Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 10, 1915, Image 6

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    Estacada Progress
I am an expert ■■■■■■■■
(I ncorporated )
Your check is your receipt
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
It. M. Stand tab,
Editor am) Manager
Entered at the postoffice in Estacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
S ubscription K ates
One year
Six months
in the building of
There is no chance fo r a dispute
over having paid a bill, i f you
Concrete W alks
Septic Cesspools
Fire Places my~ prices
L. H. Burd
Pay by Check
There is no need o f your carrying a
large amount o f cash in your pocket,
if you Pay by Check
It gives a business tone to your
financial transactions, i f you
Thursday, June 10, 1915
Pay by Check
Somtime ago the Oregon City
Those people who have had
Two Outlaws Captured
jokers were having lots o f fun | experience with the specifica­
Beginning with the return o f
at the expense o f Estacada, claim­ tions governing prize contesting the fa ir weather, the local trout
ing that Estacada’s dogs were 1 exhibits at the Oregon State
began to show some interest in
masquerading in .w olf skins and Fair, may have wondered at some
biting and in the past week sev­
netting about $25. per pelt for o f the qualifications pertaining eral fine catches have been made.
to the bundling o f grain. The
Last Thursday evening, W. B.
The laugh seems to have dis­ rules insist that all grain must Simmons o f Estacada spent about
appeared lately, for their entire be stripped and bundled into
one hour in a boat on Estacada
attention is now taken up with j tight bunches, o f about 4 inches lake landing a big rainbow trout,
their own little menagerie, con­ in diameter.
on a No. 8 fly with regulation light
sisting o f a herd o f obstreperous! The object o f this ruling has tackle.
The fish measured al­
Moose and a litter o f Blind Tigers. never been satisfactorily explain­ most 21 inches and weighed a
The county - seaters deserve ed, but the East Clackamas Fair ! little less than 4 lbs.
much credit though for the firm can do a good work by not adopt­
Ray Eschleman o f Estacada on
stand they are taking in stamp­ ing such specifications. There his return from the Cary Hot
are few exhibits handsomer than Springs brought in a 4 .54 lb. trout,
ing out the booze evil.
a natural sheaf o f grain with the which, while measuring only 19
No recent announcements have leaf blades on the stalks and inches, was exceptionally fa t and
been made regarding the Clack­ grain should be exhibited in this I solid. This fish was caught on
the upper waters o f the Clacka­
amas County Fair and the county form. It would be as sensible to j mas.
court have little to say relative
ping all leaves and mounting the j
Estacada Leads Always
to any appropriations to be made blossoms on a stick.
for its maintenance.
County School Superintendent
There is little likelihood now
The Estacada city election is Calavan has made the announce-
o f the East Clackamas Fair get­ over, the candidates elected rep- ment that the school gardens at
ting any county appropriation, resent the choice o f the majority Harmony are the second best,
o f the people. N ow let’ s every- only being surpassed by those at
unless some extra strong pressure one join and unanimously sup- Estacada. It is the same old
cm be brought to bear on the port and give encouragement to storv, “ only being surpassed by
powers in charge o f the money the new officials.
Estacada.’ ’
What do you think o f the 0.
A. C. supplements to the P rog­
ress? A re they o f value or in­
terest to you, as a reader.
An expression o f opinion on
this subject was asked fo r a
couple o f weeks ago, but to date,
little or no comment has been I
The editor o f the O. A. C. sup-1
plements has this week advised i
us that they are contemplating j
doubling the capacity o f these j
bulletins by printing practical1
farm ing stories on the reverse j
side o f the sheets. 1 hey asked ;
the if we would stand the added !
expen-e lor such service. We. !
being willing to try anything
once, wrote them to furnish us|
the full quota o f news, from soup
to dessert; so the readers may
soon look for more practical j
It is a hard matter to obtain an
expression o f public opinion on
any subject in this community,
except where a ballot is taken.
Undoubtedly much better work
could be done from our pulpits,
in our schools and through our
newspapers, if more suggestions
and expressions o f public senti­
ment were offered by the people.
The majority o f the people o f Estacada
and surrounding country are now
Paying by Check on the
Estacada State Bank
I f ROY 0. W Al K IR .
Interest paid on time deposits.
I Pay Highest Cash on Delivery
Prices For
Hogs -
- Cattle
I shall aim to ship a carload of
livestock from the Estacada Stock
Yards at least every other Monday
Stock must be delivered at
yards by 11 A . M . on shipping date.
I shall spend certain days in each
month buying stock through'out East­
ern Clackamas County, and il you
have any to sell, phone to R. M. Stan-
dish at Estacada and he will quote
prices and g ive date of next shipment.
Livestock Buyer.
Anyone can understand and operate a Ford
Extremely simple,
yet absolutely
scientific in every detail. N o need of a
skilled mechanic to keep your Ford running.
Each owner looks after it himself. Doctors,
farmert, business men, men in every walk of
life, enjoy Ford service and economy, for a
Ford costs, on the average, but two cents a
mile to operate and maintain.
Buyers will share in profits i f we sell at retail
300,000 new Ford cars between August 1914
and August 1916.
Touring Car $566;
Runabout $515.
On display and sale hy , . . .
Estacada, Oregon. J . W .
Don’t Throw Away
An expensive granite dish
Because it leaks
A t a cost of a few cents it can be
Repaired and Guaranteed
Bring in all o f your Leaky Tin or Gran­
W are
C . C . M IL LE R
E k c *r t Wiring
Saw Filing