ESTACADA PROGRESS Devoted V olume 8, N umber 33 AUMOBILISTS NOTICE Resume of Road Laws Regulating Travel A speed limit not to exceed 25 miles per hour is allowed on high­ ways, other than in city or town limits. Speed shall not exceed 8 miles per hour, when approaching with- in 100, yards o f a hoise drawn vehicle. Vehicles when traveling in op- posite directions, shall pass to the right. Vehicles when traveling in the same direction, shall pass to the left. An automobilist when wishing to pass a vehicle, shall sound one blast o f the horn as notice. I f room fo r passage is not then granted, three sharp blasts shall be given, and the automobile may then pass at the first spot where the road will allow o f such passing. Unnecessary smoke from an automobile is not allowed on the public highways. For further regulations, see Lord’ s Oregon Laws. Teacher Will Preach Rev. Rees o f Estacada leaves next Friday fo r McMinnville, Or. to attend the district convention o f the Epworth League. A s he will not return until Monday, ar­ rangements have been made for Mr. F. B. Guthrie to conduct the preaching services at the Esta­ cada Methodist church, Sunday morning, May 9th. There will be no preaching services at the Garfield or Currinsville churches on that date. Mr. Guthrie will also attend the McMinnville convention, but will return on Saturday. Garfield Tract Sold Negotiations have just been consumated, which comprise the sale o f 100 acres o f the W. R. Stokes property in Garfield, to a Mr. Henry W u lf o f Portland. The Stokes property consists o f about 140 acres o f the highest improved land in this section, be­ in g largely planted to th rifty young apple trees. The purchas­ er is a capitalist with similar in­ terests in Hood R iver and other points and his investing in this section, is a good indication o f its future. For the time being, the property will be in charge o f Mr. Laing, its present overseer. This deal was handled through the agency o f E. S. Wooster o f Estacada, who is one o f the best real estate men in the county ann one o f Clackamas’ optimistic land dealers. to the Interests E stacada , O regon , Pay Last Respects The funeral services o f Elmer S. Shankland, who died in Port­ land April 23rd, were held at the Estacada Methodist Church last Sunday afternoon, at 1:20 o’ clock. A service had been held in Portland Sunday morning, under the auspices o f the Knights & Ladies o f Security, following which the remains were brought j to Estacada. In the presence o f hundreds o f friends, relatives and neighbors, Rev. Rees conducted the funeral | services, and paid a glow ing tri­ bute to the deceased. The inter­ ment took place in Lone Oak Cemetery. Elmer S. Shankland was born near Quincy, 111., Sept. 9, 1863, and crossed the plains with his parents in 1865, locating in Cur­ rinsville, Clackamas county, Or. He is survived by His wife, two sons, Melvin and Albert and a daughter, Mts. Jennie O ’ Neel o f Currinsville; his mother, Mrs. Nancy C. Shankland. and two brothers, Theodore W. and A n ­ drew W. o f Portland. He joined the Methodist Church in his early boyhood and had been a member ever since. He also joined the Anchor Council, Knights & Ladies o f Security about 15 years ago, and was in­ strumental in the organization’s growth, being a past president. In the deatH o f ElmerS. Shank­ land, the community has sus­ tained a great loss, and the sym­ pathy o f the people is extended to the fam ily in this bereave­ ment. _______ Firemen To Celebrate July Fourth A party o f the P. R. L. & P. C o.’s officials spent last Wednes­ day in Estacada, and reported on a number o f matters o f interest to Estacada and vicinity. The party comprised Messrs. Town­ send Pumphrey, Reinke, Myers and K elly and A ttorn ey Clarence Eaton o f Oregon City. Mr. Townsend announces that the company has granted the use o f the Estacada park, pavilion, etc., to the Estacada Fire Dept., who will be in charge o f this year’s 4th o f July celebration, to be held on Saturday, July 3rd. A more extensive report o f the celebration will appear later. The railway company also made a cash contribution o f $50. to ap­ ply on the purchase price o f a lot fo r the Estacada library. The company is at present cleaning up the Estacada Park grounds, repainting some o f the buildings and generally putting the park in shape fo r the summer crowds. This work is in charge o f L. H. Myers o f Eagle Creek. W hile nothing definite has been decided upon, it is likely that tHe company will Uuild one or more good tennis courts across from the hotel. Mr. Townsend also agreed to contribute $10. towards a fund to install g a r T H IS W A Y TO ES­ T A C A D A signs along the roads between Portland and here. of Eastern T hursday , Clackamas County $1. P ur Y ear M ay 6, 1915 | BOATING ACCIDENT»! ESTACADA Fair Stockholders Plan 1915 Local People Come To Rescue Season Out o f the 636 shares in the Clackamas County Fair associ­ ation, 351 were represented at the annual m eeting Saturday a f­ ternoon in the county courtroom. Judge Grant B. Dimick. C. N. Wait, W. H. Bair, W. W. E ver­ hart, George Randall and George Lazelle were elected directors. Mr. Lazelle is the only new mem­ ber o f the board and he takes the place o f O. E. Frevtag. who is now at the Panama Pacific exhi­ bition as a special representative o f Clackamas county. The di­ rectors will meet within a few days to elect officers. The stock­ holders recommended that Ward B. Lawton be re-elecred secretary o f the association. The directors were authorized to borrow money to pay off the floating indebtedness o f the as­ sociation and to pay one m ortgage which is overdue. The total in­ debtedness o f the association is about $7800 and the value o f the fa ir grounds at Canby, excluding improvements, is conservatively placed at $10.000, The dates o f the fa ir have been set for September 20 to 23 which will give exhibitors plenty o f time to enter their displays at the state fa ir at Salem. The South­ ern Pacific trains will stop at Canby this year so that the walk from Canby to the grounds will be saved by visitors who plan to make the trip by train. A double drowning was nar­ rowly averted last Sunday a fter­ noon in Lake Estacada, only by the the cool headedness and prompt action o f W. B. Simmons o f Estacada and Jas. Freeman o f Portland. A man and woman from Ore­ gon City, had been gathering | ferns along the steep rock banks o f Estacada lake fr m a boat and in attempting to stand on the bow and reach a higher plant, the boat swamped. About one hundred yards from the accident, a party comprising Mr. and Mrst W. B. Simmons, Jas. Freeman and a friend were fishing. O wing to the load in Simmon’s boat it was necessary fo r him to first unload the ladies on a nearny log jam before at­ tem pting a rescue o f the strug- | glin g pair. By the time Simmons and Free­ man reached the scene o f the ac­ cident, the victims were hanging onto the edge o f the nearly sub­ merged boat. When rescued the couple were severely chilled and > the man was too badly cramped by the cold w ater to help himself. The scared pair went to the Estacada hotel, where a fte r be­ ing dried out, they were taken by C. W. Devore in his auto to Oregon City. During the excitement, Sim­ mons lost a valuable rod, reel and tackle, but the man rescued has since made good this loss and with profuse thanks has sworn to hereafter keep away from water. Discussed Vital Questions The Poor County Is Sued Again j Chas. DeFord o f Barton, who last January was injured severe­ ly while at work in the Barton gravel pit, has begun suit against Clackamas county to recover $25,000. damages. The plaintiff is 43 years old, has a w ife and three children, and alleges that ow in g to the in- ju ry to his spine, back and ribs, he is unable to resume his form er work. Y A t a mass m eeting called by the ladies o f the C. I. C. last Monday evening, a representa­ tiv e ' body o f Estacada men and wJ!u*n, joined is a general dis­ cussion o f municipal matters o f vital interest to this community. With Irwin D. W righ t presid­ ing, an impromptu talk-fest was indulged in and everyone freely made their suggestions on such ' 's were connected with ld Estacada library, •*? o f water from Estacada High School Leac Assistant State Superintendent o f Education, Frank K. Wells o f Salem, who last week visited the county schools, reports that the Estacada High School comes the nearest to being standard o f any high school in the county. A few books and a few science instru­ ments represent the deficiency, which stands between the pres­ ent school and a perfectly stan­ dardized one. line. was not as wen uld have been, tnosi • . tive interest in ni lar meetings, if held . an ac­ ’’imi- n every three months, a good thing for the city and its people.