Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, May 13, 1915, Image 2

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On June the First the
2East Clackamas j§>uppltj Cm
Will open Estacada’s new and up-to-date store.
Carrying complete lines in
Mens Furnishings, Ladies Ready-to-wear Apparel, Shoes,
Groceries, Hardware, Notions, Novelties, Etc.
“Ijlimr jSatiafartimi is QDur Success”
The Policy of this Company will be to offer to our customers, at all times, a wide assortment of
up-to-date goods in all our lines,
good goods and the best of service.
Our desire is to make it a pleasure for you to do business with us, from the standpoint of
H. G. Trowbridge,
Amateur Show Nets $36
The combination vaudeville and
moving picture entertainment,
given at the Family Theatre last
Tuesday evening, under the aus-
[ pices of the C. I. C. was well at­
tended and from the sale of seats
Why roast yourself and family over a
home made candies the ladies
Wood Cook Stove all summer, when an
took in about $36.
While the films were hardly up
to the standard, as ordinarily
shown at the theatre, the patron­
esses had to accept such pictures
as were sent to them, regardless
will be cheaper and so much more comfortable,
of the appropriateness of the sub­
you can buy one for about what you would pay
The amateur vaudeville acts
for wood in the next four months.
and musical numbers were extra
fine, with the Misses Helen Bart­
We carry 3 different kinds, in 2 and 3 burners,
lett and Esther Revell making a
big hit as singing and dancing
also single and double ovens.
black-face comedians. While a
black face act is comical, it is a
shame for two pretty girls to hide
A nice assortment of
their faces behind the burnt cork.
The musical numbers comprised
Screen Doors, Window Screens, Screen Wire
a violin solo by Theo Alberg, and
a vocal selection by Mrs. C. W.
Devore, which were heartily ap­
For Sale By
plauded. The orchestral accom­
paniment for the evening was
furnished by Miss F.dnah Deming
Bert H Finch
and Harry Reid of Garfield.
The presentation of a laughing
one act skit, entitled “ A Pair of
Tom Morton of Estacada, as-
Mrs. Olive Baker, daughter of Lunatics” by Mme. Madeline
sistant to hatcher)’ superinten- Joe Keller, is visiting her family Wright & Co. (Co. = Irwin) cap­
dent, Benson, of River Mill, is in in Dodge,
ped the climax and the audience
insisted an repeated curtain calls.
charge of the collecting of sal­
The ladies of the C. I. C. wish
mon eggs at the Eagle Creek
Albert Folsom of Springwater,
thank herewith the many
salmon traps. He now has anout who has been suffering from an to
friends for their attendance and
300 large fish in the traps, and attack of pleurisy for the past especially thank those, who help­
sufficient eggs for this season’s few weeks, is reported to be! ed make the entertainment a suc­
greatly improved.
Buy an Oil Cook Stove
Kuddy l^oast Beef
that looks splendid and tastes better
than it looks. That's the kind you
get at this market. You don’t have
to be an expert meat judge to get it
For we handle only choice
grades and all can buy here with the
same certainty of satisfaction.
Oil Cook Stove
Cash Paid For Eggs
Fish Fridays
Palace Meat Market
Fred Jorg, Proprietor
Phone Main 83.
Estacada, Oregon
Last Friday the entire Spring-
water community turned out with
spades, picks, teams and scrapers
and cleaned up the cemetery
grounds. They graded a new
approach to the road and plans
are being made to divide the cem­
etery into regular sized lots and
hiring a caretaker.