Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 10, 1915, Image 7

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    News Notes From All Sections
Edgar Heiple o f Alspaugh has j
just completed the building o f;
wire fence completely around his
F. E. Beckwith the Estacada
jeweler, owing to the growth o f j
his business, has rented the store j
adjoining his present q vaters. j
The new store will be well e- \
quipped with show and wall cases1
and will be open all o f next w eek ,!
beginning June 14th.
For the Asking
80,000 Fruit Labels
J. W. Dowty o f Alspaugh, with j
the help o f Dave Hoffmeister, |
dipped his herd o f goats last]
Sand and Gravel
$2.50 per Cubic Yard
Cascade Roofing Paper
$1.25 per 100 sq ft.
Cross Panel Doors
1,25 each
Assortment of Windows
Bargain Prices
New Shipment of Feed Ju.-t Received.
Agency for
Estacada Lumber & Produce Co.
Are You In The Market For A SEPARATOR?
In fairness to yourself, investigate the merits of
Simplex Separator
before you buy.
H. F. Gibson, Agent.
Barton, Oregon.
Miss Rachael Reed o f Estaca-1
da has been spending a few days j
visiting at the H. M. James home |
Word has been received at El-
P. F. Standish o f Garfield re­
in Silverton.
' wood that G. E. Dibble, who was turned last Tuesday from a thirty
Mr. and Mrs. Place and ehild ! 1 taken to Salem for treatment, is days visit in San Francisco and
W e bought before the last two market
o f Portland are spending a couple seriously ill and that little hope other California points. While
j is held out for his recovery. His there he not only enjoyed the
advances and are going to give
o f weeks with Mrs. Harry Franks ! son Floyd o f Walton, Ore. spent
Panama Pacific Exposition, but
o f Alspaugh.
i a few days last week visiting marketed several tons o f Gar­
you the benefit, but our supply
field gooseberries at top prices.
Miss Bertha Swigert o f Iola, i brothers and sisters in Elwood.
is somewhat
Kansas spent a few days last
Mgr. Tom Eaden o f the Viola
Lorenzo Tenny o f Springwater
week at the home o f her cousin. I store has greatly improved the is preparing to install a silo and
appearance o f the interior o f his Earl Shibley will be in charge of
Mrs S- D. Dunlop of Garfield.
place o f business by the applica­ its construction.
Send in your orders now
Miss Maud Sturgeon and moth­ tion o f a fresh coat o f white
Mrs. Maud Graham o f Estaca­
er o f Estacada, returned last paint.
da this week purchased a Ford
and we will reserve what you want
week after a ten days visit at
Walter Douglass and daugn- automobile through the local
t£rs, Mildred and Florice, Mrs. agent J. W. Reed. Mrs. Graham
Roy Douglass, Mrs. Flora Benson and daughter are contemplating
O. O. Bland and wife o f Esta­ and children and Mrs. R. B. Gib­ a trip to San Francisco this sum­
cada left last Saturday for the son o f Eagle Creek, attended the mer.
Mason Jars with Zinc Covers
east, and will visit Colorado and Logan Grange picnic last Satur­
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Farmer and
Pints per dozen
Kansas points. Geo. Copenhagen day.
Miss E. Fitzgerald o f Portland
o f Copenhagen Bros., and fam­
Mr. and Mrs. Moger have a- spent the week-end at the home
Quarts per dozen
ily have rented the Bland home dopted a Bible quiz class at the o f H. Githens in Currinsville.
Half-gal Ion per dozen
for the summer.
Mrs. Jennie Dalquist o f Syca­
which is meeting with great suc­
more and her two daughters are
Extra caps for the above jars, per dozen 15c
W*n. Bard, with the assistance cess.
visiting her mother, Mrs. J. M.
o f Messrs. Lovelace, Foster, Her­
These are the ordinary Mason Jars
Mrs. Roy Douglass o f Eagle Hayden o f Springwater.
and require rubbers.
Creek spent a few days visiting
Roy Alspaugh o f Alspaugh is
er, has greatly improved the old friends and relatives in Oregon
the owner o f a new Dodge auto­
Springwater road.
Supervisor City last week.
Millard loaned them the grader
Many samples o f perfect fruit
Dr. Bertha L. Devore o f Drain,
Economy Jars with patent lids
and their volunteer work has have been shown at the Progress
office lately, including gooseber­ Oregon is visiting this week at
made a good showing.
Pints per dozen
ries grown by W. W. Boner, the home o f her brother, C. W.
A dance will be held at the measuring 3)4 inches in circum­ 1 Devore o f Estacada.
Quarts per dozen
Dodge Hall next Saturday even­ ference, 'and raspberries from the
At the Family Theatre next
Half-gallon per dozen - $1.25
ing June 12th, and everyone is John Marchbank place that were Saturday will be shown the fol­
as big as pigeon eggs.
lowing intensely interesting pic­
Extra Caps for the above jars, per dozen 20c
tures:- 6th episode o f the Ex­
A number o f the friends of
cently returned from a trip to ploits o f Elaine, entitled the
Miss Millie Millard o f Spring-
Vampire; The Pathe News; The
Du fur, Ore.
Police Dog; Animated Cartoon;
water, last Saturday evening
Earl Shibley o f Springwater and the Ford Special. Admis­
Kerr Mason Self Sealing Jars
honored her with a delightful
finished clearing the land ad­ sion free to all Estacada visitors
surprise party.
joining his house and now has it at the afternoon performances.
No rubbers required
Miss Kate Granatzki o f Elwood under garden.
Next regular meeting o f the
Pints per dozen
is spending the summer with her
Last Sunday being Pioneer Estacada Business Men’s Devel­
Quarts per dozen
sister, Mrs. Julia Lund o f Lents. Night at the Estacada Epworth opment League, next Monday
Half-gallon per dozen
The father o f A. D. McMillan League, a very interesting meet­ evening, June 14th. All parties,
ing was held with a good attend­ who attended last meeting are
o f Eagle Creek is his guest this ance. The young people are es­ requested to be present.
Extra Caps for the above will fit any
| week.
pecially invited to attend these
Mason jars per dozen
Miss Martha Standish o f Grand
league meetings.
In order to eliminate the up­
Rapids, Mich., after a week’s
Mrs. Maggie Washburn o f Yak­ visit at the home o f her nephew
hill haul and to give better ser­
vice to that part o f the country. ima, Wash., formerly Miss Mag­ R. M. Standish of Estacada, left
gie Marchbank o f Springwater, for Portland where she will visit
Our Slogan.-
| Tracy & Givens o f Estacada
was a visitor at the Bard home for a few weeks prior to her re­
have established a branch store last week.
turn home via San Francisco.
“ A Satisfied Customer is Our Rest Advertisement”
and warehouse in Viola in charge
o f Frank Cummin. The hauling
C. I. C. Dance
this week for a short trip in
from Estacada to the branch Eastern Oregon, where Mr. Bart­
There will be a dance Friday
store is in charge o f A. C. White lett was called on business mat­ evening, June 18th at the Odd
Fellows Hall in Estacada, given
o f Viola.
under the auspices o f the Civic
Wm. Delap o f Portland was Improvement Club.
Jno. McVeigh, a Portland horse
Estacada, • Oregon.
buyer was in the Eagle Creek dis­ ’«an Estacada business visitor last is invited to be present. Tickets
175c per couple.
trict last Eriday.
Buy Fruit Jars Now