Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, April 29, 1915, Image 3

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    Jimiuu ui tunny ways. Mr. I It man j "Nothing bur a snap dish ,,„d that
had always read all the niuitlpr trials only ow e."
and used t » talk about the corpus de
—"you took the i lock to the attic and
lietl aud writs o f habeas corpus, corpus put It. say. I d an old trunk."
beluit the leirul way. 1 believe, of spell- I "1 did nothlns of the sort. I weui
lug corpse. Hut I came out of the Lad In. as you sav. and l pur up au ole
ley trial—for It came to trial ultimately
—with only one point of law that 1
was sure of. That was that it is
mighty bard to prove a man a mur­
derer unless you can show what he
And that was the weakness in the
Ladley case. There was a body, but it
could not be Identified.
'Phe |K»llca held Mr. Ladley for a day
X CopyriBht. 1913, by the Bobbs-
or two. and then, nothing appearing,
M e r r lll Company
they let him go. Mr. Holcombe, who
was atill occupying the second floor
front, almost wept with ruge and de-
Continued from last issue
spah when he reud the news in the
I went out. him ! 1 heard liim dose the
pajiers. He was still working on the
door behind me
Them through the <ns'» in his curious way. wandering
door. 1 hoard a great sputtering aud along the wharfs at night and writing
coughing, and 1 knew he had got the letters all over the country to learn
whisky down somehow.
I put the alMMit Philip Ladley'* previous life aud
knife out. as lie had me to. and his wife's. Hut he did not seem to get
went to lied. I was ready to drop any where.
Not even the knowledge that an
The newspn|»ers had been full o f the
imaginary Mr. Ladley « was about to Jennie Brice disappearance, for disap­
commit an imagimir\ crime in the pearance if proved to be. So far as
house that night could keep me awake. could be learned she had not left tile
Mr. Reynolds came in at 11 o'clock. city that night or since, and as she
1 was roused when l.e banged bis door
was a striking looking woman, very
That was all i knew until morning
blond as I have said, with a full voice
The sun on my face wakened me und a langu d manner, she could hard
Peter, in his basket, lifted hi- head ly have taken refuge anywhere with
as I moved and thumped his tall out being discovered.
The morning
against his pillow in greeting
i put after her disappearanee a young wo
on a wrapper and called Mr. Reynolds man. tail, like Jennie Brice, and fair
by knocking at Ids door. Then I went had been seen in the i ’ liiou station
on to the front room The door was Hut us she was accompanied by a
clostsl. and some one beyond was young man. who bought her magazines
“ Lo ok a n y t h i n g like t h i s ? “ he asked.
groaning. My heart stood still, ami and papers and bade her an excited
because of the way ha throws
then ruced on. I opened the door and farewell, sending his love to various
looked in
members of a family and promising U ink about. Then 1 wound the clock,
Mr. Holcombe was on the bed. fully feed tlie canary, this was not seriously put the key under it and went out. '
“ And the key
gone, too!'* he said
He bad a wet towel tied considered. A sort of general alarm
around his head, and his face looked went over the country. When she wa- thoughtfully. "1 wish 1 cou.d tind that
clock. Mrs. Pitu:»in.”
swollen and puffy.
He opened one yotiuger she had been pretty well
, “ So do I.’*
eye and looked at me.
known at the Broadway theaters in
"Ladley went nit Sunday uf.e.noon
New York. One way or another, the
"What a night!” he groaned.
about il. didu t In— and got buck at o ':'
••What happened!
What did you Liberty theater got a lot of free ad
i turned and looked at him. “ Yes.
vertlsing from the case. and. I believe.
find ?*'
, Mr. Howell. * 1 suld. “ Perhaps you
He groaned again. ••Kind!** he said
Miss Hope's salary was raised.
know something about that. '
•Nothing, except that there was some
Tlie poll e communicated with Jen
He changed color.
thing wrong with that whisky.
il nie Brice's people—she had a sister in j "I? ”
poisoned me
i haven’t been out oi Clean. N. \ b u t she hud uot heard years of duuulug hoarders has made
me pretty sharp at reading faces, and
the house!’
from her. The sister wrote—I heard he looked as uucouifortable as if he
S«» for that day ait least Mr Ladle.’
later—that Jennie had beeu unhappy owed me money. “ I!” I knew then
/•ecame Mr. Holcombe .again, and am with Philip Ladley. aud afraid he
that I had been right about the voiee.
! uch accept* -d Ice in quantities. a inns
would kill her. And Miss Hope told It had been him.
<rd plaisfer over Ids -totiuich and con
the same story. But —there was no
"You!** I retorted. “ You were here
siderable nursing Bv evening he was corpus, us the lawyers say. and Anally
i Suudu.v morning and spent some time
better but ailthoiigli lie clearly in
the police had to free Mr. Ladley.
with the Lad leys. I am the old she
Beyond making au attempt to get i devil. I notice you didn’t tell your
tended to stay on. he said nothing
al»out changing his Identity again, and hail, and failing, he had done nothing 1 friend. Mr. Holcombe, about having
1 was glaid enough. The very uame of Asked about Ills wife, lie merely shrug , been here on Sunday.”
ged Ills shoulders aud -aid she hud left | He was quick to recover. “ I ll tell
Ladley was horrible to me.
The river went down a most entirely him and won id turn up ah right. He you all about it. Mrs. Pitm an" lie said
that day. although there was consider- , wus uncon erued. smoked cigarettes smilingly. "You see. all my life. 1 have
able water in the cellaYs.
it takes ail day, ate and step! well aud looked wished for an onyx chick. It has been
time to get rid of that. The lower better since tie had had nothing to my ambition, my great desire. Leav­
floors showed nothing suspicious. The drink. And two or three days after ing the bouse that Sunday morning
papers were ruined, of course, the i the arrest he sent for the manuscript and hearing the ticking of the clock
doors warped and sprung and tJi« j of his play.
upstairs 1 recognized It was an onyx
fours coated with mud and debrU. I Mr. Howell came tor it <m I lie Thurs clock, clainhered from my boat through
Terry came in the afternoon, and to­ jday of that week
an upper window and so reached it
gether we hung tlie «lining room rug
I was on my knees scrubbing the The clock showed fight, but after
out to dry In the sun.
parlor floor when he rang me l>eh stunning It with a chair"
As I was coming in I looked over 1 let liim h i . aud it seemed lo me that
“ Exactly!” 1 »aid. "Then the thing
at the Maguire yard. Molly Maguire he looked tired aud pan-
Mrs. Ladley said she would not do was
was there and ail her children around
"W ell. Mrs. Pitman, lie said, smil probably to wind the clock?”
lit*, «upline. M»Hy wh » baiwiiK out to i „ K. "whiit . 11,1 voti liuti in un- fallai
He dropped his bantering manner at
.Iry « sndtlBii fur mat that had o n e w.heI1 th(.
once.- “ Mrs. Pitman." he said. "I
befit atriiH-d hnuvu und «ray.
" I ’m glad to say that i didn't And don't know what you heard or d d not
I 'vrtit over after breakfast and what 1 feared. Mr. Howell
hear. But I want you to give me a
ehilnifd the <*oat as htdonyiiiR to Mrs.
little time before you tell anybody that
"Not even tlie onyx cm» a 7*
[.adley. Bat she re f list'd to Rive It U|>
I was here that Sunday And
“ Not even tUe clock.” I replied
There is a sort of unwritten law re­ "And I teel us if I'd lost a friend. A In return I ’ ll tind your d o c k "
garding the salvage of flood articles, clock is a lot of company"
I hesitated, but however put out he
and I bad to leave the coat, as I had
"Do you know whnf I t h i n k h e was lie didn't look like a criminal.
my kitchen chair. Bat it was Mrs.
said, looking at me closely. "1 think Besides, he was a frletnl of my niece's,
I.adley’8 beyond a doubt.
you put that clock away yourself in and blood is thicker than flood water.
I shuddered when I thongbt how It
“ There was nothing wrong about my
the excitement and have forgotten ell
bad probably got into the water. And
being here." he went on. "but 1 dou’t
about I t ”
yet It was curious, too. for if she hud
want It known. Don't spoil a good
had It on. how did It get loose to go
“Think hard.’* He was very much in story. Mrs. Pitman.”
floating around Molly Maguire’s yard?
I did not quite understand that, al­
“ You knew the water was
And if she hud Dot worn It. bow did
though those who followed the trial
It get In the water?
to be moved up to the second floor carefully may do so. Poor Mr. Howell!
I am sure be believed that it was only
front, where the dock stood.
a good story. He got the description
C H A P T E R V I.
went in there aud looked around to nee
o f my onyx clock and wrote it down,
HE newspapers were full of if the room was ready, and you saw and I gave him the manuscript for Mr.
the Ladley case, with its cu­
Ladley. That was the last I saw of
rious solution and many sur •eys qunr**e'ed now slid then aud were him for some time.
it was considered ant to throw things" —
Continued on page 4
* - ;* •
G ro c e rie s
A full line of seasonable Koods
always on hand
Monopole Peanut Butter in bulk
Nice and fresh at 15c per pound
Highest Cash price paid for fresh E g g s
Dry fiaads
See our new line of Dry Goods,
Shoes and Notions
new shipment this week of ladies
and misses Low Shoes and
Mary Jane Slippers
I f we havent what you want
let us order it for you
W e need your trade, you need our goods
“ The Quality Grocers”
Waterbury & Chapman
W all
P apers
per roll,
Ceiling papers
10c and up
Bedroom papers
Living room papers
Kitchen papers
Specials Enameled Kitchen or
Bath room papers
50c per roll
Few Remnants and Odd rolls 5c
Oatmeal papers,
30 inch rolls
All Kinds of Rugs and Matting
Furniture Co.
U nd ertakers
$2. a day.
#10. a week
Hotel Estacada
Modern Conveniences
One of the most delightful Resorts
on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
T his
W eek
Colgates T a lc u m
Japanese Cup and Saucer
For only
E*tacada Pharmacy
H " ? - 3 > - m * > 3 ->
Tlie Case of
Jennie trice