Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, May 13, 1915, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 8,
N umber 34
Elwood Boys Bound O ver
To G rand Ju ry
E stacada , O regon , T hursday ,
D ead Fish A gain P resen t
Fishermen are again reporting
the finding of thousands of dead
trout in the Clackamas river, just
below the Faraday powej plant.
This condition prevailed last
year at this season and was sup­
posed to be caused by a poison­
ous black ant, which the trout
were eating.
Investigation shows no signs
of any black ants in the stomachs
of this years’s dead trout, so an­
other cause must be looked for
and it is more than likely it can
be attributed to some form of
electrolosis in the water’ near the
power plant.
Marshal A. G. Ames with Dep­
uty W. B. Simmons, of Estacada,
last Thursday arrested George
Brown and Matt Jagman of the
Elwood district and brought them
into Estacada.
For sometime past complaints
have been received of cabins and
uninhabited houses being entered
and robbed, in the mountains in
that vicinity. The arrest of Broyvn
and Jagman was on the com­
plaint of Andrew Káne, who re­
cently took up a land claim near
New H igh School Plan
Elwood, and whose cabin had
The patrons of school districts
been rifled, with a loss of many
in Gladstone, Parkplace, Clacka­
mas and Jennings Lodge are cir­
On examination before Justice
culating petitions, calling for a
Devore, the young men confessed
special election to consider the
to having broken into the Kane
construction of a union high
property and consequently the
school, to serve the four districts.
missing articles were returned.
This high school would be lo­
Justice Devore bound Matt Jag­
cated on the present Chautau-
man, aged 22, over to the grand
j qua grounds, on land offered by
jury and he is in jail in Oregon
Mr. H. E. Cross. If the plan is
City now. Brown, who is only
approved, it is proposed to erect
17 years old, after having made
an initial unit of a modern school
a clean breast of his connection
building, the first part to cost
with the affair, was paroled by
about $10,000.
Judge Anderson of the county
If this plan carries, a school
court, under whose jurisdiction
could be built and ready for oc­
the juvenile case came.
cupancy by the coming fall.
In the confession, the boys
named Matt Dibble of Elwood,
C. I. C. Election Results
as having been a confederate in
the depredations, and last Mon­
At a well attended and enthusi­
day, Dibble was brought to Es­
astic meeting of the Civic Im­
tacada to answer the charge of
provement Club of Estacada, at
having robbed the ranger’s cab­
their rooms last Saturday after­
in at Cold Springs of blankets.
noon, the following officers were
At the hearing before Justice
elected: Pres., Mrs. J. F. Love­
lace: Vice Pres,, Mrs. R. H. Cur-
Devore in Estacada, Tuesday af­
rin; Secretary, Mrs. H. V. Adix,
ternoon, Dibble was found not
and Treas., Mrs. R. M. Standish.
guilty of the charge of having
stolen the blankets, as they could
The choice of these popular of­
ficers seems to be a wise one, ex­
not prove the charge against him,
cept possibly the treasurer, who,
although Jagman, when put on
owing to having come in contact
the stand, confessed to having
with nothing larger than an ed­
broken into the Cold Spring cabin
itor’s salary for the past year, is
with Dibble and to having spent
hardly qualified to handle real
the night there, but the evidence
m o n e y . ___
of a confessed accomplice is not
sufficient to convict, unless other
corroborative evidence be pre­
Council R eads O rdinances
At last Tuesday night’s meet­
ing of the Estacada city council,
H ave You Livestock For
an ordinance regulating the rid­
ing of bicycles and similar vehic­
les on Estacada’s sidewalks, and
Buyer Lucke phoned to R, M.
the herd-law ordinance were
Standish at Estacada this morn­
ing, asking that a car be ordered
read for the first and second
for a shipment of livestock next
time. The final reading and pas­
Monday, May 17th.
sage of these ordinances will oc­
All parties having livestock for
cur at the June 8th meeting.
sale, are requested to immediate­
About fifteen people were pres­
ly phone to Standish and arrange
ent at the meeting, who objected
for Buyer Lucke to see them, be­
fore shipping day.
to the herd-law ordinance.
M ay 13, 1915
P er Y ear
High School S tudents Enjoy
A uto Trip
Tw o O f Im portance Locally
In the case of Thos. Yocum of
Garfield,, suing Fruit Inspector
P. F. Standish, A. G. Ames and
the Reid brothers of Estacada
for damages alleged to have been
sustained when the inspector and
attendants sprayed the plaintiff’s
orchard; Judge Campbell over­
ruled the demurrer. This decis­
ion of the court is considered the
death blow to the suit.
On the grounds that the coun­
ty cannot be sued for injuries re­
ceived by an employee under such
circumstances, as in the DeFord
suit for $25,000., District Attor­
ney Hedges secured a dismissal of
the suit. Charles DeFord of Bar­
ton was suing the county for in­
juries sustained at the Barton
gravel pit last Fall.
District Attorney Hedges also
had the conviction of the Sher­
man brothers of Molalla sus­
tained. Deputy Game Warden
Patton of Estacada and Marshal
Ames originally secured the con­
viction of these game law viola­
Nearly every automobile in Es­
tacada and vicinity was commis­
sioned last Saturday, to handle
the Estacada high school athletes
and students, who attended the
county track meet at Gladstone.
If enthusiasm and loyal sup­
port contributed to Estacada s
showing, there was plenty of it
and the students were as happy
as a bunch of lambs in the front
row at a dog shooting.
Oregon City high school won
the first honors, with a total
score of 58 points; Estacada, sec­
ond, with 24 points; and Orient,
Canby, Milwaukie and Molalla
tagging along with 11, 6, 5 and
4 points, respectively.
In the grammar school meet,
Estacada was awarded third hon­
ors, with Orient and Canby get­
ting first and second places.
Estacada’s 24 points were won
as follows: 440 yd. dash, Bartel-
my and Trullinger, lstj and 2nd;
mile run, Ewralt, 2nd; half mile
run, Reed, 3rd; shot put, Wag­
ner, 2nd; high jump, Sarver, 2nd, j
Eight Juniors Suspended
pole vault, Kimmel, 3rd.
In the grammer events, Frank
Somers won 1st in the mile run
culmination of a series
with Homer Sarver 1st in the
of ruptures, disagreements and
high jump and 2nd in the shot
insubordination on the part of the
Junior Class of the Estacada High
School; last Monday afternoon,
The most exciting race was the
Prin. B. F. Ford suspended eight
mile run in the high school meet,
of the pupils.
when Bob Ewalt, representing
For many months past there
Estacada, lost by about 6 inches.
has been much friction between
the principal and about half of
Allen G ets Cold Bath
the members of this class. While
the students may be justified in
During the course of a series
some of their actions, there is no
of water testing experiments be­
excuse for the final insubordi­
ing conducted at the penstocks
above the Faraday power house,
The class had previously failed
to agree with the faculties’ sug-'
last Thursday night, something
gestions as to their commence­
went wrong and C. S. Allen, Jess
ment week exercises, and had
Stubbs and others, who were
finally cancelled their part in the
working nearby, were badly shak­
commencement program, includ­
en up by the burst of water.
ing the banquet to the seniors.
The faculties’ objections to danc­
Allen, who received the full
ing also widened the breach be­
force of the water, was rendered
tween the pupils and teachers.
unconscious, but, aside from the
The suspension included four
cold shock, was soon none the
boys and four girls, all of whom
worse for the accident. A 12
are in a more or less penitent and
foot staging from which the ex­
apologetic mood at present, al­
though the parents are about
periments were being conducted,
divided in their attitude on the
was torn down by the acci­
I subject.
The matter was to have been
adjusted by the school board,
M usical T re a t Prom ised
last Monday night, but owing to
Dont forget the concert to be
delays, no action has been taken
given by the Springwater Choral
up to the time of going to press,
Society, to be helcPat the Spring-
although another postponed meet­
water church, Saturday evening,
ing is scheduled for Thursday
May 15th, at 8 P. M. A fine pro­
night, when it is to be hoped the
gram has been arranged and ice
rupture will be mended and peace
cream will be served after the
will again reign in the halls of
entertainment. Admission 15c. , education.
I and 25c. Children under 10 free. 1