Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 03, 1915, Image 7

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    News Notes From All Sections'
80,000 Fruit Labels Ready
While they last we will give free with
every order for Fruit Jars or Groceries,
enough of these labels to label all your
fruit for this year.
Buy Fruit Jars Now
We bought before the last two market^
advances and are going to give
you the benefit, but our supply
and we will reserve what you want
Mason J a n with Zinc Covers
Pints per dozen
Quarts per dozen
Half-gallon per dozen
- 85c
Extra caps for the above jars, per dozen 15c
These are the ordinary Mason Jars
and require rubbers.
Economy Jars with patent lids
Pints per dozen
Quarts per dozen
Half-gallon per dozen -
Extra Caps for the above jars, per dozen 20c
Kerr Mason Self Sealing Jars
No rubbers required
Pints per dozen
Quarts per dozen
Half-gallon per dozen -
Extra Caps for the above will fit any
Mason jars per dozen -
Our Slogan.-
“ A Satisfied CusUxner is Our B est Advertisem ent”
Sand and Gravel
$2.50 per Cubic Yard
E. W. Bartlett, of Estacada, is
made defendant in a suit to col­
Cascade Roofing Paper
$1.25 per 100 sq. ft.
lect on two notes, totaling $5140.,
Cross Panel Doors
1.25 each
; filed by F. L. Heylman, of Esta-
Assortment of Windows
Bargain Prices
j cada, in the circuit court. The
New Shipment of Feed Just Received.
I notes are dated June 7,1909, and
January 1, 1910.
Agency for F A N T O N S H I N G L E S
C. C. Miller, wife and daugh­
Estacada Lumber & Produce Co.
ter of Estacada spent last Sun­
day visiting relatives in Viola.
Livestock Shipment Postponed
Country Store Contemplated
Dr. H. V. Adix and R. G.
Owing to a continued shortage
couple of the genial grocery
Marchbank of Estacada have
who visit Estacada and
contracted with L. G. Burd to
each month,
build a ten foot cement walk
shipment next Monday.
report that
along their properties on Main
While a number of growers a company is being organized to
St. and the work is now well un­
had notified the local agent of build and operate a country store,
der way.
stock which they had for sale, to be located in the triangular
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Hurst of not enough stock was listed to shaped piece, at the top of the
Portland spent the week-end at warrant ordering a car for next Springwater hill.
the home of their parents, Mr. week.
While this report may not be
and Mrs. C. F. Hurst of South
Every effort will be made to correct, the merchants of Esta­
i ship from the Estacada stock cada and Springwater would not
welcome such a competitor. If
Chas. Hicinbotham, wife and ¡yards, Monday, June 14th.
daughter of River Mill, spent a | While a postponement of ship- a store should be located at the
few days last week at the home j ping date is a dissapointment to place mentioned, it is not likely
of her parents in Viola and on I the growers having stock on that it would prove a paying lo­
Monday decorated his mother’s I hand, the condition cannot be cation nowadays, although there
grave in the Redland cemetery. helped until such time as the sup­ was a time when conditions would
ply will warrant regular buying have been otherwise.
Mrs. Ed Shearer of Garfield
and shipping.
With the present and future
was called to Portland last week,
Growers having stock are re­ good roads leading into Estacada,
owing to the death and burial of
quested to notify the local agent, with the completion of the grav­
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank V. R- M. Standish of Estacada.
eling of the Springwater hill road
and the opening up of the cut-off
Widely Known Methodist road from the Viola direction,
Mrs. Agnes M. Guthrie and
daughter, Miss Agnes I. Guthrie,
few farmers would be contented
who for the past eight months
Word was received last Mon­ to trade at a store that near to
have resided in Estacada, left day of the death of Dr. Harry the city of Estacada proper, and
last Saturday for Portland, where Kimball at Pasadena, California. many of them would not pass
they will remain a short time and
Many people in this section that way.
from there contemplate return­ and especially in Garfield knew
If the backers of this project
ing to their old home in York,
to invest money locally, the
Dr. Kimball, as he had frequent­
New York, by way of Iowa ly visited at the home of his Estacada Business Men’s Devel­
opment League will gladly help
nephew, S. D. Dunlop.
Mr. and Mrs. Babe White of
Dr. Kimball was one of the them to locate and in some busi­
Viola are the proud parents of a leading Methodists of the state, nesses needed here.
little daughter, born May 26th; the founder and until recently
Epidemic Feared
mother and child are doing well. the president of Kimball College
Coyd Looney of Currinsville
Harry Morgan, who is attend­ at Salem and a greatly beloved this week lost a valuable two
ing the North Pacific Dental Col­
year old Belgian colt, following a
lege in Portland, has returned to
two weeks sickness from influen­
Ask For On«
his home in Estacada for the
za. Everything possible was done
agents for the Samson Sieve Grip for the animal but the disease ap­
The Misses Myrtle and Mary Tractor, are this week in receipt peared to be in a maligant form.
Woodle of Estacada entertained
A couple of years ago an epi­
a few friends at dinner last Sun- of the new catalog, describing demic of this sort was current in
da,, among the guests being that labor saving machine.
Miss. Kittie Reagan of Portland,
This catalog is a work of art this community and many valu­
who spent the week end with from a printer’s standpoint, con­ able colts and horses succumbed.
her parents in Estacada.
taining many beautiful half tone If there is danger of another epi­
| Arthur Schultz of Crawford- engravings, showing the tractor demic, maybe some precaution­
ville, Ind. after a month’s visit working under all conditions.' ary measures can be taken at this
'a t the home of his sister and Copies of this booklet may be had time.
! brother, Flora and Jerome Shultz
| of Garfield, left Thursday for his on application.
Will Play at Chautauqua
At present Harry Reid is ex­
| home, via San Francisco, San
The Barton base ball team,
Diego and the Grand Canyon.
plaining the merits of the tractor
representing the eastean part of
Viola reports a building boom,
the county and comprising play­
which includes new barns being who have asked for information. ers from Barton, Eagle Creek
contracted by B. Tannler and F.
and Estacada, has been entered
Gibb and the remodling of the
Miss Jessie J. Lynch, who for j in the coming Chautauqua series
{Wm. Mattoon home.
the past three years has resided to be played at Gladstone.
The Barton boys will play one
the home of her cousins, Mr.
Mrs. Chas. E. Dubois and chil-
I dren of Estacada are visiting at and Mrs. A. 0. Whitcomb of Gar­ of the fast Portland teams next
the home of her parents in Red- field, has gone to California. She Sunday.
Last Sunday’s game against
j l a n d s . ______ _____
expects to later visit relatives in the Maccabees resulted in a de­
i LOST—Auto chain, large size. the east, but intends to return to feat for the locals, with a score
of 3 to 2.
the coast for the winter.
C. W. Devore, Estacada.