Contest Closes This W e e k $ 10.00 in Gold Prizes For the best short Company Nam e - $5.00 For the best short Slogan - $5.00 Both to embody as far as possible the following ideas regarding the NEW STORE , T o be emblematic and typical of this locality. T o imply first class goods only. Guaranteeing prompt and efficient service. Prices defying foreign competition. Stock to consist of complete lines not represented here now. Aiming to supply the needs of the people. T o keep the home money in local circulation. T o build up Eastern Clackamas county. It will be “ your store and your headquarters.” CONDITIONS: - Contestants may submit any number o f names and slogans, but each shall be on a separate sheet of paper, showing name and address o f sender. Contest closes April 30th., 1915. Ad­ dress “ New Store Contest ” - care of the Estaeada Progress. Signed - H. G. Trowbridge, H. V. Adix, J. F. Lovelace, A. E. Sparks. Tractor Demonstration Clean Up • Paint Up Paints for Every Purpose Sherman-Williams Paints in 40 colors, For Inside and Outside Use Pure W h ite Lead and Linseed Oils t For inside Walls and Ceilings Japanese-Oil Stains and Chinamel For Doors and Window Casings Varnishes at A ll Prices For Sale B y * W. R. Reid and sons of Ban- ¡nockburn Ranch in Garfield are highly pleased with the efficiency ! shown by their new Samson Sieve j Grip Tractor. While they have j done little plowing with it yet, it I has proven an economical power for disking, harrowing and gen­ eral farm work. Several parties from this sec­ tion have witnessed this machine at work and another season should see a number of these tractors replacing horse power, besides doing the general work of a stationary engine. Kuddy l^oast Beef that looks splendid and tastes better than it looks. That’s the kind you get at this market. You don’ t have to be an expert meat judge to get it either. For we handle only choice grades and all can buy here with the same certainty of satisfaction. Fishermen And Others Attention! Dekorato and W a ll Finishes Bert H Finch Draws * Estaeada If you want to make a sure catch, regardless of the bait, fly I or spinner used, be present next Friday night, April 30th at the May social at the Estaeada M. E. Church. May baskets, filled with can­ dies, flowers and other dainties will be angled for. Home made j candy will be sold. May games 1 will be enjoyed and a fine pro­ gram rendered, with refresh- i j ments free. You need not bother to bring your fishing tackle, but bring your wife, best girl or friend. A special invitation is extend- j ed to the people of the Christian j | Church to join in this frolic. | Cash Paid For Eggs Fish Fridays Palace Meat Market Fred Jorg, Proprietor Phone Main 83. Broadway Estaeada, Oregon Important Meeting There will be a “ get together” meeting held at the Civic Club rooms, Monday evening. May 3rd, at 8 o’clock, for the purpose o f discussing questions of import­ ance to the city and community in general. All men and women interested please attend.