Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 03, 1915, Image 6

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    Estarada Progress
(I n c o r p o r a t e d )
Published every Thursday at
Estaeada, Oregon
R. M. KtandUh,
Editor and Manager
Entered at the postoffice in Estaeada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
S u bscr ipt io n
R ates
One year
Six months
June 3, 1915
I am an expert
mmmmmm— mmmmmnmmmia
Concrete Walks
Septic Cesspools
Fire Places
<v4sk my~ prices
L. H. Burd
There is no chance for a dispute
over having paid a bill, if you
Pay by Check
There is no need o f your carrying a
large amount o f cash in your pocket,
if you Pay by Check
It gives a business tone to your
financial transactions, if you
Pay by Check
The efforts o f a few childless
Last advices from the Oregon
individuals to obtain signers to a
petition to recall the principal o f Agricultural College, as per this
the Estaeada schools are pitiful week’s Progress supplement, an­
and might better be exercised in nounce that Oregon road build­
ers may obtain the free help o f
some more useful service.
If the petition stated that all an expert.
Prof. Skelton the expert, will
tax payers, in the event o f the
principal being recalled, would gladly act in an advisory capa­
have to pay him the ’ 15-’ 16 seas­ city. Questions o f grades, types
on’ s salary, that is forthcoming o f roads for given districts,
on his present contract, probably materials to be used, best means
o f construction and similar prob­
few signers would be obtained.
A few years ago, some o f thej lems will receive his attention.
Estaeada tax payers, believing j This advice is free and the ser­
that the principal o f the schools vices of Prof. Skelton will be in
did not measure up to the proper | demand. Road supervisors in
qualifications, for such an im- j this part o f the country should
port ant office, forced his resigna­ avail themselves o f this opportun­
tion. He subsequently was offer­ ity. To solicit such instruction,
ed and accepted the principal- is not a sign o f lack o f road build­
ship o f the schools in a city many ing knowledge on the part o f the
times larger than
Estaeada, supervisors, but indicates that
where he now remains and is the supervisor wishes to benefit
by the advice o f other experts.
giving the best o f satisfaction.
The Progress hopes to chronicle
To that principal and the pres­
ent one, a Urge part o f the pres­ an early visit from Prof. Skelton,
ent high standard o f the Estaca­ at the request o f one or all o f the
local road supervisors. If it
da schools is due.
Weigh the good results o f the would be advisable to have Prof.
present principal’s work in one
side o f the balance, against the j
few minor and perfectly human
mistakes he may have made, and
this talk o f a recall would be
While there may be some truth
in the allegations aimed at the j
principal, there certainly is no |
one in this town qualified to'
“ cast the first stone” .
Let’s confine our petty jealous­
ies, bickerings and town scraps
to politics, road building and
taxes, but not smatter our public
schools with the mud slinging.
Commenting on a recent arti­
cle in the Progress, regarding
the lax system o f notifying par­
ties to whom warrants are due
from the county; the Oregon City
Courier reprinted the article in
its current issue, under the head­
ing "IT APPE\RS TO BE” .
Judging from this heading, the
Courier partially agrees that the
present system is wrong, but ¡
possibly for fear o f losing county l
printing or advertising, refrains
from further comment. Until)
the county press comes out more
forcibly against some of these
lax methods o f county manage­
ment, no noticeable betterment
will be effected.
Your check is your receipt
in the building of
Skelton hold a “ Question Box”
meeting in Estaeada. advise this
office and we will help to arrange
Have you planted and are you
giving particular attention to
one or more exhibits for the 1915
East Clackamas Fair?
If the need is felt for any
change on the Estaeada school
board, at the next election why
not fill the vacancy with a woman ?
Oregon has voted suffrage, the
woman votes, but hardly cares to
enter municipal politics, but there
is a natural opening for her on
school boards. Estaeada has sev­
eral women who are qualified for
such membership and the board
might be greatly benefited by |
the addition o f a woman’s tact, j
feminine views and common
No was receiv­
ed this week from the following
localities: George, Springwater,
Currinsville, Barton or Alspaugh.
Don’ t blame the poor editor, he’ s
doing his darndest and the cor­
respondents only receive thanks
for their efforts anyway; but
here’s hoping for next week.
Anyone can understand and operate a Ford
Extremely simple, yet absolutely
scientific in every detail. N o need of a
skilled mechanic to keep your Ford running.
Each owner looks after it himself. Doctors,
farmert, business men, men in every walk of
life, enjoy Ford service and economy, for a
Ford costs, on the average, but two cents a
mile to operate and maintain.
Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail
300,000 new Ford cars between August 1914
and August 1915.
Touring Car $565;
Rtmabout $515.
On display and sale by
Estaeada, Oregon.
The majority o f the people o f Estaeada
and surrounding country are now
Paying by Check on the
Estaeada State Bank
UROr 0 . WAI KIR, President
Interest paid on time deposits.
I Pay Highest Ca?h on Delivery
Prices For
Hogs -
- Cattle
I shall aim to ship a carload of
livestock from the Estaeada Stock
Yards at least every other Monday
Stock must be delivered at
yards by 11 A. M. on shipping date.
I shall spend certain days in each
month buying stock throughout East­
ern Clackamas County, and if you
have any to sell, phone to R M. Stan-
dish at Estaeada and he will quote
pnees and give date of next shipment.
Livestock Buyer.
Don’t Throw Away
An expensive granite dish
Because it leaks
At a cost of a few cents it can be
Repaired and Guaranteed
Bring in all o f your Leaky Tin or Gran­
let me
Mend Them.
C . C . M ILLE R
Electric Wiring
Vice President
Jaw Filing