Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, April 29, 1915, Image 4

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Call For Volunteers
The Case ol Jennie Brice
Well Known Local Man Dies
The Currinsville people, head - 1 Word has just been received!
ed by road supervisor, A lb ert. this morning o f the sudden death
Continued from page 3
Kitching, hereby issue a call for o f Elmer S Shanklan 1 of Currins-!
Thnt Thursday prove«! to be an e x ­ volunteers to help on the road I ville at a Portland hospital, last |
are easily distinguished by their taste in
citing day. fo r lute in the afternoon
work on the Alspaugh hill, lead-1 night.
Terry, digging the uiud out o f the cel
ing to the Eagle Creek bridge,
Mr. Shankjand and w ife have
Good Dressing and Tailored Suits
lur. c ame hctomu my misalug gray false
been temporarily living at 595
front near the coal vault and brought all day Saturday, May 1st.
The ladies of the district are Tacoma St., Portland, for several
A sk your Estacada College Boys
It up. grinning, and Just before tl Mr.
Graves, the detective, rung the bell just as enthusiastic about this months past, during the rebuild-
who made their suits?
und then let him self in. I found him improvement and have promised ing of his house there,
In the low er hall looking around.
to serve a fine picnic dinner for
He was taken to a Portland hos-
“ W ell. Mrs. Pitman.'* he said, "has all workers.
Everyone is invited j pital, Friday, April 23rd, where j W e know that most of them are weari .g
our friend come back yetV"
to join in this combination o fjh e underwent an operation forj
"She was no friend o f mine."
work, fun and eats. N otify Al-1 appendicitis and it was a shock j
"N o t she»—Ladley. t i e ’ll be out this
evening, and lie'll probably be around bert Kitching that you will be I to his family, friends and neigh-1 f i o t t l u n J
J i i 'l e t i n t j C o X .
one o f the gang.
j bors to learn of his sudden death i
for his clothes.’'
The Currinsville and Eagle | today.
1 felt my knees waver, as they a I
ways did when he was spoken of.
Creek districts have done a lot o f i Mr. Shankland was about 43
0 R « n ', V j l i i j l i
f/ iu J u
J u ifiu in ij
“ H e may want to stay here.” said ■ good work on the main road and years old and is survived by his
Mr. (¡raves. “ In fact. 1 think that's I are willing to keep on working, widow, two sons, Melvin o f Cur­
just what In* w ill want.”
322 Morrison St., N ear tith
j even after their appropriation is rinsville, and Albert, the latter is
“ Not here*.“ I protested. "T h e very
thought o f him makes me quake.”
If he comes here better take him in
service to everyone.
j Creek.
1 want to know where lie is.”
I At the time o f going to press,
I tried to say that 1 wouldn’t have
him. but the* old habit o f the ward as
Road W ork Not Stopped j funeral arrangements had not
serteel itself. From taking a bottle of
W. Risley o f Oak Grove. |
made- . . .
beer or a slice of pie to telling one
who has recently come into the L ^
friends and nei^h-
where one might or might not live the
lime light as another county court
m .^bls community, express
police w ere autocrats in that neighbor
uood and. respectable woman that 1 exposer, this week had an injunc- ~beir. s!nc®f.e sympathy to the
mi. my ii'*l rhburs' fears o f the front tion issued, restraining the court j aml ^ ln th’8 time o f sorrow,
office have Infected me.
from further road work in th e \
" A ll right. M r (¡ra ve s." I said
county. The law requiring con-'
V a u d eville C om ing
He pii'died the parlor door open and tract work on jobs amounting t o '
The ladies o f the C. I. C. are
looked in whistling
"Th is is the
$1,000. or more, has not been en- arranging for a big show to be
pin* e isn't it V"
forced and has been disregarded, j given at the Family Theatre the
•\es. Pur It was upstairs that he” —
Commissioneer Mattoon Wed- evening of May 11th.
" I see T all woman. Mrs. I.jidle.v?” j
It will be a combination mov­
"T a ll and blond.
Very airy in her 1 nesday stated that the court had
filed a demurrer, which was up­ ing picture show with some of
manner ’*
T h e best family daily paper in the state
He nodded and stood looking in and I held and that work would not be the cleverest vaudeville stunts,
He also fever pulled off and che attraction
whistling. * N ever heard her speak of I brought to a standstill.
and your own weekly paper foe
a town named Horner, did you?”
admitted that the court would | o f the latter entertainment will
"H orn er? No.”
hereafter pay more attention to j be in its local amatuer perform-
“ I see ”
He turned and wandered 1 this law.
| ers. Among them wil be the
out again Into the hall, still whistling
j famous Irwindy & Madliny, clev-
At the door however. He sfop|ted and j
0. 0. Bland of Estacada re-! er musical artists and entertain-
turned. "Look anything tike this?" he j
turned this week from a two ¡ers. Dont miss this treat,
asked and Held out one <»f his baud' i
The Daily Portland Telegram
weeks visit, in Idaho, where he {
with a small kodak pl-rnre on the J
was called owing to the illness o f ' Mrs. C. L. Allen o f FIstacada
his mother.
has been suffering from a serious
If a sum fishot o f a children's
attack of sciatic rheumatism, but
troll'- in a village street with some |
O. W. Twombly o f Garfield re­ is slightly improved now.
onlookers in the bU'kgrontxi
Around j
one o f the heads had t»een drawn a cir­ turned this week from Eastern
The Estacada Progress
Mrs. J. F. Stevens of Myrtle
cle in pencil. I took it to the gas Jet Oregon where he has been en­
und looked at it closely, it was a tad
of A. M. Stevens in Garfield.
woman with a luit on. not unlike Jen­ outfit.
College B oys
Suits to O rder
$ 28.
Special Subscription Offer
$ 3 .5 0
nie Price. She was iookiug over the
crowd, and 1 comd see only her face,
and that in shadow. 1 shook my head.
” 1 thought not." lie said. "W e have
a lot o f stage pi tuivs <»i her. but. what
with false hair and tlieir being re­
touched i-eyouU recognition, they don't
amount to much.” l ie started out and
• topped on tlic doorstep to light a c igar
" la k e him iu if he eonies.” he said.
“ And keep your eyes open
Feed him
well and lie won't kill you!”
I had plenty to think o f when I was
cooking Mr.
supper the
chua e that 1 might have Mr. laid.ey
again and the woman at Horner. F o r
it It'd come to me like a Hash as Mr.
(¡ra ves left that the "H o rn —” on the
paper slip might have lieen "H o rn er."
A fte r all. there was nothing sensa­
tional about Mr. Ladicy's return, tie
cauie at N o'clock that night, fresh
shaved und with his hair cut. Hud. al­
though lie had a latchkey, he rang the
i knew his ring, and I
Thought It no harm to carry au old
razor o f Mr. Pitman's with the blade
open and folded buck on the handle,
the way the colored people use them.
In my left hand.
Hut I saw at once that he meant no
“ \>uud evening.” he said, and put out
his hand. 1 Jumped back until 1 saw
there was nothing In it and that he
only meant to shake bands. I didn't
do It.
I might have to take him In
and make Ida bed aud cook his meala.
but I did not have to shake hands
with him
You. t.*o!” lie said looking at me
To be continued.
$ 3 .5 0
Samson Sieve-grip Tractor
This offer will be in force from now
until July 15, 1915 and may be taken
advantage of by new as well as old
Subscriptions are for one
year cash in advance.
Old subscribers
to T h e Progress in order to participate
in these rates must pay up all arrears
due and the $3.50 in addition will pay
for both papers one year in advance.
Good Only Until July 15, 1915.
Pay at the Progress Office
Does th e w ork of four an im als -
- Costs no m ore th a n three.
Jewelry Stock In Estacada
I f you are in the market for a watch, clock,
silverware or any jewelry, call and see
W e will be glad to show it to you
F. E. Beckwith, the Jeweler
Come o u t an d see it a t w o rk
At Marchbank’s every Wednesday and on
every alternate week, Wednesday
and Thursday
W. R. Reid 4 Sons. Local Distributor.