. Epworth League - - 7 P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday - - 8 P. M. There will be the regular i preaching services in the Cur­ rinsville M. E. Church. Sunday evening, June 13th, a t8 P . M. There will be preaching services in the Methodist Church, Sunday | morning, June 13th, at 11 A. M. ! Preaching services at Mt. Zion I on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 3 P. M. j and at Garfield on 2nd and 4 th ! Sundays at 3 P. M. You are invited to attend. C. B. Rees, Pastor. Church of Jesus Christ The meetings o f the Re-Organ­ ized Church o f Jesus Christ o f L. D. S., corner of 2nd and Main Sts., are held every Sunday as follows: Sunday school - 10 A. M. Preaching service - 11 A. M. Young Peoples Meeting ........................... 6:30 P. M. Evening service - - -7:30 P. M. J. F. Wiles, Elder. We make Prompt Delivery Ednah Deming Bittner Plug & Shingle Co. Phone for Appointment P IA N O L E S S O N S Henry Johnson a n d d ;u rh te r Springw ater, O regon Flora of George gave a dance at the Club House last Thursday J. R. Lovell o f Currinsville is evening. Dainty refreshments were served and everyone had a this week erecting an Ideal good time silo on his dairy farm. On com­ pletion the owner will be able to Mrs. Viola Douglass o f Eagle fill it with a fine assortment o f Creek left last week for Port­ land, on her way to The Dalles vetch, com and oats, as he has to visit her son Roll, who recent­ many acres o f these ensilage ly suffered a broken leg. crops now reaching maturity. Garfield, Estacada, Oregon. Veterinary Surgeon E. Smith • Gresham Phone 541 Gresham Estacada, Oregon William M. Stone Attorney - at - Law Office Phones- Pacific Main 405. Hom e A 270. R es.-Pacific 295J. Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Or. Fire Insurance Northwestern Eire & Marine Insurance Co. ol Minneapolis J. W. Reed, Agent Estacada, Oregon JO H N B R O W N THE INSURANCE MAN Oregon Lire Relief Ass’n O f McMinnville. Oregon. Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance. Phone 513 - Gresham Automobile Insurance A Specialty Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE W . A. J O N E S , Proprietor. Good Rigs and Careful Drivers SP EC IAL ATTEN TIO N Given Hunting and Fishing Parties Team Work, Hauling and Packing W o od delivered, any amount or length. TIE SH ED - 10c p e r R ig W. M. Yonce Corona Wool Fat For H A R D H O O F S 12 ounce can - 50c J. V. B A R R Blacksmith and Wheelwright