Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 10, 1915, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 8,
N umber 38
2.300.000 0. & C. ACRES
Louis L. Sharp Describes Possible
Mode of Settling Timbered Area
if Government Wins Suit.
University o f Oregon, Eugene,
June 5. The method he believes
should be pursued in disposing of
the 2,300,000 acres within the
Oregon and California land grant,
in case the supreme court o f the
United States should decide-the
pending suit in favor o f the gov­
ernment, was related by Louis L.
Sharp, chief o f the Portland field
division o f the general land o f­
fice, in a recent talk at the State
University. The plan was Mr.
Sharp’ s personal view, not an o f­
ficial one.
“ Generally speaking, I think
it is safe to assume that at least
one-half o f the 2,300,000 acres
embraced in this grant can be
classed as timbered agricultural
land, and approximately one-half
is valuable solely for its timber,”
said Mr. Sharp.
“ All o f the
lands within the grant should
first be examined by a corps o f
qualified examiners and arranged
into the two general classifica­
That portion which is
valuable solely for the timber it
contains should be disposed o f
without any regard to its settle­
ment or agricultural development
and solely with the view o f se­
curing the greatest amount o f
“ The agricultural lands should
be carefully examined and per­
haps sub-divided into farm units
along somewhat the same line as
is followed by the government in
connection with the national re­
clamation projects. These farm
units should be laid out so as to
embrace both agricultural and
grazing lands, and be limited to
not to exceed 80 acres o f agricul­
tural land to any particular unit
and not to exceed 160 acres in
the aggregate o f both agricultural
and grazing lands. A fter exam­
ination and classification a com­
plete record should be filed in
the proper U. S. land office, and
the land be opened for entry un­
der the following conditions:
1. That the entryman agree
at time o f entry to a certain de­
termined plan o f agricultural de­
velopm ent
2. That the title to the tim­
ber remain in the governm ent
to be disposed o f by the govern­
ment and the proceeds applied to
the development o f the land.
3. That the entryman be re­
quired to cultivate all the cleared
portion each year.
E stacada , O regon ,
T hursday ,
J une 10, 1915
$1. P er Y eah
Estacada Resident Dies June 7th
New Officials Assume Office
July 6th
Library Killed; Stock To Ramble
Games and Races Planned
W. J. Emmett o f Estacada died
at 7:15 Monday morning, June
7th after a lingering illness. A
complication o f heart disease and
oiher ailments incident to old
age, being the direct cause o f his
Mr. Emmett was 79 years old,
j having been born in Indiana in
1836. A t an early age he moved
to Missouri, where he remained
until 1875 when he came to Ore­
gon, locating near the city o f
A fter a few years
spent in Idaho and Eastern Ore­
gon, he and his wife moved to
what is now Estacada in 1902.
Mrs. Emmett died about one year
ago and since that time the old
gentleman has been especially
Mr. Emmett was a civil war
veteran, having served with the
Union Arm y.for four years.
♦The funeral services in charge
o f Undertakers Henthorn and
Chapman, occured Tuesday af­
ternoon at 2 o ’ clock at the Esta­
cada Christian church, ex-Pastor
W. Givens officiating. The in­
terment followed at Lone Oak
The deceased is survived by
two sons and two daughters, be­
ing Nathan Emmett o f Portland,
John Emmett o f Drain, Mrs.
Nettie Butler o f Scappoose and a
daughter Ella, residing in the
southern part o f the state.
C ouncilmen
Council Passes Ordinance
The city council last Monday
evening, passed the ordinance do­
ing away with the riding o f bi­
cycles and roller skates on the
sidewalks o f Estacada.
The ordinance regulating the
speed o f automobiles within the
corporate limits was read for the
first time.
More Cement Walks
- Work is now underway by Con­
tractor L. H. Burd with asssis-
tants, Earl Wagner and S. L.
Wilson, building a concrete walk
in front o f the F. Jorg Broadway
property. On completion o f this
work they will construct similar
sidewalks on Zobrist street for
Messrs. Zobrist and Lovelace.
4. That the entryman be re­
quired to reside continously upon,
cultivate and improve the land
for five years before submission
o f final proof.
5. That annual proof o f resi­
dence, improvement and cultiva­
tion be required until final proof
is submitted.
6. That patent be not issued
until the entryman has fully dis­
charged every obligation to the
7. That there be prompt can­
cellation o f the entry for failure
to comply with the laws.”
Mr. Sharp’s idea in using the
money from the sale o f timber to
clear the land for the settler is
that it will enable him to make a
living from the start
At the election held at Estaca­
da, in the County o f Clackamas
and in the State o f Oregon, on
the 7th day o f June, 1915, the
following named persons receiv­
ed the number o f votes annexed
to their respective names, for the
following described offices, to-wit:
I. D. Wright, m ayor,.............. 115
W. •F. Cary,
” ................... 49
Jess M. Bartlett, treas_____ 100
W. S. Pyle
” ........
W. D. Henthorn,
____ 45
Claude W. Devore, Recorder 138
F. C. Bartholomew
” ....... 25
Fred Jorg,
1st ward______ 151
E. B. Byers,
’ ’ ______
S. E. Wooster, 2nn ” ______ 138
A1 Havens,
” ” _______
J. W. Reed.
” ” _______
W. D. Henthorn ”
P. M. Wagner, 3rd ” ..........
J. W. Reed,
A. Morrow,
” ” . . . ......... 4
W. U nderw ood,”
J. F. Lovlace, 4th ” ............ 74
A. Sagner,
” ” _______ 1
Ed Allen,
” ” .............. 2
H. V. Adix,
” ” ________ 1
A1 Havens,
” ” ________ 2
J. W. Reed,
” ” ............. 1
R. M. Standish 5th ” ............
Ed Bates,
” ” ____
E. B. Byers,
” ” ...........
J. W. Reed,
” ” .........
E. W. Bartlett, ” ” ________ 1
Jas. Smith, Chairman
E. Bates, Judge
J. T., Judge
. Wm. Underwood, 1st Clerk
B. R. Kimmel 2nd Clerk
Shall the City Charter be a-
mended so as to permit the levy-
o f an annual tax o f $500.00 to
support a public library? No,
102; Yes, 53.
Shall livestock be permitted to
run at large within the city lim­
its o f the City o f Estacada?
Yes, 93; No, 64.
Much interest was shown in
this election, a total o f 165 votes
being cast, with a fair propor­
tion o f women voting.
Owing to the peculiar wording
o f the two proposed charter a-
mendents, a number o f voters
marked their ballot other than
intended, b:.t the final result
probably was not seriously a f­
The newly elected
should assume their positions
Monday evening, June 5th, but
owing to its being a legal holi­
day, the meeting will be post­
poned until July 6th.
The wishes o f the people hav­
ing been expressed by the ballot,
it will not be necessary for the
new council to take initiative ac­
tion on the library and herd law
measures, so they can probably
begin their official careers with­
out having to antagonize anyone.
The new mayor and council
represent a good selection o f Es-
tacada business men and others
The general committee o f the
Estacada Volunteer Fire Depart­
ment, comprising Messrs. Jorg,
Byers, Simmons, Henthorn, Os­
born, Mayfield and Linn i3 work­
ing overtime completing arrange­
ments to make the coining July
4th celebration, eclipse all form­
er affairs. The celebration will
occur on Monday, the 5th, as
that is the legal holiday.
The advertising committee have
already ordered an elaborate set
o f red, white and blue posters
and have arranged with the P.
R. L. & P. Co:, to advertise the
celebration in the form o f pla­
cards on the fronts o f their cars
in Portland.
The program while not definite­
ly announced, will consist o f
races o f all kinds with valuable
prizes for the winners; ball
games, orations, dancing and
music galore. The Garfield band
o f 30 pieces has been hired for
the day.
Every man woman and child is
invited to come to Estacada and
spend the day, on Monday Julv
i 5 th -
14 Year Old Hero
Word has been received o f the
close call from drowning a few
days ago o f Miss Esther Pierson,
18 years old, o f Eagle Creek.
The young lady fell off a foot log
into a deep pool in Eagle Creek
and but for the heroic efforts of
her 14 year old brother Edwin
and A. Freeman, would have
been drowned. Edwin leaped in
and managed to hold her head
above water in the swift current
until Mr. Freeman reached them.
Aside from a wetting and ner­
vous shock, Miss Pierson is none
the worse for the accident.
Clackamas Has Deficit
Salem, Ore., Jun e4. Thirteen
counties o f Oregon had surpluses,
11 filed no reports, and 10 had
deficits, according to the final re­
port o f the state accountancy de­
partment as to conditions at the
close o f business March 31. The
department passed out o f exist­
ence May 22.
The counties reporting deficits
March 31 were: Benton, $23,-
005; Clackamas, $80,454; Clat­
sop, $318,517; Columbia, $281,-
312; Curry, $11,315; Harney,
$82,533; Jackson, $948,944; Mor­
row, $2991; Polk, $14,329; Kla­
math, $517,309.
vitally interested in the welfare
o f the city. These men will give
the city a business administra­
tion and with the cooperation and
support o f the people, much good
should result.